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upmpdcli.conf-dist    542 lines (422 with data), 21.3 kB

# <filetitle>Configuration file parameters for upmpdcli</filetitle>

# The XML tags in the comments are used to help produce the documentation
# from the sample/reference file, and not at all at run time, where
# comments are just comments. Edit at will.

# The command line options have higher priorities than the values in
# this file.

# <grouptitle>Upmpdcli general parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="friendlyname" type="string"><brief>"Friendly Name" for the
# UPnP Media Renderer.</brief><descr>This will be displayed by most Control
# Points to identify the Renderer. Some OpenHome Control Points may display
# the 'ohproductroom' value instead.</descr></var>
#friendlyname = UpMpd

# <var name="upnpav" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Enable UPnP AV services
# (0/1).</brief><descr>This is set by default, but it may useful to switch
# it off with some OpenHome Control Points which are too easily confused by
# the presence of UPnP AV services.</descr></var>
#upnpav = 1

# <var name="openhome" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Enable OpenHome services
# (0/1).</brief><descr>This defaults to 1, as OpenHome queuing is superior
# for most usages. There should be little reason to turn it
# off.</descr></var>
#openhome = 1

# <var name="logfilename" type="fn"><brief>Log file
# name.</brief><descr>Defaults to stderr. This can also be specified as -d
# logfilename.</descr></var>
#logfilename = 

# <var name="loglevel" type="int" values="0 5 2"><brief>Log
# level.</brief><descr>Can also be specified as -l loglevel.</descr></var>
#loglevel = 2

# <var name="checkcontentformat" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Check that
# input format is supported.</brief><descr>Extract the protocolinfo
# information from the input metadata and check it against our supported
# formats. Set this option to 0 if a control point or media server sends
# good audio data with bad metadata.</descr></var>
#checkcontentformat = 1

# <var name="iconpath" type="fn"><brief>Path to the Renderer icon.</brief>
# <descr>The image will be displayed by Control Points which support
# it. The UPnP protocol has provisions for a renderer to send the URL to a
# descriptive icon as part of the device description. Due to current (and
# probably permanent) *upmpdcli* limitations, the image file *must* be a
# 64x64 32 bits-per-pixel png file. Default: '$pkgdatadir/icon.png'.
# The icon will only be read once, when upmpdcli starts
# up.</descr></var>
#iconpath = /usr/share/upmpdcli/icon.png

# <var name="pkgdatadir" type="dfn"><brief>XML and other constant data storage
# directory.</brief><descr>Default: '$prefix/share/upmpcli' (e.g.:
# '/usr/share/upmpdcli').</descr></var>

# <var name="cachedir" type="dfn"><brief>Directory used to store cached
# data</brief><descr>Only used for the OpenHome queue metadata for now.
# The default value is ~/.cache/upmpdcli for normal users or
# /var/cache/upmpdcli when upmpdcli is started as root.</descr></var>
#cachedir = /var/cache/upmpdcli

# <var name="presentationhtml" type="fn"><brief>Path to the presentation HTML
# document</brief><descr>You can change it to replace the default
# presentation page. The page will only be read once, when upmpdcli starts
# up. It can't presently be used for status updates (but I guess that you
# could put a redirect in there, to something more dynamic served by a real
# HTTP server). Default: '$pkgdatadir/presentation.html'.</descr></var>
#presentationhtml = /usr/share/upmpdcli/presentation.html

# <var name="pidfile" type="fn"><brief>Name of lock file used to store the
# current process pid.</brief><descr>Only used if the process is launched
# by user root. Used by the init system, and to avoid multiple
# instances. The only reason to change the value is if you actually want to
# have several instances running (also change cachedir in this
# case).</descr></var>
#pidfile = /var/run/

# <grouptitle>Tidal streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="tidaluser" type="string"><brief>Tidal user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Tidal login name.</descr></var>
tidaluser = your tidal user name
# <var name="tidalpass" type="string"><brief>Tidal password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Tidal account.</descr></var>
tidalpass = your Tidal password
# <var name="tidalquality" type="cstr" "values="low high lossless">
# <brief>Tidal stream quality.</brief> <descr>'low' and 'high' are aac
# streams. 'lossless' is FLAC and will only work if your subscription
# allows it.</descr></var>
tidalquality = low/high/lossless

# <grouptitle>Qobuz streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="qobuzuser" type="string"><brief>Qobuz user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Qobuz login name.</descr></var>
qobuzuser =
# <var name="qobuzpass" type="string"><brief>Qobuz password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Qobuz account.</descr></var>
qobuzpass = agoodpassword
# <var name="qobuzformatid" type="cstr" "values="5 7">
# <brief>Qobuz stream quality.</brief> <descr>5 for mp3/320, 7 for FLAC if
# your subscription allows it.</descr></var>
qobuzformatid = 5

# <grouptitle>MPD parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="mpdhost" type="string"><brief>Host MPD runs on.</brief>
# <descr>Defaults to localhost. This can also be specified as -h
# host</descr></var>
#mpdhost = localhost

# <var name="mpdport" type="int" values="0 65635 6600"><brief>IP port used by
# MPD</brief>. <descr>Can also be specified as -p port. Defaults to the
# normal MPD port, 6600</descr></var>
#mpdport = 6600

# <var name="mpdpassword" type="string"><brief>MPD
# password.</brief><descr>Password for connecting to MPD (only necessary
# if password access is enabled in the MPD configuration
# file).</descr></var>
#mpdpassword =

# <var name="ownqueue" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Set if we own the MPD
# queue.</brief>.<descr>If this is set (on by default), we own the MPD
# queue and will fearlessly clear it. Can also be specified as -q
# 0|1.</descr></var>
#ownqueue = 1

# <grouptitle>UPnP network parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="upnpiface" type="cstr" values="dynamic"><brief>Network interface to
# use for UPnP.</brief><descr>libupnp/pupnp only supports communicating on
# a single interface and will use the first found, this allows forcing the
# use of another interface.</descr></var>
#upnpiface = 

# <var name="upnpip" type="string"><brief>IP address to use for UPnP, 
# alternative to using an interface name.</brief></var>
#upnpip = 

# <var name="upnpport" type="int" values="0 65635 49152"><brief>Port number
# used for UPnP.</brief><descr>libupnp/pupnp defaults to using the first
# free port after 49152. Note that clients do not need to know about the
# value, which is automatically discovered.</descr></var>
#upnpport = 

# <grouptitle>Audio control hooks</grouptitle>

# <var name="onstart" type="fn"><brief>Command to run when playback is
# about to begin.</brief><descr>Specify the full path to the program,
# e.g. /usr/bin/logger.</descr></var>
#onstart =

# <var name="onplay" type="fn"><brief>Command to run when MPD state
# switches to "PLAY".  </brief><descr>Specify the full path to the program,
# e.g. /usr/bin/logger.</descr></var> onplay =

# <var name="onstop" type="fn"><brief>Command to run when MPD state switches to
# "STOP".</brief><descr>Specify the full path to the program,
# e.g. /usr/bin/logger.</descr></var>
#onstop =

# <var name="externalvolumecontrol" type="fn"><brief>Use external command
# to manage the the sound volume (0/1).</brief><descr>This is used in the
# case where MPD is unable to control the volume, but some other command
# can, for example if you have an external amp on which it is possible to
# set and read the volume through scripts. If set, the calls to MPD to set
# and read the volume will be replaced by executions of 'onvolumechange'
# and 'getexternalvolume'</descr></var>
#externalvolumecontrol = 

# <var name="getexternalvolume" type="fn"><brief>Command to run for reading
# the sound volume.</brief><descr>The command should write a 0-100 numeric
# value to stdout.</descr></var>
#getexternalvolume =

# <var name="onvolumechange" type="fn"><brief>Command to run to set the
# volume.</brief><descr>Used when 'externalvolumecontrol' is set.
# Specify the full path to the program, which is called with the volume as
# the first argument, e.g. /some/script 85.</descr></var>
#onvolumechange =

# <grouptitle>OpenHome parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="radiolist" type="fn"><brief>Path to an external file with radio
# definitions.</brief><descr>Radio stations can be defined at the end of
# the the main file, or in a separate one (or both). Using an external file
# can ease distribution to multiple machines. Either way, each radio
# station is defined as a section with a name beginning with "radio",
# containing an URL parameter, and an optional icon URL. Example:
# ----
#     [radio My Radio]
#     url =
#     artUrl =
# ----
# </descr></var>
#radiolist = /path/to/my/radio/list

# <var name="ohmetapersist" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Save queue
# metadata to disk (0/1).</brief><descr>This allows persistence of the
# metadata information across restarts, the default is 1, and there is no
# reason to turn it off.</descr></var>
#ohmetapersist = 1

# <var name="ohmetasleep" type="int" values="0 120 0"><brief>Mimimum
# interval (Seconds) between two cache saves.</brief><descr>Increasing this
# may improve playlist load speed on a slow device. The default is to start
# a new save as soon as the previous one is done (if the list changed again
# inbetween).</descr></var>
#ohmetasleep = 0

# <var name="ohmanufacturername" type="string"><brief>Manufacturer
# name. </brief></var>
#ohmanufacturername = UpMPDCli heavy industries Co.
# <var name="ohmanufacturerinfo" type="string"><brief>Manufacturer
# information. </brief></var>
#ohmanufacturerinfo = Such nice guys and gals
# <var name="ohmanufacturerurl" type="string"><brief>URL for manufacturer
# web site. </brief></var>
#ohmanufacturerurl =
# <var name="ohmanufacturerimageuri" type="string"><brief>Uri for
# manufacturer’s logo. </brief></var>
#ohmanufacturerimageuri =
# <var name="ohmodelname" type="string"><brief>Model name.</brief></var>
#ohmodelname = UpMPDCli UPnP-MPD gateway
# <var name="ohmodelinfo" type="string"><brief>Model information.</brief></var>
#ohmodelinfo =
# <var name="ohmodelurl" type="string"><brief>URL for model web
# site.</brief></var>
#ohmodelurl =
# <var name="ohmodelimageuri" type="string"><brief>Uri for model’s
# icon. </brief></var>
#ohmodelimageuri =
# <var name="ohproductname" type="string"><brief>User-visible product
# name. By default this is set to ModelName.</brief></var>
#ohproductname = Upmpdcli
# <var name="ohproductroom" type="string"><brief>The name of the room where
# the Product is located.</brief><descr>Set to “Main Room” by default,
# displayed in place of the "friendly name" by some control points.
# ProductRoom is used to group the Product with other related Products in
# the same physical room (e.g. a source with a pre-amp). Products which are
# physically linked must always share the same ProductRoom
# name.</descr></var>
#ohproductroom = Main Room
# <var name="ohproductinfo" type="string"><brief>Product information.
# </brief></var>
#ohproductinfo =
# <var name="ohproducturl" type="string"><brief>URL for product web
# site. This may be the UPnP presentation page.</brief></var>
#ohproducturl =
# <var name="ohproductimageuri" type="string"><brief>Uri for product
# image. </brief></var>
#ohproductimageuri =

# <grouptitle>Songcast Receiver parameters</grouptitle>

# Parameters for the Songcast modes. These are read by either/both the
# songcast and upmpdcli processes

# <var name="sclogfilename" type="fn"><brief>Log file name for sc2mpd (default
# stderr)</brief><descr>The value *must not* be the same as the one used
# for upmpdcli (except if empty).</descr></var>
#sclogfilename = 

# <var name="scloglevel" type="int" values="0 5 2"><brief>Log verbosity for
# sc2mpd.</brief></var>
#scloglevel = 3

# <var name="scplaymethod" type="cstr" values="mpd alsa"><brief>sc2mpd
# play method (mpd/alsa).</brief><descr>With this set as 'alsa', sc2mpd
# will send the audio directly to the sound driver, which is the only way
# to really avoid skips and control the synchronization in multi-room
# setups.</descr></var>
#scplaymethod = mpd

# <var name="schttpport" type="int" values="0 65635 8768"><brief>Port
# used by sc2mpd for MPD to connect to.</brief><descr>Used only for
# scplaymethod=mpd. sc2mpd only accepts connections from
# localhost.</descr></var>
#schttpport = 8768

# <var name="scalsadevice" type="string"><brief>Alsa device used by sc2mpd
# for playing audio.</brief><descr>Only used for scplaymethod=alsa. Use
# 'aplay -L' to see the possible values.</descr></var>
#scalsadevice = default

# <var name="sccvttype" type="cstr" values="SRC_SINC_FASTEST
# SRC_LINEAR"><brief>sc2mpd resampling method.</brief><descr> 
# Only used for scplaymethod=alsa. sc2mpd uses libsamplerate. The default
# method is SRC_SINC_FASTEST and a Rasberry Pi 1 is fast enough to use it.
# documentation for descriptions. Anything above SRC_SINC_FASTEST needs a
# serious CPU.  BEST_QUALITY uses approx 25% cpu on a core i7
# 4770T. Obviously too much, actually might not be sustainable (it's almost
# 100% of 1 cpu).  MEDIUM_QUALITY is around 10% on the same machine,
# FASTEST is 4-5%. Given that this is measured for the full process, probably
# a couple % for the conversion in fact.</descr></var>
#sccvttype = SRC_SINC_FASTEST.

# <var name="sc2mpd" type="string"><brief>Path to
# sc2mpd.</brief><descr>Only useful if it is not in /usr/bin and the
# location is not in the $PATH for the init scripts.</descr></var>
#sc2mpd = 

# <grouptitle>Songcast Sender parameters</grouptitle>

# Parameters tor the Sender/Receiver mode. Only does anything if
# scplaymethod is alsa

# <var name="scsenderpath" type="string"><brief>Path to the script
# (scmakempdsender) which starts the auxiliary mpd and the sender
# process. Empty and searched in PATH by default.</brief></var>
#scsenderpath =

# <var name="scstreamscaled" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Decide if we
# scale the songcast stream.</brief><descr>If set, MPD software volume
# control will be applied to the stream. True by default: using a Control
# Point to set the volume on the upmpdcli instance which started the Sender
# affects the volume for all Receivers.</descr></var>
#scstreamscaled = 1

# <var name="scsendermpdport" type="int" values="0 65635 6700">
# <brief>localhost port to be used by the auxiliary mpd.</brief></var>
#scsendermpdport = 6700

# <var name="scripts_dir" type="dfn"><brief>Location for the scripts used
# to set up additional external sources.</brief><descr>See the Songcast
# Sender support documentation page.</descr></var>
#scripts_dir = /usr/share/upmpdcli/src_scripts

# Initial / default List of radios borrowed from misc sources. Edit to taste
# Maybe this should be XML, but it's not. The section markers are the radio
# names, and then there are two possible entries:
#  url (mandatory) points to the radio playlist or stream
#  artUrl (optional) points to the radio icon

[radio FIP autour du rock]
url =
artUrl =

[radio Radio Eins]
url =
artUrl =

[radio InfoRadio]
url =
artUrl =

[radio Radio Teddy]
url =
artUrl =

[radio Deutschlandfunk]
url =
artUrl =

[radio Naim Radio]
url =

[radio 96.2 | The Revolution (Rock)]
url =

[radio 102.0 | Capital Manchester (Top 40/Pop)]
url =

[radio 97.7 | XFM Manchester (Alternative Rock)]
url =

[radio Linn Radio (Variety)]
url =
artUrl =
[radio Linn Classical (Classical)]
url =
artUrl =

[radio Linn Jazz (Jazz)]
url =
artUrl =

[radio BBC Radio 1Xtra (Soul and R&B)]
url =

[radio 98.2 | BBC Radio 1 (Top 40/Pop)]
url =

[radio 88.6 | BBC Radio 2 (Adult Contemporary)]
url =

[radio 91.3 | BBC Radio 3 (Classical)]
url =

[radio 93.0 | BBC Radio 4 (National News)]
url =

[radio 198 | BBC Radio 4 LW (Public Radio)]
url =

[radio BBC Radio 4 Extra (Comedy)]
url =

[radio 909 | BBC Radio 5 live (Sports Talk)]
url =

[radio BBC Radio 5 live sports extra (Sports)]
url =

[radio BBC Radio 6 Music (AAA)]
url =

[radio BBC World Service (World News)]
url =

[radio 95.1 | BBC Manchester (Community)]
url =

[radio 1107 | talkSPORT (Sports Talk)]
url =

[radio 100.9 | Classic FM (Classical)]
url =

[radio 103.0 | Key 103 (Top 40/Pop)]
url =

[radio 181.FM Beatles (60's)]
url =

[radio Ministry of Sound Radio (Electronic and Dance)]
url =

[radio 106.1 | Real Radio XS Manchester (Classic Rock)]
url =

[radio 100.4 | Smooth North West (Soul and R&B)]
url =

[radio Radio Caroline (Classic Rock)]
url =

[radio Offshore Radio Sounds (Nostalgia)]
url =

[radio Radio 10 Classic (Oldies)]
url =

[radio 94.4 | Salford City Radio (Local Music)]
url =

[radio 106.9 | Silk 106.9 (Top 40/Pop)]
url =

[radio 97.2 | Wythenshawe FM (Local Music)]
url =

[radio Smooth Jazz]
url =

[radio Sonic Universe]
url =

[radio Onda Tropical]
url =

[radio Top Latino Radio]
url =

[radio .977 Classic Rock]
url =

[radio Covers]
url =

[radio KDFC]
url =

[radio Classic FM]
url =

[radio WCPE]
url =

[radio CINEMIX]
url =

[radio Radio Paradise]
url =

[radio Indie Pop Rocks!]
url =

[radio PopTron]
url =

[radio AM 1710]
url =

[radio WNAR]
url =

[radio Beat Blender]
url =

[radio Secret Agent]
url =

[radio Groove Salad]
url =

[radio Illinois Street Lounge]
url =

[radio Boot Liquor]
url =

[radio Country 108]
url =

[radio Drone Zone]
url =

[radio Space Station Soma]
url =

[radio cliqhop idm]
url =

[radio Black Rock FM]
url =

[radio New Dance Radio]
url =