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--- a/doc/upmpdcli-config.txt
+++ b/doc/upmpdcli-config.txt
@@ -252,16 +252,24 @@
 radiolist:: Path to an external file with radio
 definitions. Radio stations can be defined at the end of
-the the main file, or in a separate one (or both). Using an external file
+the the main file, or in an external file (or both). Using an external file
 can ease distribution to multiple machines. Either way, each radio
-station is defined as a section with a name beginning with "radio",
-containing an URL parameter, and an optional icon URL. See details
-further in the manual. Example:
+station is defined as a section with a name beginning with 'radio',
+containing a mandatory URL parameter, and optional values. The part of
+the name after 'radio' will be the displayed radio name (as album title).
+- artUrl: an optional static radio icon URL.
+- artScript: an optional script to retrieve an image for the current title
+- metaScript: an optional script to retrieve metadata for the current
+See the xref:radio-definitions[section about radio station definitions]
+for details about the scripts.
 [radio My Radio]
 url = http://some.host/some/path.pls
 artUrl = http://some.host/icon/path.png
 artScript = /path/to/script/dynamic-art-getter
+metaScript = /path/to/script/metadata-getter