/* Copyright (C) 2016 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "tidal.hxx"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <upnp/upnp.h>
#include <microhttpd.h>
extern "C" {
#include <libavformat/avio.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include "cmdtalk.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "log.hxx"
#include "json.hpp"
#include "main.hxx"
#include "conftree.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
using json = nlohmann::json;
using namespace UPnPProvider;
class StreamHandle {
StreamHandle(Tidal::Internal *plg) {
~StreamHandle() {
void clear() {
plg = 0;
len = 0;
opentime = 0;
Tidal::Internal *plg;
AVIOContext *avio;
string path;
string media_url;
long long len;
time_t opentime;
class Tidal::Internal {
Internal(Tidal *tidal, const vector<string>& pth, const string& hst,
int prt, const string& pp)
: plg(tidal), path(pth), host(hst), port(prt), pathprefix(pp), kbs(0),
mhd(0) { }
bool maybeStartCmd(const string&);
string get_media_url(const std::string& path);
// This also sets the kbs
string get_mimetype(const std::string& path);
Tidal *plg;
CmdTalk cmd;
vector<string> path;
// Host and port for the URLs we generate.
string host;
int port;
// path prefix (this is used by upmpdcli that a gets is for us).
string pathprefix;
// mimetype is a constant for a given session, depend on quality
// choice only. Initialized once
string mimetype;
// kilobits/s
int kbs;
// Cached uri translation and stream: set in getinfo() and reused
// in open() (used with miniserver/vdir)
StreamHandle laststream;
// When using microhttpd
struct MHD_Daemon *mhd;
// Microhttpd connection handler. We re-build the complete url + query
// string (&trackid=value), use this to retrieve a Tidal URL, and
// redirect to it (HTTP). A previous version handled rtmp streams, and
// had to read them. Look up the history if you need the code again
// (the apparition of RTMP streams was apparently linked to the use of
// a different API key).
static int answer_to_connection(void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection,
const char *url,
const char *method, const char *version,
const char *upload_data,
size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls)
LOGDEB("answer_to_connection: url " << url << " method " << method <<
" version " << version << endl);
Tidal::Internal *me = (Tidal::Internal*)cls;
static int aptr;
if (&aptr != *con_cls) {
/* do not respond on first call */
*con_cls = &aptr;
return MHD_YES;
// Rebuild URL + query
string path(url);
const char* stid =
MHD_lookup_connection_value(connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND,
if (!stid || !*stid) {
LOGERR("answer_to_connection: no trackId in args\n");
return MHD_NO;
path += string("?version=1&trackId=") + stid;
// Translate to Tidal URL
string media_url = me->get_media_url(path);
if (media_url.empty()) {
LOGERR("answer_to_connection: no media_uri for: " << url << endl);
return MHD_NO;
if (media_url.find("http") == 0) {
LOGDEB("Tidal: redirecting to " << media_url << endl);
static char data[] = "<html><body></body></html>";
struct MHD_Response *response =
MHD_create_response_from_buffer(strlen(data), data,
if (response == NULL) {
LOGERR("answer_to_connection: could not create response" << endl);
return MHD_NO;
MHD_add_response_header (response, "Location", media_url.c_str());
int ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, 302, response);
return ret;
} else {
LOGERR("Tidal: got non-http URL !: " << media_url << endl);
LOGERR("Tidal: the code for handling these is gone !\n");
LOGERR(" will have to fetch it from git history\n");
return MHD_NO;
static int accept_policy(void *, const struct sockaddr* sa, socklen_t addrlen)
return MHD_YES;
// Called once for starting the Python program and do other initialization.
bool Tidal::Internal::maybeStartCmd(const string& who)
LOGDEB("Tidal::maybeStartCmd for: " << who << endl);
if (cmd.running()) {
return true;
ConfSimple *conf = plg->m_services->getconfig(plg);
string tidalquality;
if (!conf || !conf->get("tidalquality", tidalquality)) {
LOGERR("Tidal: can't get parameter 'tidalquality' from config\n");
return false;
port = 49149;
string sport;
if (conf->get("tidalmicrohttpport", sport)) {
port = atoi(sport.c_str());
mhd = MHD_start_daemon(
/* Accept policy callback and arg */
accept_policy, NULL,
/* handler and arg */
&answer_to_connection, this,
if (nullptr == mhd) {
LOGERR("Tidal: MHD_start_daemon failed\n");
return false;
string pythonpath = string("PYTHONPATH=") +
path_cat(g_datadir, "cdplugins/pycommon");
string configname = string("UPMPD_CONFIG=") + g_configfilename;
stringstream ss;
ss << host << ":" << port;
string hostport = string("UPMPD_HTTPHOSTPORT=") + ss.str();
string pp = string("UPMPD_PATHPREFIX=") + pathprefix;
if (!cmd.startCmd("tidal.py", {/*args*/},
/* env */ {pythonpath, configname, hostport, pp},
/* exec path */ path)) {
LOGERR("Tidal::maybeStartCmd: " << who << " startCmd failed\n");
return false;
return true;
string Tidal::Internal::get_mimetype(const std::string& path)
if (!maybeStartCmd("get_mimetype")) {
return string();
if (mimetype.empty()) {
unordered_map<string, string> res;
if (!cmd.callproc("mimetype", {{"path", path}}, res)) {
LOGERR("Tidal::get_mimetype: slave failure\n");
return string();
auto it = res.find("mimetype");
if (it == res.end()) {
LOGERR("Tidal::get_mimetype: no mimetype in result\n");
return string();
mimetype = it->second;
it = res.find("kbs");
if (it != res.end()) {
kbs = atoi(it->second.c_str());
LOGDEB("Tidal: got mimetype [" << mimetype << "]\n");
return mimetype;
// Translate our http URL (based on the trackid), to an actual
// temporary TIDAL one, which will be an HTTP URL pointing to either
// an AAC or a FLAC stream.
// Older versions of this module handled AAC FLV transported over
// RTMP, apparently because of the use of a different API key. Look up
// the git history if you need this again.
// The Python code calls tidal.com to translate the trackid to a temp
// URL. We cache the result for a few seconds to avoid multiple calls
// to tidal.
string Tidal::Internal::get_media_url(const std::string& path)
LOGDEB("Tidal::get_media_url: " << path << endl);
if (!maybeStartCmd("get_media_url")) {
return string();
time_t now = time(0);
if (laststream.path.compare(path) || (now - laststream.opentime > 10)) {
unordered_map<string, string> res;
if (!cmd.callproc("trackuri", {{"path", path}}, res)) {
LOGERR("Tidal::get_media_url: slave failure\n");
return string();
auto it = res.find("media_url");
if (it == res.end()) {
LOGERR("Tidal::get_media_url: no media url in result\n");
return string();
laststream.path = path;
laststream.media_url = it->second;
laststream.opentime = now;
LOGDEB("Tidal: got media url [" << laststream.media_url << "]\n");
return laststream.media_url;
Tidal::Tidal(const std::string& name, CDPluginServices *services)
: CDPlugin(name, services)
m = new Internal(this, services->getexecpath(this),
delete m;
static int resultToEntries(const string& encoded, int stidx, int cnt,
std::vector<UpSong>& entries)
auto decoded = json::parse(encoded);
LOGDEB("Tidal::results: got " << decoded.size() << " entries\n");
LOGDEB1("Tidal::results: undecoded json: " << decoded.dump() << endl);
for (unsigned int i = stidx; i < decoded.size(); i++) {
if (--cnt < 0) {
UpSong song;
// tp is container ("ct") or item ("it")
auto it1 = decoded[i].find("tp");
if (it1 == decoded[i].end()) {
LOGERR("Tidal::browse: no type in entry\n");
string stp = it1.value();
#define JSONTOUPS(fld, nm) \
it1 = decoded[i].find(#nm); \
if (it1 != decoded[i].end()) { \
/*LOGDEB("song." #fld " = " << it1.value() << endl);*/ \
song.fld = it1.value(); \
if (!stp.compare("ct")) {
song.iscontainer = true;
} else if (!stp.compare("it")) {
song.iscontainer = false;
JSONTOUPS(uri, uri);
JSONTOUPS(artist, dc:creator);
JSONTOUPS(artist, upnp:artist);
JSONTOUPS(genre, upnp:genre);
JSONTOUPS(tracknum, upnp:originalTrackNumber);
JSONTOUPS(artUri, upnp:albumArtURI);
JSONTOUPS(duration_secs, duration);
} else {
LOGERR("Tidal::browse: bad type in entry: " << it1.value() << endl);
JSONTOUPS(id, id);
JSONTOUPS(parentid, pid);
JSONTOUPS(title, tt);
// We return the total match size, the count of actually returned
// entries can be obtained from the vector
return decoded.size();
int Tidal::browse(const std::string& objid, int stidx, int cnt,
std::vector<UpSong>& entries,
const std::vector<std::string>& sortcrits,
BrowseFlag flg)
if (!m->maybeStartCmd("browse")) {
return -1;
string sbflg;
switch (flg) {
case CDPlugin::BFMeta:
sbflg = "meta";
case CDPlugin::BFChildren:
sbflg = "children";
unordered_map<string, string> res;
if (!m->cmd.callproc("browse", {{"objid", objid}, {"flag", sbflg}}, res)) {
LOGERR("Tidal::browse: slave failure\n");
return -1;
auto it = res.find("entries");
if (it == res.end()) {
LOGERR("Tidal::browse: no entries returned\n");
return -1;
return resultToEntries(it->second, stidx, cnt, entries);
int Tidal::search(const string& ctid, int stidx, int cnt,
const string& searchstr,
vector<UpSong>& entries,
const vector<string>& sortcrits)
if (!m->maybeStartCmd("search")) {
return -1;
// We only accept field xx value as search criteria
vector<string> vs;
stringToStrings(searchstr, vs);
LOGDEB("Tidal::search:search string split->" << vs.size() << " pieces\n");
if (vs.size() != 3) {
LOGERR("Tidal::search: bad search string: [" << searchstr << "]\n");
return -1;
const string& upnpproperty = vs[0];
string tidalfield;
if (!upnpproperty.compare("upnp:artist") ||
!upnpproperty.compare("dc:author")) {
tidalfield = "artist";
} else if (!upnpproperty.compare("upnp:album")) {
tidalfield = "album";
} else if (!upnpproperty.compare("dc:title")) {
tidalfield = "track";
} else {
LOGERR("Tidal::search: bad property: [" << upnpproperty << "]\n");
return -1;
unordered_map<string, string> res;
if (!m->cmd.callproc("search", {
{"objid", ctid},
{"field", tidalfield},
{"value", vs[2]} }, res)) {
LOGERR("Tidal::search: slave failure\n");
return -1;
auto it = res.find("entries");
if (it == res.end()) {
LOGERR("Tidal::search: no entries returned\n");
return -1;
return resultToEntries(it->second, stidx, cnt, entries);