#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import json
import re
import cmdtalkplugin
import uprclsearch
import uprclindex
from upmplgutils import uplog, setidprefix
from uprclutils import uplog, g_myprefix, rcldirentry, waitentry
import uprclinit
# Initialize communication with our parent process: pipe and method
# call dispatch
# Some of the modules we use write garbage to stdout, which messes the
# communication with our parent. Why can't people understand that this
# is verboten ? Get off my lawn ! So we dup stdout and close it, then
# pass the right file to cmdtalk. (hoping that none of the imports
# above print anything, else we'll have to move this code up)
_outfile = os.fdopen(os.dup(1), "w")
fd = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_WRONLY)
# print("UPRCL-APP: got fd %d for /dev/null" % fd, file=sys.stderr)
# Func name to method mapper
dispatcher = cmdtalkplugin.Dispatch()
# Pipe message handler
msgproc = cmdtalkplugin.Processor(dispatcher, outfile=_outfile)
def trackuri(a):
# This is used for plugins which generate temporary local urls
# pointing to the microhttpd instance. The microhttpd
# answer_to_connection() routine in plgwithslave calls 'trackuri'
# to get a real URI to redirect to. We generate URIs which
# directly point to our python http server, so this method should
# never be called.
msgproc.log("trackuri: [%s]" % a)
raise Exception("trackuri: should not be called for uprcl!")
# objid prefix to module map
rootmap = {}
def _rootentries():
# Build up root directory. This is our top internal structure. We
# let the different modules return their stuff, and we take note
# of the objid prefixes for later dispatching
entries = []
for treename in uprclinit.g_trees.keys():
nents = uprclinit.g_trees[treename].rootentries(g_myprefix)
for e in nents:
rootmap[e['id']] = treename
entries += nents
uplog("Browse root: rootmap now %s" % rootmap)
return entries
def _browsedispatch(objid, bflg):
for id,treename in rootmap.items():
#uplog("Testing %s against %s" % (objid, id))
if objid.startswith(id):
return uprclinit.g_trees[treename].browse(objid, bflg)
raise Exception("Browse: dispatch: bad objid not in rootmap: " + objid)
def browse(a):
msgproc.log("browse: %s. g_httphp [%s]" % (a, uprclinit.g_httphp))
if 'objid' not in a:
raise Exception("No objid in args")
objid = a['objid']
bflg = a['flag'] if 'flag' in a else 'children'
if not objid.startswith(g_myprefix):
raise Exception("bad objid <%s>" % objid)
idpath = objid.replace(g_myprefix, '', 1)
msgproc.log("browse: idpath: <%s>" % idpath)
entries = []
nocache = "0"
if bflg == 'meta':
raise Exception("uprcl-app: browse: can't browse meta for now")
if not uprclinit.ready():
entries = [waitentry(objid + 'notready', objid,
nocache = "1"
elif not idpath:
entries = _rootentries()
entries = _browsedispatch(objid, bflg)
#msgproc.log("%s" % entries)
encoded = json.dumps(entries)
return {"entries" : encoded, "nocache":nocache}
def search(a):
msgproc.log("search: [%s]" % a)
objid = a['objid']
if re.match('0\$uprcl\$', objid) is None:
raise Exception("bad objid [%s]" % objid)
upnps = a['origsearch']
nocache = "0"
if not uprclinit.ready():
entries = [waitentry(objid + 'notready', objid,
nocache = "1"
entries = uprclsearch.search(
uprclinit.g_trees['folders'], uprclinit.g_rclconfdir, objid,
upnps, g_myprefix, uprclinit.g_httphp, uprclinit.g_pathprefix)
encoded = json.dumps(entries)
return {"entries" : encoded, "nocache":nocache}
msgproc.log("Uprcl running")