Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/tool/src/main/actions.java
+++ b/tool/src/main/actions.java
@@ -13,22 +13,41 @@
 package main;
+import GUI.NodeType;
+import GUI.TreeNodeSPDX;
+import GUI.swingUtils;
+import static GUI.swingUtils.nodeCreate;
 import definitions.is;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.logging.Level;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import javax.swing.JTree;
 import script.log;
 import spdxlib.SPDXfile;
+import static utils.files.findFilesFiltered;
 public class actions {
+    /**
+     * This method adds up all the licenses found on the licenses folder
+     */
+    public static void addLicenses(){
+        File folder = new File(core.getWorkFolder(), "licenses");
+        ArrayList<File> files = utils.files.findFilesFiltered(folder, ".java", 2);
+        for(File file : files){
+            core.script.runJava(file, null, is.license);
+        }
+    }
      * Find all files within a given folder, return the respective
      * details such as hashes and other details relevant for SPDX processing
      * @param folder The folder location where we will look for SPDX files
+     * @return 
     public static ArrayList<SPDXfile> findSPDX(File folder){
         // only find the SPDX documents with .SPDX extension
@@ -65,16 +84,231 @@
         return list;
+     /**
+     * This is a critical method. It will look for all SPDX files inside a given
+     * folder and them as tree nodes
+     * @param tree 
+     */
+    public static void addTreeSPDX(JTree tree) {
+        // only find the SPDX documents with .SPDX extension
+        ArrayList<File> fileList = utils.files
+                .findFilesFiltered(core.getProductsFolder(), ".spdx", 25);
+        if(fileList.isEmpty()){
+            // no need to continue, just leave here
+            return;
+        }
+        // get the root node where we have our treeview
+        TreeNodeSPDX rootNode = swingUtils.getRootNode(tree);
+         // create the node for hosting our list of SPDX documents
+        TreeNodeSPDX softwareNode = nodeCreate(
+                "Software"
+                        //+ " (" + fileList.size() + ")"
+                , NodeType.other, rootNode);
+        // add the identification to this tag
+        softwareNode.id = "Software";
+        softwareNode.setIcon("box-label.png");
+        // create a tree based on folder tree on disk
+        findFolders(core.getProductsFolder(), 25, softwareNode);
+    }
-     * This method adds up all the licenses found on the licenses folder
-     */
-    public static void addLicenses(){
-        File folder = new File(core.getWorkFolder(), "licenses");
-        ArrayList<File> files = utils.files.findFilesFiltered(folder, ".java", 2);
-        for(File file : files){
-            core.script.runJava(file, null, is.license);
-        }
-    }
+     * Find all subfolders in a given folder.
+     * @param where A file object of the start folder
+     * @param maxDeep How deep is the crawl allowed to proceed
+     * @param rootNode
+//     * @return An array containing all the found files, returns null if none is
+//     * found
+     * @return the number of relevant children that should be accounted
+     */
+     public static int findFolders(File where, int maxDeep
+             , TreeNodeSPDX rootNode){
+        // get a list of the current files on this folder 
+        File[] files = where.listFiles();
+        // we use this for counting files that were added
+        int count = 0;
+        // go through all the files/folders that were listed
+        if(files != null)
+        for (File file : files) {
+          // only accept folders, ignore files  
+          if ( (file.isDirectory())
+             &&( maxDeep-1 > 0 ) ){
+              String folderName = file.getName();
+              // ignore SVN folders
+              if(folderName.equals(".svn")){
+                  continue;
+              }
+              // create a new node for the current folder
+              TreeNodeSPDX node = new TreeNodeSPDX(folderName);
+              node.setIcon("folder-horizontal.png");
+              node.setIconWhenSelected("folder-horizontal-open.png");
+              node.nodeType = NodeType.folder;
+              node.id = folderName;
+              // we want to track if something new was added
+              int oldCount = count;
+              // do the recursive crawling
+              count += findFolders(file, maxDeep-1, node);
+              // only add this node if we found something interesting there
+              if(count > oldCount){
+                // add the node as a child of the root node
+                rootNode.add(node);
+              }
+          }
+          // perhaps we can add this file if it is an SPDX?
+          if(file.isFile()){
+              String fileName = file.getName();
+              // we only want files with an SPDX extension
+              if(file.getName().endsWith(".spdx")==false){
+                  continue;
+              }
+              // we don't generic SPDX files here
+              if(file.getName().endsWith("-info.spdx")){
+                  continue;
+              }
+              // create the new node
+              TreeNodeSPDX node = new TreeNodeSPDX(fileName);
+              node.setIcon("box.png");
+              node.nodeType = NodeType.SPDX;
+              node.id = fileName;
+              // set here what we want to happen when the user clicks on it
+              File scriptFile = new File(core.getPluginsFolder(), "/spdx/show.java");
+              node.scriptFile = scriptFile;
+              node.scriptFolder = scriptFile.getParentFile();
+              node.scriptMethod = "summary";
+              // create the correct parameters
+              String relativePath = 
+                      file.getAbsolutePath().replace(core.getProductsFolder().getAbsolutePath(), "");
+              node.scriptParameters.add(new String[]{param.spdx, relativePath});
+              // add it up
+              rootNode.add(node);
+              count++;
+          }
+        }
+        //  how many files were found here?
+        rootNode.setCounter(count);
+        return count;
+      }
+     /**
+     * This is a critical method. It will look for all SPDX files inside a given
+     * folder and them as tree nodes
+     * @param tree 
+     */
+    public static void addTreeSPDXOld(JTree tree) {
+        // only find the SPDX documents with .SPDX extension
+        ArrayList<File> initialFileList = utils.files
+                .findFilesFiltered(core.getProductsFolder(), ".spdx", 25);
+        if(initialFileList.isEmpty()){
+            // no need to continue, just leave here
+            return;
+        }
+        // this is used for filtering duplicate folders in the initial indexing
+        ArrayList<File> tempFolderList = new ArrayList();
+        // where are our spdx files stored?
+        String baseFolder = core.getProductsFolder().getAbsolutePath();
+        // get the root node where we have our treeview
+        TreeNodeSPDX rootNode = swingUtils.getRootNode(tree);
+        // where we place all results after being filtered
+        ArrayList<File> fileList = new ArrayList();
+        // iterate all files in our array that were found as products
+        for(File file: initialFileList){
+            // now we need to filter what we don't want to have in our array
+            String filename = file.getName();
+            // we don't need SVN files, ignore them completely
+            if(filename.endsWith(".svn-base")){
+                continue;
+            }
+            // add this file to our final list
+            fileList.add(file);
+            // now take care of the folder where this file was placed
+            // get only the folder base, be careful with path separators here
+            String folderName = file.getParent().replace(baseFolder, "");
+            // no need to add in case the folder is the root
+            if(folderName.isEmpty()){
+                continue;
+            }
+            File folder = file.getParentFile();
+            // no need to continue in case this folder was already added before
+            if(tempFolderList.contains(folder)){
+                continue;
+            }
+            // add it up
+            tempFolderList.add(folder);
+        }
+         // create the node for hosting our list of SPDX documents
+        TreeNodeSPDX softwareNode = nodeCreate(
+                "Software (" + fileList.size() + ")"
+                , NodeType.other, rootNode);
+        // add the identification to this tag
+        softwareNode.id = "Software";
+        softwareNode.setIcon("box.png");
+        // we need to map a list of spdx folders and files
+        HashMap<File, TreeNodeSPDX> folderList = new HashMap();
+        // first pass to add up all nodes and folders
+        for(File folder : tempFolderList){
+            TreeNodeSPDX node = new TreeNodeSPDX(folder.getName());
+            node.setIcon("envelope.png");
+            folderList.put(folder, node);
+        }
+        // second pass to add them all up on the tree view
+        for(File folder : folderList.keySet()){
+            TreeNodeSPDX node = folderList.get(folder);
+            softwareNode.add(node);
+        }
+        //System.exit(-1981);
+    }  
+//        // iterate through the final list, build the folder list, add tree nodes
+//        for(File file: fileList){
+//            // get only the folder base, be careful with path separators here
+//            String folderName = file.getParent().replace(baseFolder, "");
+//            // no need to add in case the folder is the root
+//            if(folderName.isEmpty()){
+//                continue;
+//            }
+//            // no need to continue in case this folder was already added before
+//            if(folderList.containsKey(folderName)){
+//                continue;
+//            }
+//            String simpleFolderName = file.getParentFile().getName();
+//            // create the node for hosting our list of SPDX documents
+//            TreeNodeSPDX node = nodeCreate(
+//                    simpleFolderName // get the normal name (no path components)
+//                    , NodeType.folder // just a normal folder
+//                    , rootNode); // add 
+//        // add the identification to this tag
+//        softwareNode.id = "";
+//            // build up our list of folders
+//            System.err.println(folderName);
+//            folderList.put(folderName, rootNode);
+//        }             