* Makes possible the web user interface. Allows users to control the program
* using a web browser.
package www;
import definitions.definition;
import definitions.is;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import main.controller;
import main.core;
import org.simpleframework.http.Request;
import org.simpleframework.http.Response;
import org.simpleframework.http.core.Container;
import org.simpleframework.transport.connect.Connection;
import org.simpleframework.transport.connect.SocketConnection;
import org.simpleframework.util.thread.Scheduler;
import script.log;
* @author Nuno Brito, 9th of January 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany.
public class WebServer implements Container {
// title for this plugin
private final String id = "Web Interface";
Scheduler queue;
Connection connection;
public String webOutput = "";
* Serve the requested file
* @param request Provided by this web server
* @param response Provided by this web server
* @param targetFile The file inside our server machine
public static void giveFileDownload(Request request, Response response,
File targetFile ){
// don't give away any folders
if(targetFile.isDirectory() || targetFile.exists()==false){
log.write(is.REFUSED, "Web server is unable to find %1",
// set the type of download
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
//String diskFile = targetFile.getPath();
// get the MIME header when available
//response.set("Content-Type", MimeIndexer.getContentType(diskFile));
// help web browsers know about the size of this file in advance
response.set("Content-Length", (int) targetFile.length());
// define the file name
response.set("Content-Disposition", "filename=\""
+ targetFile.getName() + "\"");
// close our connection after serving the file
response.set("Connection", "close");
InputStream file = null;
try {
file = new FileInputStream(targetFile);
byte[] chunk = new byte[(int) targetFile.length()];
int count;
int pos = 0;
while ((count = file.read(chunk, pos, chunk.length - pos)) > 0) {
pos += count;
} finally {
// close our input stream
// close our response
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WebServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
/** Start our instance */
public void startServer(){
try {
// get the port number
String portNumber = core.settings.read(definition.port,
int serverPort = Integer.parseInt(portNumber);
// launch our server instance
queue = new Scheduler(20);
Container container = this; //new WebServer(queue);
connection = new SocketConnection(container);
final SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(serverPort);
// do the connection itself
// utils.internet.openURL("" + portNumber);
log.write(is.COMPLETED, "Web server is available on port %1 of this"
+ " machine", portNumber);
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.write(is.ERROR, "Error occurred: %1", ex.getMessage());
class Task implements Runnable {
private final Response response;
private final Request request;
public Task(Request request, Response response) {
this.response = response;
this.request = request;
public void run() {
// get what we are tryng to run
String rawText = request.getTarget();
log.write(is.RUNNING, "Web request for %1", rawText);
// do we want a script file or a normal binary file?
// we need to define the concept of root folder that is shared.
int pos = rawText.indexOf("?");
// handle the case when there is no "?" on the path
if(pos < 0){
pos = rawText.length();
// get the file name
String targetScript = rawText.substring(0,pos);
// if it does not have a .java extension, add one up
if((targetScript.contains(".") == false) &&
// this allows pretty URLs to happen
targetScript += ".java";
// do we just want to serve a file?
File file = new File(core.getPluginsFolder(), rawText);
WebServer.giveFileDownload(request, response, file);
File scriptFile = new File(core.getPluginsFolder(), targetScript);
File scriptFolder = scriptFile.getParentFile();
// exit if a file was not found
if(scriptFile.exists() == false){
log.write(is.NOTFOUND, "Web request file was not found: %1",
String scriptMethod =
utils.internet.getHTMLparameter(request, is.methodExecute);
// if(scriptMethod.equals("start")){
// System.err.println("Listing all parameters:");
// utils.internet.getHTMLparameters(request);
// }
WebRequest newRequest = new WebRequest();
newRequest.requestType = RequestType.UNKNOWN;
newRequest.requestOrigin = RequestOrigin.BROWSER;
newRequest.BaseFolder = scriptFolder;
newRequest.scriptFile = scriptFile;
newRequest.scriptFolder = scriptFolder;
newRequest.scriptMethod = scriptMethod;
newRequest.requestSimple = request;
newRequest.responseSimple = response;
// add the parameters
try {
Set<String> keyset;
keyset = keyset = request.getForm().keySet();
for(String key : keyset) {
//String key = part.getName();
String value = request.getParameter(key);
// System.err.println(key + "-->" + value);
newRequest.addParameter(key, value);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WebServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// http://localhost:10101/createspdx/CreateSPDX.java?method=showTools¶ms=1234
// String address = request.getAddress().getPath().toString();
// System.err.println("WS002 - " + address);
// if(address.equals("/log")){
// body.println(doHeaderAndBodyAutoRefresh());
// ArrayList<LogEntry> entries = log.getList();
// if(entries.isEmpty()){
// String temp =
// "<xmp>"
// + "</xmp>"
// + "<tt>"
// + "</tt>"
// ;
// body.println(temp);
// }
// body.println("<div style=\"width: 100%;\"><tt>");
// // getMessage only the last 20 entries
// int count = (entries.size()>21) ? entries.size() - 20 : 1;
// for(int i = count; i <= entries.size(); i++){
// LogEntry entry = entries.get(i-1);
// String output = entry.getMessage() + "<br>";
// output = output.replace("\n", "\n<br>");
// if(entry.getResult() != is.EXTRA){
// output = entry.getTimeReadable() + " " + output;
// }
// //+ "<br>";
// body.println(output);
// }
// body.println("</tt></div>");
// body.close();
// response.close();
// return;
// }
// body.println("<iframe name=\"iframeName\" src=\"/log\" width=\"100%\" "
// + "onload=\"document.title=this.contentWindow.document.title;\" "
// + "height=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\" "
// + "align=\"left\" "
// + "scrolling=\"no\""
// + " onload=\"document.title=parent.frames['iframeName'].document.title;\""
// + "></iframe><br><br>");
// // all done
// body.close();
// // close our connection after serving the text
// //response.set("Connection", "close");
// response.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// Logger.getLogger(WebServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// }
public void handle(Request rqst, Response rspns) {
Task task = new Task(rqst, rspns);