# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import conftree
import threading
import subprocess
import time
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from rwlock import ReadWriteLock
from uprclfolders import Folders
from uprcluntagged import Untagged
from uprcltags import Tagged
import uprclsearch
import uprclindex
from uprclhttp import runbottle
from upmplgutils import uplog
from uprclutils import findmyip, stringToStrings
# Once initialization (not on imports)
_s = g_httphp
# The recoll documents
g_pathprefix = ""
g_httphp = ""
g_dblock = ReadWriteLock()
g_rclconfdir = ""
g_friendlyname = "UpMpd-mediaserver"
g_trees = {}
# order in python3 maps is unstable
g_trees_order = ['folders', 'untagged', 'tags']
# Create or update Recoll index, then read and process the data. This
# runs in the separate uprcl_init_worker thread, and signals
# startup/completion by setting/unsetting the g_initrunning flag
def _update_index():
uplog("Creating/updating index in %s for %s" % (g_rclconfdir, g_rcltopdirs))
# We take the writer lock, making sure that no browse/search
# thread are active, then set the busy flag and release the
# lock. This allows future browse operations to signal the
# condition to the user instead of blocking (if we kept the write
# lock).
global g_initrunning, g_trees
g_initrunning = True
uplog("_update_index: initrunning set")
start = timer()
uprclindex.runindexer(g_rclconfdir, g_rcltopdirs)
# Wait for indexer
while not uprclindex.indexerdone():
fin = timer()
uplog("Indexing took %.2f Seconds" % (fin - start))
folders = Folders(g_rclconfdir, g_httphp, g_pathprefix)
untagged = Untagged(folders.rcldocs(), g_httphp, g_pathprefix)
tagged = Tagged(folders.rcldocs(), g_httphp, g_pathprefix)
newtrees = {}
newtrees['folders'] = folders
newtrees['untagged'] = untagged
newtrees['tags'] = tagged
g_trees = newtrees
g_initrunning = False
# Initialisation runs in a thread because of the possibly long index
# initialization, during which the main thread can answer
# "initializing..." to the clients.
def _uprcl_init_worker():
# Acquire configuration data.
global g_pathprefix
# pathprefix would typically be something like "/uprcl". It's used
# for dispatching URLs to the right plugin for processing. We
# strip it whenever we need a real file path
if "UPMPD_PATHPREFIX" not in os.environ:
raise Exception("No UPMPD_PATHPREFIX in environment")
g_pathprefix = os.environ["UPMPD_PATHPREFIX"]
if "UPMPD_CONFIG" not in os.environ:
raise Exception("No UPMPD_CONFIG in environment")
upconfig = conftree.ConfSimple(os.environ["UPMPD_CONFIG"])
global g_friendlyname
if "UPMPD_FNAME" in os.environ:
g_friendlyname = os.environ["UPMPD_FNAME"]
global g_httphp
g_httphp = upconfig.get("uprclhostport")
if g_httphp is None:
ip = findmyip()
g_httphp = ip + ":" + "9090"
uplog("uprclhostport not in config, using %s" % g_httphp)
global g_rclconfdir
g_rclconfdir = upconfig.get("uprclconfdir")
if g_rclconfdir is None:
uplog("uprclconfdir not in config, using /var/cache/upmpdcli/uprcl")
g_rclconfdir = "/var/cache/upmpdcli/uprcl"
global g_rcltopdirs
g_rcltopdirs = upconfig.get("uprclmediadirs")
if g_rcltopdirs is None:
raise Exception("uprclmediadirs not in config")
pthstr = upconfig.get("uprclpaths")
if pthstr is None:
uplog("uprclpaths not in config")
pthlist = stringToStrings(g_rcltopdirs)
pthstr = ""
for p in pthlist:
pthstr += p + ":" + p + ","
pthstr = pthstr.rstrip(",")
uplog("Path translation: pthstr: %s" % pthstr)
lpth = pthstr.split(',')
pathmap = {}
for ptt in lpth:
l = ptt.split(':')
pathmap[l[0]] = l[1]
host,port = g_httphp.split(':')
# Start the bottle app. Its' both the control/config interface and
# the file streamer
httpthread = threading.Thread(target=runbottle,
kwargs = {'host':host ,
httpthread.daemon = True
uplog("Init done")
def uprcl_init():
global g_initrunning
g_initrunning = True
initthread = threading.Thread(target=_uprcl_init_worker)
initthread.daemon = True
def ready():
if g_initrunning:
return False
return True
def updaterunning():
return g_initrunning
def start_update():
if not ready():
idxthread = threading.Thread(target=_update_index)
idxthread.daemon = True
# We need to release the reader lock before starting the index
# update operation (which needs a writer lock), so there is a
# small window for mischief. I would be concerned if this was
# a highly concurrent or critical app, but here, not so
# much...