/* Copyright (C) 2015 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Main program
#include "config.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "libupnpp/log.hxx"
#include "libupnpp/upnpplib.hxx"
#include "execmd.h"
#include "conftree.h"
#include "mpdcli.hxx"
#include "upmpd.hxx"
#include "mediaserver.hxx"
#include "httpfs.hxx"
#include "upmpdutils.hxx"
#include "pathut.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace UPnPP;
static char *thisprog;
static int op_flags;
#define OPT_MOINS 0x1
#define OPT_h 0x2
#define OPT_p 0x4
#define OPT_d 0x8
#define OPT_D 0x10
#define OPT_c 0x20
#define OPT_l 0x40
#define OPT_f 0x80
#define OPT_q 0x100
#define OPT_i 0x200
#define OPT_P 0x400
#define OPT_O 0x800
#define OPT_v 0x1000
static const char usage[] =
"-c configfile \t configuration file to use\n"
"-h host \t specify host MPD is running on\n"
"-p port \t specify MPD port\n"
"-d logfilename\t debug messages to\n"
"-l loglevel\t log level (0-6)\n"
"-D \t run as a daemon\n"
"-f friendlyname\t define device displayed name\n"
"-q 0|1\t if set, we own the mpd queue, else avoid clearing it whenever we feel like it\n"
"-i iface \t specify network interface name to be used for UPnP\n"
"-P upport \t specify port number to be used for UPnP\n"
"-O 0|1\t decide if we run and export the OpenHome services\n"
"-v \tprint version info\n"
static void
versionInfo(FILE *fp)
fprintf(fp, "Upmpdcli %s %s\n",
UPMPDCLI_PACKAGE_VERSION, LibUPnP::versionString().c_str());
static void
Usage(FILE *fp = stderr)
fprintf(fp, "%s: usage:\n%s", thisprog, usage);
static const string dfltFriendlyName("UpMpd");
ohProductDesc_t ohProductDesc = {
// Manufacturer
"UpMPDCli heavy industries Co.", // name
"Such nice guys and gals", // info
"http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli", // url
"" // imageUri
// Model
"UpMPDCli UPnP-MPD gateway", // name
"", // info
"http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli", // url
"" // imageUri
// Product
"Upmpdcli", // name
"", // url
"" // imageUri
// The following protocolinfo data is read from a configuration file
// (in httpfs.cxx with the rest of the xml data), global and logically
// const:
string g_protocolInfo;
unordered_set<string> g_supportedFormats;
// Static for cleanup in sig handler.
static UpnpDevice *dev;
string g_datadir(DATADIR "/");
// Global
string g_configfilename(CONFIGDIR "/upmpdcli.conf");
std::mutex g_configlock;
ConfSimple *g_config;
static void onsig(int)
LOGDEB("Got sig" << endl);
static const int catchedSigs[] = {SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM};
static void setupsigs()
struct sigaction action;
action.sa_handler = onsig;
action.sa_flags = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(catchedSigs) / sizeof(int); i++)
if (signal(catchedSigs[i], SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
if (sigaction(catchedSigs[i], &action, 0) < 0) {
perror("Sigaction failed");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Path for the sc2mpd command, or empty
string sc2mpdpath;
// Sender mode: path for the command creating the mpd and mpd2sc
// processes, and port for the auxiliary mpd.
string senderpath;
int sendermpdport = 6700;
// Main MPD parameters
string mpdhost("localhost");
int mpdport = 6600;
string mpdpassword;
string logfilename;
int loglevel(Logger::LLINF);
string friendlyname(dfltFriendlyName);
bool ownqueue = true;
bool enableAV = true;
bool enableOH = true;
bool ohmetapersist = true;
string upmpdcliuser("upmpdcli");
string pidfilename("/var/run/upmpdcli.pid");
string iconpath(DATADIR "/icon.png");
string presentationhtml(DATADIR "/presentation.html");
string iface;
unsigned short upport = 0;
string upnpip;
const char *cp;
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPD_HOST")))
mpdhost = cp;
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPD_PORT")))
mpdport = atoi(cp);
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPD_FRIENDLYNAME")))
friendlyname = atoi(cp);
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPD_CONFIG")))
g_configfilename = cp;
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPD_UPNPIFACE")))
iface = cp;
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPD_UPNPPORT")))
upport = atoi(cp);
thisprog = argv[0];
argc--; argv++;
while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
if (!(**argv))
while (**argv)
switch (*(*argv)++) {
case 'c': op_flags |= OPT_c; if (argc < 2) Usage();
g_configfilename = *(++argv); argc--; goto b1;
case 'D': op_flags |= OPT_D; break;
case 'd': op_flags |= OPT_d; if (argc < 2) Usage();
logfilename = *(++argv); argc--; goto b1;
case 'f': op_flags |= OPT_f; if (argc < 2) Usage();
friendlyname = *(++argv); argc--; goto b1;
case 'h': op_flags |= OPT_h; if (argc < 2) Usage();
mpdhost = *(++argv); argc--; goto b1;
case 'i': op_flags |= OPT_i; if (argc < 2) Usage();
iface = *(++argv); argc--; goto b1;
case 'l': op_flags |= OPT_l; if (argc < 2) Usage();
loglevel = atoi(*(++argv)); argc--; goto b1;
case 'O': {
op_flags |= OPT_O;
if (argc < 2) Usage();
const char *cp = *(++argv);
if (*cp == '1' || *cp == 't' || *cp == 'T' || *cp == 'y' ||
*cp == 'Y')
enableOH = true;
argc--; goto b1;
case 'P': op_flags |= OPT_P; if (argc < 2) Usage();
upport = atoi(*(++argv)); argc--; goto b1;
case 'p': op_flags |= OPT_p; if (argc < 2) Usage();
mpdport = atoi(*(++argv)); argc--; goto b1;
case 'q': op_flags |= OPT_q; if (argc < 2) Usage();
ownqueue = atoi(*(++argv)) != 0; argc--; goto b1;
case 'v': versionInfo(stdout); exit(0); break;
default: Usage(); break;
b1: argc--; argv++;
if (argc != 0)
UpMpd::Options opts;
string cachedir;
if (!g_configfilename.empty()) {
g_config = new ConfSimple(g_configfilename.c_str(), 1, true);
if (!g_config || !g_config->ok()) {
cerr << "Could not open config: " << g_configfilename << endl;
return 1;
string value;
if (!(op_flags & OPT_d))
g_config->get("logfilename", logfilename);
if (!(op_flags & OPT_f))
g_config->get("friendlyname", friendlyname);
if (!(op_flags & OPT_l) && g_config->get("loglevel", value))
loglevel = atoi(value.c_str());
if (!(op_flags & OPT_h))
g_config->get("mpdhost", mpdhost);
if (!(op_flags & OPT_p) && g_config->get("mpdport", value)) {
mpdport = atoi(value.c_str());
g_config->get("mpdpassword", mpdpassword);
if (!(op_flags & OPT_q) && g_config->get("ownqueue", value)) {
ownqueue = atoi(value.c_str()) != 0;
if (g_config->get("openhome", value)) {
enableOH = atoi(value.c_str()) != 0;
if (g_config->get("upnpav", value)) {
enableAV = atoi(value.c_str()) != 0;
if (g_config->get("checkcontentformat", value)) {
// If option is specified and 0, set nocheck flag
if (atoi(value.c_str()) == 0) {
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdNoContentFormatCheck;
if (g_config->get("ohmetapersist", value)) {
ohmetapersist = atoi(value.c_str()) != 0;
if (g_config->get("pkgdatadir", g_datadir)) {
iconpath = path_cat(g_datadir, "icon.png");
if (!path_exists(iconpath)) {
presentationhtml = path_cat(g_datadir, "presentation.html");
g_config->get("iconpath", iconpath);
g_config->get("presentationhtml", presentationhtml);
g_config->get("cachedir", cachedir);
g_config->get("pidfile", pidfilename);
if (!(op_flags & OPT_i)) {
g_config->get("upnpiface", iface);
if (iface.empty()) {
g_config->get("upnpip", upnpip);
if (!(op_flags & OPT_P) && g_config->get("upnpport", value)) {
upport = atoi(value.c_str());
if (g_config->get("schttpport", value))
opts.schttpport = atoi(value.c_str());
g_config->get("scplaymethod", opts.scplaymethod);
g_config->get("sc2mpd", sc2mpdpath);
if (g_config->get("ohmetasleep", value))
opts.ohmetasleep = atoi(value.c_str());
g_config->get("ohmanufacturername", ohProductDesc.manufacturer.name);
g_config->get("ohmanufacturerinfo", ohProductDesc.manufacturer.info);
g_config->get("ohmanufacturerurl", ohProductDesc.manufacturer.url);
g_config->get("ohmanufacturerimageuri", ohProductDesc.manufacturer.imageUri);
g_config->get("ohmodelname", ohProductDesc.model.name);
g_config->get("ohmodelinfo", ohProductDesc.model.info);
g_config->get("ohmodelurl", ohProductDesc.model.url);
g_config->get("ohmodelimageUri", ohProductDesc.model.imageUri);
g_config->get("ohproductname", ohProductDesc.product.name);
g_config->get("ohproductinfo", ohProductDesc.product.info);
g_config->get("ohproducturl", ohProductDesc.product.url);
g_config->get("ohproductimageuri", ohProductDesc.product.imageUri);
g_config->get("ohproductroom", ohProductDesc.room);
// ProductName is set to ModelName by default
if (ohProductDesc.product.name.empty()) {
ohProductDesc.product.name = ohProductDesc.model.name;
// ProductRoom is set to "Main Room" by default
if (ohProductDesc.room.empty()) {
ohProductDesc.room = "Main Room";
g_config->get("scsenderpath", senderpath);
if (g_config->get("scsendermpdport", value))
sendermpdport = atoi(value.c_str());
if (Logger::getTheLog(logfilename) == 0) {
cerr << "Can't initialize log" << endl;
return 1;
Pidfile pidfile(pidfilename);
// If started by root, do the pidfile + change uid thing
uid_t runas(0);
gid_t runasg(0);
if (geteuid() == 0) {
struct passwd *pass = getpwnam(upmpdcliuser.c_str());
if (pass == 0) {
LOGFAT("upmpdcli won't run as root and user " << upmpdcliuser <<
" does not exist " << endl);
return 1;
runas = pass->pw_uid;
runasg = pass->pw_gid;
pid_t pid;
if ((pid = pidfile.open()) != 0) {
LOGFAT("Can't open pidfile: " << pidfile.getreason() <<
". Return (other pid?): " << pid << endl);
return 1;
if (pidfile.write_pid() != 0) {
LOGFAT("Can't write pidfile: " << pidfile.getreason() << endl);
return 1;
if (cachedir.empty())
cachedir = "/var/cache/upmpdcli";
} else {
if (cachedir.empty())
cachedir = path_cat(path_tildexpand("~") , "/.cache/upmpdcli");
string& mcfn = opts.cachefn;
if (ohmetapersist) {
opts.cachefn = path_cat(cachedir, "/metacache");
if (!path_makepath(cachedir, 0755)) {
LOGERR("makepath("<< cachedir << ") : errno : " << errno << endl);
} else {
int fd;
if ((fd = open(mcfn.c_str(), O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644)) < 0) {
LOGERR("creat("<< mcfn << ") : errno : " << errno << endl);
} else {
if (geteuid() == 0 && chown(mcfn.c_str(), runas, -1) != 0) {
LOGERR("chown("<< mcfn << ") : errno : " << errno << endl);
if (geteuid() == 0 && chown(cachedir.c_str(), runas, -1) != 0) {
LOGERR("chown("<< cachedir << ") : errno : " << errno << endl);
if ((op_flags & OPT_D)) {
if (daemon(1, 0)) {
LOGFAT("Daemon failed: errno " << errno << endl);
return 1;
if (geteuid() == 0) {
// Need to rewrite pid, it may have changed with the daemon call
if (!logfilename.empty() && logfilename.compare("stderr")) {
if (chown(logfilename.c_str(), runas, -1) < 0) {
LOGERR("chown("<<logfilename<<") : errno : " << errno << endl);
if (initgroups(upmpdcliuser.c_str(), runasg) < 0) {
LOGERR("initgroup failed. Errno: " << errno << endl);
if (setuid(runas) < 0) {
LOGFAT("Can't set my uid to " << runas << " current: " << geteuid()
<< endl);
return 1;
#if 0
gid_t list[100];
int ng = getgroups(100, list);
cerr << "GROUPS: ";
for (int i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
cerr << int(list[i]) << " ";
cerr << endl;
//// Dropped root
if (sc2mpdpath.empty()) {
// Do we have an sc2mpd command installed (for songcast)?
if (!ExecCmd::which("sc2mpd", sc2mpdpath))
if (senderpath.empty()) {
// Do we have an scmakempdsender command installed (for
// starting the songcast sender and its auxiliary mpd)?
if (!ExecCmd::which("scmakempdsender", senderpath))
if (!sc2mpdpath.empty()) {
// Check if sc2mpd is actually there
if (access(sc2mpdpath.c_str(), X_OK|R_OK) != 0) {
LOGERR("Specified path for sc2mpd: " << sc2mpdpath <<
" is not executable" << endl);
if (!senderpath.empty()) {
// Check that both the starter script and the mpd2sc sender
// command are executable. We'll assume that mpd is ok
if (access(senderpath.c_str(), X_OK|R_OK) != 0) {
LOGERR("The specified path for the sender starter script: ["
<< senderpath <<
"] is not executable, disabling the sender mode.\n");
} else {
string path;
if (!ExecCmd::which("mpd2sc", path)) {
LOGERR("Sender starter was specified and found but the mpd2sc "
"command is not found (or executable). Disabling "
"the sender mode.\n");
// Initialize MPD client object. Retry until it works or power fail.
MPDCli *mpdclip = 0;
int mpdretrysecs = 2;
for (;;) {
mpdclip = new MPDCli(mpdhost, mpdport, mpdpassword);
if (mpdclip == 0) {
LOGFAT("Can't allocate MPD client object" << endl);
return 1;
if (!mpdclip->ok()) {
LOGERR("MPD connection failed" << endl);
delete mpdclip;
mpdclip = 0;
mpdretrysecs = MIN(2*mpdretrysecs, 120);
} else {
const MpdStatus& mpdstat = mpdclip->getStatus();
// Only the "special" upmpdcli 0.19.16 version has patch != 0
bool enableL16 = mpdstat.versmajor >= 1 || mpdstat.versminor >= 20 ||
mpdstat.verspatch >= 16;
// Initialize libupnpp, and check health
LibUPnP *mylib = 0;
string hwaddr;
int libretrysecs = 10;
for (;;) {
// Libupnp init fails if we're started at boot and the network
// is not ready yet. So retry this forever
mylib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP(true, &hwaddr, iface, upnpip, upport);
if (mylib) {
libretrysecs = MIN(2*libretrysecs, 120);
if (!mylib->ok()) {
LOGFAT("Lib init failed: " <<
mylib->errAsString("main", mylib->getInitError()) << endl);
return 1;
if ((cp = getenv("UPMPDCLI_UPNPLOGFILENAME"))) {
char *cp1 = getenv("UPMPDCLI_UPNPLOGLEVEL");
int loglevel = LibUPnP::LogLevelNone;
if (cp1) {
loglevel = atoi(cp1);
loglevel = loglevel < 0 ? 0: loglevel;
loglevel = loglevel > int(LibUPnP::LogLevelDebug) ?
int(LibUPnP::LogLevelDebug) : loglevel;
if (loglevel != LibUPnP::LogLevelNone) {
mylib->setLogFileName(cp, LibUPnP::LogLevel(loglevel));
// Create unique ID
string UUID = LibUPnP::makeDevUUID(friendlyname, hwaddr);
// Initialize the data we serve through HTTP (device and service
// descriptions, icons, presentation page, etc.)
unordered_map<string, VDirContent> files;
bool enableMediaServer = true;
if (!initHttpFs(files, g_datadir, UUID, friendlyname, enableAV, enableOH,
!senderpath.empty(), enableL16, enableMediaServer,
iconpath, presentationhtml)) {
if (ownqueue)
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdOwnQueue;
if (enableOH)
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdDoOH;
if (ohmetapersist)
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdOhMetaPersist;
if (!sc2mpdpath.empty()) {
opts.sc2mpdpath = sc2mpdpath;
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdOhReceiver;
if (!senderpath.empty()) {
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdOhSenderReceiver;
opts.senderpath = senderpath;
opts.sendermpdport = sendermpdport;
if (!enableAV)
opts.options |= UpMpd::upmpdNoAV;
// Initialize the UPnP root device object.
UpMpd device(string("uuid:") + UUID, friendlyname, ohProductDesc,
files, mpdclip, opts);
dev = &device;
MediaServer *devmedia = nullptr;
if (enableMediaServer) {
// Create the Media Server embedded device object. There needs
// be no reference to the root object because there can be
// only one (libupnp restriction)
devmedia = new MediaServer(string("uuid:") + uuidMediaServer(UUID),
// And forever generate state change events.
LOGDEB("Entering event loop" << endl);
LOGDEB("Event loop returned" << endl);
return 0;