Switch to side-by-side view

--- a
+++ b/src/mediaserver/cdplugins/uprcl/uprclsearch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import print_function
+def _getchar(s, i):
+    if i < len(s):
+        return i+1,s[i]
+    else:
+        return i,None
+def _readword(s, i):
+    w = ''
+    for j in range(i, len(s)):
+        if s[j].isspace():
+            return j,w
+        w += s[j]
+    return j,w
+# Called with '"' already read:
+def _readstring(s, i):
+    str = '"'
+    escape = False
+    for j in range(i, len(s)):
+        #print("s[j] [%s] out now [%s]" % (s[j],out))
+        if s[j] == '\\':
+            if not escape:
+                escape = True
+                str += '\\'
+            continue
+        if s[j] == '"':
+            str += '"'
+            if not escape:
+                return j+1, str
+        else:
+            str += s[j]
+        escape = False        
+    return len(s), str
+def upnpsearchtorecoll(s):
+    s = s.replace('\t', ' ')
+    s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
+    s = s.replace('\r', ' ')
+    s = s.replace('\f', ' ')
+    out = []
+    hadDerived = False
+    i = 0
+    while True:
+        i,c = _getchar(s, i)
+        if not c:
+            break
+        if c.isspace():
+            continue
+        if c == "*":
+            if (len(out) > 1 or (len(out) == 1 and not out[-1].isspace())) or \
+                   (len(s[i:]) and not s[i:].isspace()):
+                raise Exception("If * is used it must be the only input")
+            out = ["mime:*"]
+            break
+        if c == '(' or c == ')' or c == '>' or c == '<' or c == '=':
+            out.append(c)
+        else:
+            if c == '"':
+                i,w = _readstring(s, i)
+                if not w.endswith('"'):
+                    raise Exception("Unterminated string in [%s]" % out)
+            else:
+                i -= 1
+                i,w = _readword(s, i)
+            #print("Got word [%s]" % w)
+            if w == 'contains':
+                out.append(':')
+            elif w == 'doesNotContain':
+                if len(out) < 1:
+                    raise Exception("doesNotContain can't be the first word")
+                out.insert(-1, "-")
+                out.append(':')
+            elif w == 'derivedFrom':
+                hadDerived = True
+                out.append(':')
+            elif w == 'true':
+                out.append('*')
+            elif w == 'false':
+                out.append('xxxjanzocsduochterrrrm')
+            elif w == 'exists':
+                out.append(':')
+            elif w == 'and':
+                # Recoll has implied AND, but see next
+                pass
+            elif w == 'or':
+                # Does not work because OR/AND priorities are reversed
+                # between recoll and upnp. This would be very
+                # difficult to correct, let's hope that the callers
+                # use parenthesese
+                out.append('OR')
+            else:
+                if hadDerived:
+                    hadDerived = False
+                    if len(w) >= 1 and w[-1] == '"':
+                        w = w[:-1] + '*' + '"'
+                    else:
+                        w += '*'
+                out.append(w)
+    ostr = ""
+    for tok in out:
+        ostr += tok + " "
+    return ostr
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    s = '(upnp:artist derivedFrom  "abc\\"def\\g") or (dc:title:xxx) '
+    print("INPUT: %s" % s)
+    o = upnpsearchtorecoll(s)
+    print("OUTPUT: %s" % o)