svn checkout triplecheck-code

File Date Author Commit
powered-by-twitter4j-138x30.gif 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
powered-by-twitter4j-138x30.png 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
powered-by-twitter4j-border-138x30.gif 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
powered-by-twitter4j-border-138x30.png 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
powered-by-twitter4j.graffle 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
powered-by-twitter4j.psd 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
readme-ja.txt 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing
readme.txt 2013-12-15 nunobrito [r5] - Version 0.3 is close to ready for publishing

Read Me

Any service, aplication using Twitter4J can embed the following BSD licensed "powered by" logo. It is suggested to link the badge to "" without "en/".

HTML code snippets:
- borderless
<a href=""><img src="./images/powered-by-twitter4j-138x30.png" border="0" width="122" height="30"></a>

- without border
<a href=""><img src="./images/powered-by-twitter4j-border-138x30.png" border="0" width="122" height="30"></a>

- borderless
<a href=""><img src="./images/powered-by-twitter4j-138x30.gif" border="0" width="122" height="30"></a>

- with border
<a href=""><img src="./images/powered-by-twitter4j-border-138x30.gif" border="0" width="122" height="30"></a>