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--- a
+++ b/unity_recoll_daemon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- mode: python; python-indent: 2 -*-
+# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.  2013 Jean-Francois Dockes
+# Contact: Jean-Francois Dockes <jfd@recoll.org>
+# GPLv3
+import os
+import gettext
+import locale
+import sys
+import time
+import urllib.parse
+import hashlib
+import subprocess
+from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Gio
+from gi.repository import Accounts, Signon
+from gi.repository import GData
+from gi.repository import Unity
+  from recoll import rclconfig
+  hasrclconfig = True
+  hasrclconfig = False
+# As a temporary measure, we also look for rclconfig as a bare
+# module. This is so that the intermediate releases of the lens can
+# ship and use rclconfig.py with the lens code
+if not hasrclconfig:
+  try:
+    import rclconfig
+    hasrclconfig = True
+  except:
+    pass
+  from recoll import recoll
+  from recoll import rclextract
+  hasextract = True
+  import recoll
+  hasextract = False
+APP_NAME = "unity-scope-recoll"
+LOCAL_PATH = "/usr/share/locale/"
+gettext.bindtextdomain(APP_NAME, LOCAL_PATH)
+_ = gettext.gettext
+GROUP_NAME = 'org.recoll.Unity.Scope.File.Recoll'
+UNIQUE_PATH = '/org/recoll/unity/scope/file/recoll'
+SEARCH_HINT = _('Search Recoll index')
+NO_RESULTS_HINT = _('Sorry, there are no documents in the Recoll index that match your search.')
+PROVIDER_CREDITS = _('Powered by Recoll')
+SVG_DIR = '/usr/share/icons/unity-icon-theme/places/svg/'
+PROVIDER_ICON = SVG_DIR+'service-recoll.svg'
+c0 = {'id': 'global',
+      'name': _('File & Folders'),
+      'icon': SVG_DIR + 'group-installed.svg',
+      'renderer': Unity.CategoryRenderer.VERTICAL_TILE}
+c1 = {'id': 'recent',
+      'name': _('Recent'),
+      'icon': SVG_DIR + 'group-installed.svg',
+      'renderer': Unity.CategoryRenderer.VERTICAL_TILE}
+c2 = {'id': 'download',
+      'name': _('Download'),
+      'icon': SVG_DIR + 'group-folders.svg',
+      'renderer': Unity.CategoryRenderer.VERTICAL_TILE}
+c3 = {'id': 'folders',
+      'name': _('Folders'),
+      'icon': SVG_DIR + 'group-folders.svg',
+      'renderer': Unity.CategoryRenderer.VERTICAL_TILE}
+CATEGORIES = [c0, c1, c2, c3]
+    "documents" : "rclcat:message rclcat:spreadsheet rclcat:text",
+    "folders" : "mime:inode/directory", 
+    "images" : "rclcat:media", 
+    "audio":"rclcat:media", 
+    "videos":"rclcat:media",
+    "presentations" : "rclcat:presentation",
+    "other":"rclcat:other",
+    }
+# Icon names for some recoll mime types which don't have standard icon
+# by the normal method. Some keys are actually icon names, not mime types
+SPEC_MIME_ICONS = {'application/x-fsdirectory' : 'gnome-fs-directory',
+                   'inode/directory' : 'gnome-fs-directory',
+                   'message/rfc822' : 'emblem-mail',
+                   'message-rfc822' : 'emblem-mail',
+                   'application/x-recoll' : 'recoll'}
+# Truncate results here:
+# Where the thumbnails live:
+XDGCACHE = os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_DIR', os.path.expanduser("~/.cache"))
+THUMBDIRS = [os.path.join(XDGCACHE, "thumbnails"),
+             os.path.expanduser("~/.thumbnails")]
+def url_encode_for_thumb(in_s, offs):
+  h = b"0123456789ABCDEF"
+  out = in_s[:offs]
+  for i in range(offs, len(in_s)):
+    c = in_s[i]
+    if c <= 0x20 or c >= 0x7f or in_s[i] in b'"#%;<>?[\\]^`{|}':
+      out += bytes('%', 'ascii');
+      out += bytes(chr(h[(c >> 4) & 0xf]), 'ascii')
+      out += bytes(chr(h[c & 0xf]), 'ascii')
+    else:
+      out += bytes(chr(c), 'ascii')
+      pass
+  return out
+def _get_thumbnail_path(url):
+    """Look for a thumbnail for the input url, according to the
+    freedesktop thumbnail storage standard. The input 'url' always
+    begins with file:// and is binary. We encode it properly
+    and compute the path inside the thumbnail storage
+    directory. We return the path only if the thumbnail does exist
+    (no generation performed)"""
+    global THUMBDIRS
+    # Compute the thumbnail file name by encoding and hashing the url string
+    try:
+      url = url_encode_for_thumb(url, 7)
+    except Exception as msg:
+        print("_get_thumbnail_path: url encode failed: %s" % msg, 
+              file=sys.stderr)
+        return ""
+    #print("_get_thumbnail: encoded path: [%s]" % url, file=sys.stderr)
+    thumbname = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest() + ".png"
+    # If the "new style" directory exists, we should stop looking in
+    # the "old style" one (there might be interesting files in there,
+    # but they may be stale, so it's best to not touch them). We do
+    # this semi-dynamically so that we catch things up if the
+    # directory gets created while we are running.
+    if os.path.exists(THUMBDIRS[0]):
+    # Check in appropriate directories to see if the thumbnail file exists
+    #print("_get_thumbnail: thumbname: [%s]" % thumbname, file=sys.stderr)
+    for topdir in THUMBDIRS:
+        for dir in ("large", "normal"): 
+            tpath = os.path.join(topdir, dir, thumbname)
+            #print("Testing [%s]" % (tpath,), file=sys.stderr)
+            if os.path.exists(tpath):
+                return tpath
+    return ""
+class RecollScopePreviewer(Unity.ResultPreviewer):
+  def do_run(self):
+    icon = Gio.ThemedIcon.new(self.result.icon_hint)
+    preview = Unity.GenericPreview.new(self.result.title, 
+                                       self.result.comment.strip(), icon)
+    view_action = Unity.PreviewAction.new("open", _("Open"), None)
+    preview.add_action(view_action)
+    show_action = Unity.PreviewAction.new("show", _("Show in Folder"), None)
+    preview.add_action(show_action)
+    return preview
+class RecollScope(Unity.AbstractScope):
+  __g_type_name__ = "RecollScope"
+  def __init__(self):
+    super(RecollScope, self).__init__()
+    self.search_in_global = True;
+    lng, self.localecharset = locale.getdefaultlocale()
+  def do_get_search_hint (self):
+    return SEARCH_HINT
+  def do_get_schema (self):
+    #print("RecollScope: do_get_schema", file=sys.stderr)
+    schema = Unity.Schema.new ()
+      for m in EXTRA_METADATA:
+        schema.add_field(m['id'], m['type'], m['field'])
+    #FIXME should be REQUIRED for credits
+    schema.add_field('provider_credits', 's', 
+                     Unity.SchemaFieldType.OPTIONAL)
+    return schema
+  def do_get_categories(self):
+    #print("RecollScope: do_get_categories", file=sys.stderr)
+    cs = Unity.CategorySet.new ()
+      for c in CATEGORIES:
+        cat = Unity.Category.new (c['id'], c['name'],
+                                  Gio.ThemedIcon.new(c['icon']),
+                                  c['renderer'])
+        cs.add (cat)
+    return cs
+  def do_get_filters(self):
+    #print("RecollScope: do_get_filters", file=sys.stderr)
+    filters = Unity.FilterSet.new()
+    f = Unity.RadioOptionFilter.new(
+      "modified", _("Last modified"),     
+      Gio.ThemedIcon.new("input-keyboard-symbolic"), False)
+    f.add_option ("last-7-days", _("Last 7 days"), None)
+    f.add_option ("last-30-days", _("Last 30 days"), None)
+    f.add_option ("last-year", _("Last year"), None);
+    filters.add(f)
+    f2 = Unity.CheckOptionFilter.new (
+      "type", _("Type"), Gio.ThemedIcon.new("input-keyboard-symbolic"), False)
+    f2.add_option ("documents", _("Documents"), None)
+    f2.add_option ("folders", _("Folders"), None)
+    f2.add_option ("images", _("Images"), None)
+    f2.add_option ("audio", _("Audio"), None)
+    f2.add_option ("videos", _("Videos"), None)
+    f2.add_option ("presentations", _("Presentations"), None)
+    f2.add_option ("other", _("Other"), None)
+    filters.add (f2)
+    f3 = Unity.MultiRangeFilter.new (
+      "size", _("Size"), Gio.ThemedIcon.new("input-keyboard-symbolic"), False)
+    f3.add_option ("1kb", _("1KB"), None)
+    f3.add_option ("100kb", _("100KB"), None)
+    f3.add_option ("1mb", _("1MB"), None)
+    f3.add_option ("10mb", _("10MB"), None)
+    f3.add_option ("100mb", _("100MB"), None)
+    f3.add_option ("1gb", _("1GB"), None)
+    f3.add_option (">1gb", _(">1GB"), None)
+    filters.add (f3)
+    return filters
+  def do_get_group_name(self):
+    return GROUP_NAME
+  def do_get_unique_name(self):
+    return UNIQUE_PATH
+  def do_create_search_for_query(self, search_context):
+    #print("RecollScope: do_create_search_for query", file=sys.stderr)
+    return RecollScopeSearch(search_context)
+  def do_activate(self, result, metadata, id):
+    print("RecollScope: do_activate. id [%s] uri [%s]" % (id, result.uri), 
+          file=sys.stderr)
+    if id == 'show':
+      os.system("nautilus '%s'" % str(result.uri))
+      return Unity.ActivationResponse(handled=Unity.HandledType.HIDE_DASH,
+                                      goto_uri=None)
+    else:
+      uri = result.uri
+      # Pass all uri without fragments to the desktop handler
+      if uri.find("#") == -1:
+        return Unity.ActivationResponse(handled=Unity.HandledType.NOT_HANDLED,
+                                         goto_uri=uri)
+      # Pass all others to recoll
+      proc = subprocess.Popen(["recoll", uri])
+      ret = Unity.ActivationResponse(handled=Unity.HandledType.HIDE_DASH,
+                                     goto_uri=None)
+      return ret
+  def do_create_previewer(self, result, metadata):
+    #print("RecollScope: do_create_previewer", file=sys.stderr)
+    previewer = RecollScopePreviewer()
+    previewer.set_scope_result(result)
+    previewer.set_search_metadata(metadata)
+    return previewer
+class RecollScopeSearch(Unity.ScopeSearchBase):
+  __g_type_name__ = "RecollScopeSearch"
+  def __init__(self, search_context):
+    super(RecollScopeSearch, self).__init__()
+    self.set_search_context(search_context)
+    self.max_results = MAX_RESULTS
+    if hasrclconfig:
+      self.config = rclconfig.RclConfig()
+      try:
+        self.max_results = int(self.config.getConfParam("unityscopemaxresults"))
+      except:
+        pass
+  def connect_db(self):
+    #print("RecollScopeSearch: connect_db", file=sys.stderr)
+    self.db = None
+    dblist = []
+    if hasrclconfig:
+      extradbs = rclconfig.RclExtraDbs(self.config)
+      dblist = extradbs.getActDbs()
+    try:
+      self.db = recoll.connect(extra_dbs=dblist)
+      self.db.setAbstractParams(maxchars=200, contextwords=4)
+    except Exception as s:
+      print("RecollScope: Error connecting to db: %s" % s, file=sys.stderr)
+      return
+  def do_run(self):
+    #print("RecollScopeSearch: do_run", file=sys.stderr)
+    context = self.search_context
+    filters = context.filter_state
+    search_string = context.search_query.strip()
+    if not search_string or search_string is None:
+      return
+    result_set = context.result_set
+    # Get the list of documents
+    is_global = context.search_type == Unity.SearchType.GLOBAL
+    self.connect_db()
+    # We do not want filters to effect global results
+    catgf = ""
+    datef = ""
+    if not is_global:
+      catgf = self.catg_filter(filters)
+      datef = self.date_filter(filters)
+      sizef = self.size_filter(filters)
+      search_string = " ".join((search_string, catgf, datef, sizef))
+    else:
+      print("RecollScopeSearch: GLOBAL", file=sys.stderr)
+    # Do the recoll thing
+    try:
+      query = self.db.query()
+      nres = query.execute(search_string)
+    except Exception as msg:
+      print("recoll query execute error: %s" % msg, file=sys.stderr)
+      return
+    print("RecollScopeSearch::do_run: [%s] -> %d results" % 
+          (search_string, nres), file=sys.stderr)
+    actual_results = 0
+    for i in range(nres):
+      try:
+        doc = query.fetchone()
+      except:
+        break
+      titleorfilename = doc.title
+      if titleorfilename is None or titleorfilename == "":
+        titleorfilename = doc.filename
+      if titleorfilename is None:
+        titleorfilename = "doc.title and doc.filename are none !"
+      url, mimetype, iconname = self.icon_for_type (doc)
+      try:
+        abstract = self.db.makeDocAbstract(doc, query)
+      except:
+        pass
+      # Ok, I don't understand this category thing for now...
+      category = 0
+      #print({"uri":url,"icon":iconname,"category":category,
+       #      "mimetype":mimetype, "title":titleorfilename,
+        #     "comment":abstract,
+         #    "dnd_uri":doc.url}, file=sys.stderr)
+      result_set.add_result(
+        uri=url,
+        icon=iconname,
+        category=category,
+        result_type=Unity.ResultType.PERSONAL,
+        mimetype=mimetype,
+        title=titleorfilename,
+        comment=abstract,
+        dnd_uri=doc.url)
+      actual_results += 1
+      if actual_results >= self.max_results:
+        break
+  def date_filter (self, filters):
+    print("RecollScopeSearch: date_filter", file=sys.stderr)
+    dateopt = ""
+    f = filters.get_filter_by_id("modified")
+    if f != None:
+      o = f.get_active_option()
+      if o != None:
+        if o.props.id == "last-year":
+          dateopt="date:P1Y/"
+        elif o.props.id == "last-30-days":
+          dateopt = "date:P1M/"
+        elif o.props.id == "last-7-days":
+          dateopt = "date:P7D/"
+    #print("RecollScopeSearch::date_filter:[%s]" % dateopt, file=sys.stderr)
+    return dateopt
+  def catg_filter(self, filters):
+    print("RecollScopeSearch::catg_filter", file=sys.stderr)
+    f = filters.get_filter_by_id("type")
+    if not f: return ""
+    if not f.props.filtering:
+      return ""
+    ss = ""
+    for fopt in f.options:
+      if fopt.props.active:
+        if fopt.props.id in UNITY_TYPE_TO_RECOLL_CLAUSE:
+          ss += " " + UNITY_TYPE_TO_RECOLL_CLAUSE[fopt.props.id]
+    #print("RecollScopSearch::catg_filter:[%s]" % ss, file=sys.stderr)
+    return ss
+  def size_filter(self, filters):
+    print("RecollScopeSearch::size_filter", file=sys.stderr)
+    f = filters.get_filter_by_id("size")
+    if not f: return ""
+    if not f.props.filtering:
+      return ""
+    min = f.get_first_active()
+    max = f.get_last_active()
+    if min.props.id == max.props.id:
+      # Take it as < except if it's >1gb
+      if max.props.id == ">1gb":
+        ss = " size>1g"
+      else:
+        ss = " size<" + min.props.id
+    else:
+      if max.props.id == ">1gb":
+        ss = "size>" + min.props.id
+      else:
+        ss = " size>" + min.props.id + " size<" + max.props.id
+    #print("RecollScopeSearch::size_filter: [%s]" % ss, file=sys.stderr)
+    return ss
+  # Send back a useful icon depending on the document type
+  def icon_for_type (self, doc):
+    iconname = "text-x-preview"
+    # Results with an ipath get a special mime type so that they
+    # get opened by starting a recoll instance.
+    thumbnail = ""
+    if doc.ipath != "":
+      mimetype = "application/x-recoll"
+      url = doc.url + "#" + doc.ipath
+    else:
+      mimetype = doc.mimetype
+      url = doc.url
+      # doc.url is a unicode string which is badly wrong. 
+      # Retrieve the binary path for thumbnail access.
+      thumbnail = _get_thumbnail_path(doc.getbinurl())
+    iconname = ""
+    if thumbnail:
+      iconname = thumbnail
+    else:
+      content_type = Gio.content_type_from_mime_type(doc.mimetype)
+      icon = Gio.content_type_get_icon(content_type)
+      if icon:
+        # At least on Quantal, get_names() sometimes returns
+        # a list with '(null)' in the first position...
+        for iname in icon.get_names():
+          if iname != '(null)':
+            iconname = iname
+            break
+      if iconname in SPEC_MIME_ICONS:
+          iconname = SPEC_MIME_ICONS[iconname]
+      if iconname == "":
+        if doc.mimetype in SPEC_MIME_ICONS:
+          iconname = SPEC_MIME_ICONS[doc.mimetype]
+    return (url, mimetype, iconname);
+def load_scope():
+  return RecollScope()