Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/upmpdcli.conf
+++ b/src/upmpdcli.conf
@@ -77,24 +77,31 @@
 # inbetween).
 # ohmetasleep = 0
-### Parameters for the sc2mpd Songcast helper command:
+### Parameters for the Songcast modes. These are read by either/both the
+### songcast and upmpdcli.
-#  Log file name (default stderr), and level. The file must *not* be the
-#  same as the one for upmpdcli
+#  Log file name for sc2mpd (default stderr), and level. The file must
+#  *not* be the same as the one used for upmpdcli
 #sclogfilename = /tmp/scmpdcli.log
 #scloglevel = 6
 # Play method. This can be either mpd or alsa. alsa is the only way to
-# really avoid skips (and control the synchonization in multi-room setups). 
+# really avoid skips (and control the synchronization in multi-room setups). 
 #scplaymethod = mpd
-#  Port for connections from MPD to sc2mpd. The latter only accepts
-#  connections from localhost. Default 8768. Only used if scplaymethod is mpd
+# For the mpd play method only: port for connections from MPD to
+# sc2mpd. The latter only accepts connections from localhost.
 #schttpport = 8768
-# Alsa device to use. Only used if scplaymethod is alsa
+# For the alsa play method only: Alsa device to use
 #scalsadevice = default
-#  Path to the sc2mpd if it is not in /usr/bin and the location is not in
-#  the PATH for the init scripts.
+# Path to sc2mpd if it is not in /usr/bin and the location is not in the
+# PATH for the init scripts.
 #sc2mpd = /usr/bin/sc2mpd
+## Parameters tor the Sender/Receiver mode 
+# Path to the script which starts the auxiliary mpd and the sender process
+#scsenderpath = /usr/bin/scmakempdsender
+# localhost port to use by the auxiliary mpd
+#scsendermpdport = 6700