/* Copyright (C) 2014 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include "libupnpp/log.hxx"
#include "libupnpp/upnpavutils.hxx"
#include "libupnpp/device/device.hxx"
#include "main.hxx"
#include "upmpdutils.hxx"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "readfile.h"
#include "httpfs.hxx"
using namespace std;
using namespace UPnPP;
using namespace UPnPProvider;
// UPnP AV services. We can disable this to help pure OpenHome
// renderers which having both UPnP AV and OpenHome gets in trouble
// (Kinsky)
static string upnpAVDesc(
" <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/RenderingControl.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/RenderingControl</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/RenderingControl</eventSubURL>"
" <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/AVTransport.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/AVTransport</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/AVTransport</eventSubURL>"
// The description XML document is the first thing downloaded by
// clients and tells them what services we export, and where to find
// them. The base data is in /usr/shared/upmpdcli/description.xml, it
// has a number of substitutable fields for optional data, like the
// description of OpenHome services
static string ohDesc(
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Product:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Product</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHProduct.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHProduct</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHProduct</eventSubURL>"
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Info:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Info</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHInfo.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHInfo</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHInfo</eventSubURL>"
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Time:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Time</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHTime.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHTime</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHTime</eventSubURL>"
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Volume:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Volume</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHVolume.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHVolume</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHVolume</eventSubURL>"
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Playlist:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Playlist</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHPlaylist.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHPlaylist</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHPlaylist</eventSubURL>"
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Radio:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Radio</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHRadio.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHRadio</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHRadio</eventSubURL>"
// We only advertise the Openhome Receiver service if the sc2mpd
// songcast-to-mpd gateway command is available
static string ohDescReceive(
" <serviceType>urn:av-openhome-org:service:Receiver:1</serviceType>"
" <serviceId>urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Receiver</serviceId>"
" <SCPDURL>/upmpd/OHReceiver.xml</SCPDURL>"
" <controlURL>/ctl/OHReceiver</controlURL>"
" <eventSubURL>/evt/OHReceiver</eventSubURL>"
static const string iconDesc(
" <icon>"
" <mimetype>image/png</mimetype>"
" <width>64</width>"
" <height>64</height>"
" <depth>32</depth>"
" <url>/upmpd/icon.png</url>"
" </icon>"
static const string presDesc(
static const string deviceMedia(
// The base XML description files. !Keep description.xml first!
static vector<const char *> xmlfilenames =
/* keep first */ "description.xml", /* keep first */
"RenderingControl.xml", "AVTransport.xml", "ConnectionManager.xml",
// Optional OpenHome service description files
static vector<const char *> ohxmlfilenames =
"OHProduct.xml", "OHInfo.xml", "OHTime.xml", "OHVolume.xml",
"OHPlaylist.xml", "OHRadio.xml", "ContentDirectory.xml"
/** Read protocol info file. This contains the connection manager
* protocol info data
* We strip white-space from beginning/ends of lines, and allow
* #-started comments (on a line alone only, comments after data not allowed).
static bool read_protocolinfo(const string& fn, bool enableL16, string& out)
ifstream input;
input.open(fn, ios::in);
if (!input.is_open()) {
return false;
bool eof = false;
for (;;) {
string line;
getline(input, line);
if (!input.good()) {
if (input.bad()) {
return false;
// Must be eof ? But maybe we have a partial line which
// must be processed. This happens if the last line before
// eof ends with a backslash, or there is no final \n
eof = true;
trimstring(line, " \t\n\r");
if (enableL16 && line[0] == '@') {
line = regsub1("@ENABLEL16@", line, "");
} else {
line = regsub1("@ENABLEL16@", line, "#");
if (line[0] == '#')
out += line;
if (eof)
return true;
// Read and setup our (mostly XML) data to make it available from the
// virtual directory
bool initHttpFs(unordered_map<string, VDirContent>& files,
const string& datadir,
const string& UUID, const string& friendlyname,
bool enableAV, bool enableOH, bool enableReceiver,
bool enableL16, bool enableMediaServer,
const string& iconpath, const string& presentationhtml)
if (enableOH) {
if (enableReceiver) {
xmlfilenames.insert(xmlfilenames.end(), ohxmlfilenames.begin(),
string protofile(path_cat(datadir, "protocolinfo.txt"));
if (!read_protocolinfo(protofile, enableL16, g_protocolInfo)) {
LOGFAT("Failed reading protocol info from " << protofile << endl);
return false;
vector<ProtocolinfoEntry> vpe;
parseProtocolInfo(g_protocolInfo, vpe);
for (const auto& it : vpe) {
string reason;
string icondata;
if (!iconpath.empty()) {
if (!file_to_string(iconpath, icondata, &reason)) {
LOGERR("Failed reading " << iconpath << " : " << reason << endl);
string presentationdata;
if (!presentationhtml.empty()) {
if (!file_to_string(presentationhtml, presentationdata, &reason)) {
LOGERR("Failed reading " << presentationhtml << " : " << reason << endl);
string dir("/upmpd/");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xmlfilenames.size(); i++) {
string filename = path_cat(datadir, xmlfilenames[i]);
string data;
if (!file_to_string(filename, data, &reason)) {
LOGFAT("Failed reading " << filename << " : " << reason << endl);
return false;
if (i == 0) {
// Special for description: set UUID and friendlyname
data = regsub1("@UUID@", data, UUID);
data = regsub1("@FRIENDLYNAME@", data, friendlyname);
if (enableMediaServer) {
string msdesc = regsub1("@UUIDMEDIA@", deviceMedia,
msdesc = regsub1("@FRIENDLYNAMEMEDIA@", msdesc,
data = regsub1("@MEDIASERVER@", data, msdesc);
} else {
data = regsub1("@MEDIASERVER@", data, "");
if (enableAV) {
data = regsub1("@UPNPAV@", data, upnpAVDesc);
} else {
data = regsub1("@UPNPAV@", data, "");
if (enableOH) {
if (enableReceiver) {
ohDesc += ohDescReceive;
data = regsub1("@OPENHOME@", data, ohDesc);
} else {
data = regsub1("@OPENHOME@", data, "");
if (!icondata.empty())
data = regsub1("@ICONLIST@", data, iconDesc);
data = regsub1("@ICONLIST@", data, "");
if (!presentationdata.empty())
data = regsub1("@PRESENTATION@", data, presDesc);
data = regsub1("@PRESENTATION@", data, "");
files.insert(pair<string, VDirContent>
(dir + xmlfilenames[i],
VDirContent(data, "application/xml")));
if (!icondata.empty()) {
files.insert(pair<string, VDirContent>
(dir + "icon.png",
VDirContent(icondata, "image/png")));
if (!presentationdata.empty()) {
files.insert(pair<string, VDirContent>
(dir + "presentation.html",
VDirContent(presentationdata, "text/html")));
return true;