/* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "spotiproxy.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <libspotify/api.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "smallut.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
/* mopidy appkey from mopidy_spotify/spotify_appkey.key */
/* No idea how to get a new one now that the lib is deprecated, sorry */
const vector<uint8_t> g_appkey {
// We dlopen libspotify to avoid a hard link dependancy. The entry
// points are resolved into the following struct, which just exists
// for tidyness.
struct SpotifyAPI {
const char* (*sp_error_message)(sp_error error);
sp_track * (*sp_link_as_track)(sp_link *link);
sp_link * (*sp_link_create_from_string)(const char *link);
sp_error (*sp_link_release)(sp_link *link);
sp_error (*sp_session_create)(const sp_session_config *, sp_session **sess);
sp_error (*sp_session_login)(sp_session *, const char *, const char *,
bool, const char *);
sp_error (*sp_session_logout)(sp_session *session);
sp_error (*sp_session_player_load)(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
sp_error (*sp_session_player_play)(sp_session *session, bool play);
sp_error (*sp_session_player_seek)(sp_session *session, int offset);
sp_error (*sp_session_player_unload)(sp_session *session);
sp_error (*sp_session_process_events)(sp_session *session, int *next_timeo);
sp_error (*sp_session_set_cache_size)(sp_session *session, size_t size);
sp_error (*sp_link_add_ref)(sp_link *link);
int (*sp_track_duration)(sp_track *track);
sp_error (*sp_track_add_ref)(sp_track *track);
sp_error (*sp_track_error)(sp_track *track);
const char * (*sp_track_name)(sp_track *track);
sp_error (*sp_track_release)(sp_track *track);
static SpotifyAPI api;
static SpotiProxy *theSpotiProxy;
static SpotiProxy::Internal *theSPP;
// Lock for the spotiproxy object itself. Because the libspotify
// methods are not reentrant, most SpotiProxy methods take this
// exclusive lock.
static mutex objmutex;
static int g_notify_do;
static sp_session_callbacks session_callbacks;
static sp_session_config spconfig;
// Forward decls
static void login_cb(sp_session *sess, sp_error error);
static void log_message(sp_session *session, const char *msg);
static void notify_main_thread(sp_session *sess);
static void metadata_updated(sp_session *sess);
static int music_delivery(sp_session *sess, const sp_audioformat *format,
const void *frames, int num_frames);
static void end_of_track(sp_session *sess);
static void play_token_lost(sp_session *sess);
class SpotiProxy::Internal {
/* The constructor logs us in, so that "logged_in" is also a general
* health test. */
Internal(const string& u, const string& p,
const string& cd, const string& sd)
: user(u), pass(p), cachedir(cd), confdir(sd) {
theSPP = this;
session_callbacks.logged_in = login_cb;
session_callbacks.log_message = log_message;
session_callbacks.notify_main_thread = notify_main_thread;
session_callbacks.metadata_updated = metadata_updated;
session_callbacks.music_delivery = music_delivery;
session_callbacks.play_token_lost = play_token_lost;
session_callbacks.end_of_track = end_of_track,
spconfig.api_version = SPOTIFY_API_VERSION;
spconfig.application_key = &g_appkey[0];
spconfig.application_key_size = g_appkey.size();
spconfig.user_agent = "upmpdcli-spotiproxy";
spconfig.callbacks = &session_callbacks;
spconfig.cache_location = cachedir.c_str();
spconfig.settings_location = confdir.c_str();
if (!init_spotify_api()) {
cerr << "Error loading spotify library: " << reason << endl;
LOGERR("Error loading spotify library: " << reason << endl);
sperror = api.sp_session_create(&spconfig, &sp);
if (SP_ERROR_OK != sperror) {
api.sp_session_login(sp, user.c_str(), pass.c_str(), 1, NULL);
wait_for("Login", [] (SpotiProxy::Internal *o) {return o->logged_in;});
if (logged_in) {
LOGDEB("Spotify: " << user << " logged in ok\n");
} else {
LOGERR("Spotify: " << user << " log in failed\n");
// Max cache size 50 MB
api.sp_session_set_cache_size(sp, 50);
// Wait for a state change, tested by a function parameter.
bool wait_for(const string& who,
std::function<bool(SpotiProxy::Internal *)> testit) {
int next_timeout = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!g_notify_do) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(spmutex);
if (testit(this) || sperror != SP_ERROR_OK) {
return sperror == SP_ERROR_OK;
if (next_timeout == 0) {
LOGDEB1(who << " Waiting\n");
} else {
LOGDEB1(who << " waiting " << next_timeout << " mS\n");
lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(next_timeout));
do {
g_notify_do = 0;
LOGDEB1(who << " Calling process_events\n");
api.sp_session_process_events(sp, &next_timeout);
LOGDEB1(who << " After process_event, next_timeout " <<
next_timeout << " notify_do " << g_notify_do << endl);
} while (next_timeout == 0);
void unloadTrack() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(spmutex);
LOGDEB1("unloadTrack: got lock\n");
sperror = SP_ERROR_OK;
track_playing = false;
track_duration = 0;
if (sp && curtrack) {
curtrack = nullptr;
LOGDEB1("unloadTrack: done\n");
~Internal() {
if (libhandle) {
if (sp && logged_in) {
LOGDEB("Logging out\n");
void registerError(sp_error error) {
reason += string(api.sp_error_message(error)) + " ";
sperror = error;
bool init_spotify_api();
void *libhandle{nullptr};
string user;
string pass;
string cachedir;
string confdir;
sp_session *sp{nullptr};
bool logged_in{false};
// sync for waiting for libspotify events.
condition_variable spcv;
mutex spmutex;
string reason;
sp_error sperror{SP_ERROR_OK};
sp_track *curtrack{nullptr};
bool track_playing{false};
bool sent_0buf{false};
int track_duration{0};
AudioSink sink{nullptr};
#define NMTOPTR(NM, TP) \
if ((api.NM = TP dlsym(libhandle, #NM)) == 0) { \
badnames += #NM + string(" "); \
static vector<string> lib_suffixes{".so", ".so.12", ".so.11"};
bool SpotiProxy::Internal::init_spotify_api()
reason = "Could not open shared library ";
string libbase("libspotify");
for (const auto suff : lib_suffixes) {
string lib = libbase + suff;
reason += string("[") + lib + "] ";
if ((libhandle = dlopen(lib.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY)) != 0) {
goto found;
if (nullptr == libhandle) {
reason += string(" : ") + dlerror();
return false;
string badnames;
NMTOPTR(sp_error_message, (const char* (*)(sp_error error)));
NMTOPTR(sp_link_as_track, (sp_track * (*)(sp_link *link)));
NMTOPTR(sp_link_create_from_string, (sp_link * (*)(const char *link)));
NMTOPTR(sp_link_release, (sp_error (*)(sp_link *link)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_create, (sp_error (*)(const sp_session_config *config,
sp_session **sess)));;
NMTOPTR(sp_session_login, (sp_error (*)(
sp_session *session, const char *username, const char *password,
bool remember_me, const char *blob)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_logout, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_player_load, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session,
sp_track *track)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_player_play, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session,
bool play)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_player_seek, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session,
int offset)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_player_unload, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_process_events, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session,
int *next_timeout)));
NMTOPTR(sp_session_set_cache_size, (sp_error (*)(sp_session *session,
size_t size)));
NMTOPTR(sp_link_add_ref, (sp_error (*)(sp_link *link)));
NMTOPTR(sp_track_duration, (int (*)(sp_track *track)));
NMTOPTR(sp_track_add_ref, (sp_error (*)(sp_track *track)));
NMTOPTR(sp_track_error, (sp_error (*)(sp_track *track)));
NMTOPTR(sp_track_name, (const char * (*)(sp_track *track)));
NMTOPTR(sp_track_release, (sp_error (*)(sp_track *track)));
if (!badnames.empty()) {
reason = string("init_libspotify: symbols not found:") + badnames;
return false;
return true;
class Cleaner {
~Cleaner() {
delete theSpotiProxy;
static Cleaner cleaner;
static void login_cb(sp_session *sess, sp_error error)
const char *me = "login_cb";
LOGDEB1(me << " error " << error << "\n");
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
LOGERR(me << " no SPP ??\n");
// ??
unique_lock<mutex> lock(theSPP->spmutex);
if (SP_ERROR_OK == error) {
theSPP->logged_in = true;
} else {
static void log_message(sp_session *session, const char *msg)
static void metadata_updated(sp_session *sess)
const char *me = "metadata_updated";
LOGDEB1(me << "\n");
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
LOGERR(me << " no SPP ??\n");
unique_lock<mutex> lock(theSPP->spmutex);
static int music_delivery(sp_session *sess, const sp_audioformat *format,
const void *frames, int num_frames)
const char *me = "music_delivery";
static int counter;
if ((counter++ %100) == 0) {
LOGDEB1(me << ": " << num_frames << " frames " <<
" samplerate " << format->sample_rate << " channels " <<
format->channels << endl);
if (num_frames == 0) {
LOGDEB("music_delivery: called with 0 frames\n");
return 0;
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
return -1;
if (num_frames > 4096) {
// Declare eot when we see a silence buffer Not too sure why
// these silence buffers are generated before the
// notify_main_thread/end_of_track is called. At some point,
// we called unload from here (see the git hist). It happens
// that notify_main thread is not called at all after we get a
// silence buffer (probable libspotify bug ? Just do it here
// for safety.
LOGDEB(me << ": got silence buffer\n");
// Silence buffer: end of real track
if (!theSPP->sent_0buf) {
theSPP->sent_0buf = true;
theSPP->sink(frames, 0, format->channels, format->sample_rate);
g_notify_do = true;
return num_frames;
return theSPP->sink(frames, num_frames, format->channels,
#if 0
// Spotify probably does this to adjust its send rate, but it's not
// clear how to implement it in general, nor does it seems to be
// needed. Would need another function callback to work (in addition
// to sink())
static void get_audio_buffer_stats(sp_session *sess,
sp_audio_buffer_stats *stats)
const char *me = "get_audio_buffer_stats";
LOGDEB(me << "\n");
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
LOGERR(me << " no SPP ??\n");
// ??
stats->samples = 0;
stats->stutter = 0;
static void end_of_track(sp_session *sess)
const char *me = "end_of_track";
LOGDEB(me << "\n");
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
LOGERR(me << " no SPP ??\n");
// ??
unique_lock<mutex> lock(theSPP->spmutex);
theSPP->track_playing = false;
theSPP->track_duration = 0;
static void play_token_lost(sp_session *sess)
const char *me = "play_token_lost";
LOGDEB(me << "\n");
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
LOGERR(me << " no SPP ??\n");
// ??
api.sp_session_player_play(theSPP->sp, 0);
static void notify_main_thread(sp_session *sess)
const char *me = "notify_main_thread";
LOGDEB(me << "\n");
if (nullptr == theSPP) {
LOGERR(me << " no SPP ??\n");
// ??
unique_lock<mutex> lock(theSPP->spmutex);
g_notify_do = 1;
static string o_user, o_password, o_cachedir, o_settingsdir;
void SpotiProxy::setParams(
const std::string& user, const std::string& pass,
const std::string& cachedir, const std::string& settingsdir)
o_user = user;
o_password = pass;
o_cachedir = cachedir;
o_settingsdir = settingsdir;
SpotiProxy *SpotiProxy::getSpotiProxy(
const string& u, const string& p, const string& cached, const string& confd)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(objmutex);
if (theSpotiProxy) {
LOGDEB1("getSpotiProxy: already created\n");
if ((u.empty() && p.empty()) ||
(theSpotiProxy->m->user == u && theSpotiProxy->m->pass == p)) {
return theSpotiProxy;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else {
string user(u.empty() ? o_user : u);
string pass(p.empty() ? o_password : p);
LOGDEB("getSpotiProxy: creating for user " << user <<"\n");
theSpotiProxy = new SpotiProxy(user, pass,
cached.empty() ? o_cachedir : cached,
confd.empty() ? o_settingsdir : confd);
return theSpotiProxy;
SpotiProxy::SpotiProxy(const string& user, const string& password,
const string& cd, const string& sd)
: m(std::unique_ptr<Internal>(new Internal(user, password, cd, sd)))
SpotiProxy::~SpotiProxy() {}
bool SpotiProxy::playTrack(const string& trackid, AudioSink sink,
int seekmsecs)
if (!startPlay(trackid, sink, seekmsecs)) {
return false;
return waitForEndOfPlay();
bool SpotiProxy::startPlay(const string& trackid, AudioSink sink,
int seekmsecs)
LOGDEB("SpotiProxy::startPlay: id " << trackid << " at " <<
seekmsecs / 1000 << " S\n");
unique_lock<mutex> lock(objmutex);
if (!m || !m->logged_in) {
LOGERR("SpotiProxy::startPlay: init failed.\n");
return false;
string trackref("spotify:track:");
trackref += trackid;
sp_link *link = api.sp_link_create_from_string(trackref.c_str());
if (!link) {
LOGERR("SpotiProxy:startPlay: link creation failed\n");
return false;
m->curtrack = api.sp_link_as_track(link);
m->sink = sink;
if (!m->wait_for("startPlay", [](SpotiProxy::Internal *o) {
return api.sp_track_error(o->curtrack) == SP_ERROR_OK;})) {
LOGERR("playTrackId: error waiting for track metadata ready\n");
return false;
theSPP->track_duration = api.sp_track_duration(m->curtrack);
api.sp_session_player_load(m->sp, m->curtrack);
if (seekmsecs) {
api.sp_session_player_seek(m->sp, seekmsecs);
api.sp_session_player_play(m->sp, 1);
m->track_playing = true;
m->sent_0buf = false;
LOGDEB("SpotiProxy::startPlay: NOW PLAYING "<<
api.sp_track_name(m->curtrack) <<
". Duration: " << theSPP->track_duration << endl);
return true;
bool SpotiProxy::waitForEndOfPlay()
unique_lock<mutex> lock(objmutex);
if (!m || !m->logged_in) {
LOGERR("SpotiProxy::waitForEndOfPlay: init failed.\n");
return false;
if (!m->wait_for("waitForEndOfPlay", [](SpotiProxy::Internal *o) {
return o->track_playing == false;})) {
LOGERR("playTrackId: error waiting for end of track play\n");
return false;
return true;
bool SpotiProxy::isPlaying()
if (!m || !m->logged_in) {
LOGERR("SpotiProxy::isPlaying: init failed.\n");
return false;
return m->track_playing;
int SpotiProxy::durationMs()
if (!m || !m->logged_in) {
LOGERR("SpotiProxy::durationMs: init failed.\n");
return 0;
return m->track_duration;
void SpotiProxy::stop()
unique_lock<mutex> lock(objmutex);
if (!m || !m->logged_in) {
LOGERR("SpotiProxy::stop: init failed.\n");
bool SpotiProxy::loginOk()
return m && m->logged_in;
const string& SpotiProxy::getReason()
static string nobuild("Constructor failed");
return m ? m->reason : nobuild;
////////// NetFetch wrapper ////////////////////////////////////////////
inline int inttoichar4(unsigned char *cdb, unsigned int addr)
cdb[3] = (addr & 0xff000000) >> 24;
cdb[2] = (addr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
cdb[1] = (addr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
cdb[0] = addr & 0x000000ff;
return 4;
inline int inttoichar2(unsigned char *cdb, unsigned int cnt)
cdb[1] = (cnt & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
cdb[0] = cnt & 0x000000ff;
return 2;
#if 0
// For reference: definition of a wav header
// Les valeurs en commentaires sont donnees pour du son 44100/16/2
struct wav_header {
/*0 */char riff[4]; /* = 'RIFF' */
/*4 */int32 rifflen; /* longueur des infos qui suivent= datalen+36 */
/*8 */char wave[4]; /* = 'WAVE' */
/*12*/char fmt[4]; /* = 'fmt ' */
/*16*/int32 fmtlen; /* = 16 */
/*20*/int16 formtag; /* = 1 : PCM */
/*22*/int16 nchan; /* = 2 : nombre de canaux */
/*24*/int32 sampspersec; /* = 44100 : Nbr d'echantillons par seconde */
/*28*/int32 avgbytpersec;/* = 176400 : Nbr moyen octets par seconde */
/*32*/int16 blockalign; /* = 4 : nombre d'octets par echantillon */
/*34*/int16 bitspersamp; /* = 16 : bits par echantillon */
/*36*/char data[4]; /* = 'data' */
/*40*/int32 datalen; /* Nombre d'octets de son qui suivent */
/*44*/char data[];
#endif /* if 0 */
#define WAVHSIZE 44
// Format header. Note the use of intel format integers. Input buffer must
// be of size >= 44
int makewavheader(char *buf, int maxsize, int freq, int bits,
int chans, unsigned int databytecnt)
if (maxsize < WAVHSIZE)
return -1;
unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *)buf;
memcpy(cp, "RIFF", 4);
cp += 4;
inttoichar4(cp, databytecnt + RIFFTOWAVCNT);
cp += 4;
memcpy(cp, "WAVE", 4);
cp += 4;
memcpy(cp, "fmt ", 4);
cp += 4;
inttoichar4(cp, 16);
cp += 4;
inttoichar2(cp, 1);
cp += 2;
inttoichar2(cp, chans);
cp += 2;
inttoichar4(cp, freq);
cp += 4;
inttoichar4(cp, freq * chans * (bits / 8));
cp += 4;
inttoichar2(cp, chans * bits / 8);
cp += 2;
inttoichar2(cp, bits);
cp += 2;
memcpy(cp, "data", 4);
cp += 4;
inttoichar4(cp, databytecnt);
cp += 4;
return WAVHSIZE;
class SpotiFetch::Internal {
static const int SAMPLES_BUF_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
Internal(SpotiFetch *parent)
: p(parent) {
spp = SpotiProxy::getSpotiProxy();
if (nullptr == spp) {
LOGERR("SpotiFetch::start: getSpotiProxy returned null\n");
_sink = std::bind(&Internal::framesink, this, _1, _2, _3, _4);
~Internal() {
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::~SpotiFetch: clen " << _contentlen <<
" total sent " << _totalsent << endl);
if (spp) {
// Write callback receiving data from Spotify.
int framesink(const void *frames, int num_frames, int chans, int rate) {
LOGDEB1("SpotiFefch::framesink. dryrun " << _dryrun << " num_frames " <<
num_frames<< " channels " << chans << " rate " << rate << endl);
// Need samplerate, so can only be done on first data call
if (_streamneedinit) {
{unique_lock<mutex> lock(_mutex);
// First pass, compute what's needed, discard data
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch: sample rate " << rate << " chans " <<
chans << endl);
_samplerate = rate;
_channels = chans;
_streamneedinit = false;
// We fake a slightly longer song. This is ok with
// mpd, but the actual transfer will be shorter than
// what the wav header and content-length say, which
// may be an issue with some renderers, and will
// not work at all with, e.g. wget or curl.
// Adding silence in this case, would break gapless
// with mpd, so we don't do it. This might be a
// settable option.
// In the case where 200 mS is < actual diff, the long
// transfer will be truncated to content-length by mhd
// anyway, only the header will be wrong in this case.
_durationms = spp->durationMs() + 300;
_contentlen = (_noheader? 0 : 44) +
((_durationms - _initseekmsecs) / 10) *
(rate/100) * 2 * chans;
LOGDEB0("framesink: contentlen: " << _contentlen << endl);
if (!_dryrun) {
if (!_dryrun && !_noheader) {
char buf[100];
LOGDEB("Sending wav header. content-length " << _contentlen <<
int cnt = makewavheader(
buf, 100, rate, 16, chans, _contentlen - 44);
_totalsent += cnt;
p->databufToQ(buf, cnt);
if (_dryrun) {
return num_frames;
// A call with num_frames == 0 signals the end of stream
if (num_frames == 0) {
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch: empty buf: EOS. clen: " << _contentlen <<
" total sent: " << _totalsent << endl);
// Padding with a silence buffer avoids curl errors, but
// it creates a gap. OTOH curl errors often cause the last
// buffer to be dropped so that gapless is broken too (in
// a different way). No good solution here. Avoiding curl
// (and wav header) errors is probably better all in all).
size_t resid = _contentlen - _totalsent;
if (resid > 0 && resid < 5000000) {
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch: padding track with " << resid <<
" bytes (" << (resid*10)/(2*chans*rate/100) << " mS)\n");
char *buf = (char *)malloc(resid);
if (buf) {
memset(buf, 0, resid);
p->databufToQ(buf, resid);
// Enqueue empty buffer.
p->databufToQ(frames, 0);
return 0;
int bytes = num_frames * chans * 2;
if (_totalsent + bytes > _contentlen) {
bytes = _contentlen - _totalsent;
if (bytes <= 0) {
return num_frames;
_totalsent += bytes;
p->databufToQ(frames, bytes);
return num_frames;
bool dodryrun(const string& url) {
_dryrun = true;
if (!spp->startPlay(url, _sink, 0)) {
LOGERR("dodryrun: startplay failed\n");
_dryrun = false;
_streamneedinit = true;
return false;
bool ret = waitForHeadersInternal(0, true);
_streamneedinit = true;
return ret;
bool waitForHeadersInternal(int maxSecs, bool isfordry) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(_mutex);
LOGDEB("waitForHeaders: rate " << _samplerate << " isfordry " <<
isfordry << " dryrun " << _dryrun << "\n");
while (_samplerate == 0 || (!isfordry && _dryrun)) {
LOGDEB1("waitForHeaders: waiting for sample rate. rate " <<
_samplerate << " isfordry " << isfordry << " dryrun " <<
_dryrun << "\n");
if (isfordry) {
} else {
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::waitForHeaders: isfordry " << isfordry <<
" dryrun " << _dryrun<<" returning "<< spp->isPlaying() << endl);
return spp->isPlaying();
void resetStreamFields() {
_dryrun = false;
_streamneedinit = true;
_durationms = 0;
_initseekmsecs = 0;
_noheader = false;
_samplerate = 0;
_channels = 0;
_contentlen = 0;
_totalsent = 0;
SpotiFetch *p;
SpotiProxy *spp{nullptr};
SpotiProxy::AudioSink _sink;
bool _dryrun{false};
bool _streamneedinit{true};
int _initseekmsecs{0};
// This is for the case where the offset is non-zero (most often
// 44 in practise), but small enough that _initseekmsecs is 0.
bool _noheader{false};
int _samplerate{0};
int _channels{0};
int _durationms{0};
uint64_t _contentlen{0};
uint64_t _totalsent{0};
condition_variable _cv;
condition_variable _dryruncv;
mutex _mutex;
bool SpotiFetch::reset()
return true;
SpotiFetch:: SpotiFetch(const std::string& url)
: NetFetch(url), m(new Internal(this)) {}
SpotiFetch::~SpotiFetch() {}
bool SpotiFetch::start(BufXChange<ABuffer*> *queue, uint64_t offset)
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::start: Offset: " << offset << " queue " <<
(queue? queue->getname() : "null") << endl);
// Flush current queue if any
if (outqueue) {
outqueue = queue;
uint64_t v = 0;
if (offset) {
if (m->_samplerate == 0 || m->_channels == 0) {
LOGERR("SpotiFetch::start: rate or chans 0 after dryrun\n");
return false;
} else {
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::start: after dryrun rate " << m->_samplerate <<
" chans " << m->_channels << endl);
v = (10 * offset) / (m->_channels * 2 * (m->_samplerate/100));
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::start: computed seek ms: " << v << " duration " <<
m->_durationms << endl);
if (v > uint64_t(m->_durationms)) {
v = m->_durationms;
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::start: seek msecs: " << v << endl);
m->_initseekmsecs = v;
m->_dryrun = false;
// Reset samplerate so that the external waitForHeaders will only
// return after we get the first frame and the actual contentlen
// is computed (and samplerate set again).
m->_samplerate = 0;
if (offset) {
m->_noheader = true;
return m->spp->startPlay(_url, m->_sink, m->_initseekmsecs);
bool SpotiFetch::waitForHeaders(int maxSecs)
return m->waitForHeadersInternal(maxSecs, false);
bool SpotiFetch::headerValue(const std::string& nm, std::string& val)
if (!stringlowercmp("content-type", nm)) {
val = "audio/wav";
LOGDEB1("SpotiFetch::headerValue: content-type: " << val << "\n");
return true;
} else if (!stringlowercmp("content-length", nm)) {
ulltodecstr(m->_contentlen, val);
LOGDEB("SpotiFetch::headerValue: content-length: " << val << "\n");
return true;
return false;
bool SpotiFetch::fetchDone(FetchStatus *code, int *http_code)
bool ret= !m->spp->isPlaying();
if (ret && code) {
*code = m->spp->getReason().empty() ? FETCH_OK : FETCH_FATAL;
if (http_code) {
*http_code = 0;
LOGDEB0("SpotiFetch::fetchDone: returning " << ret << endl);
return ret;