Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/upmpdcli.conf-dist
+++ b/src/upmpdcli.conf-dist
@@ -90,12 +90,11 @@
 # issue in the general case.</descr></var>
 # saveohcredentials = 1
-# <var name="checkcontentformat" type="bool" values="1"><brief>Check that
-# input format is supported.</brief><descr>Extract the protocolinfo
-# information from the input metadata and check it against our supported
-# formats. Set this option to 0 if a control point or media server sends
-# good audio data with bad metadata.</descr></var>
-#checkcontentformat = 1
+# <var name="opensslcmd" type="fn"><brief>Path to the openssl command</brief>
+# <descr>The OHCredentials service needs openssl 1.1.x or newer.
+# Path to the openssl command to use if the system one (in /usr/bin) is too
+# old. Not set by default.</descr></var>
+#opensslcmd = 
 # <var name="iconpath" type="fn"><brief>Path to the Renderer icon.</brief>
 # <descr>The image will be displayed by Control Points which support