When you try to play a promoted track it fails because the nid used to build the url is not found. I switched to using "storeId" and it pays fine.
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def _parse_track(data, album=None): album = Album(id=albid, name=alb_tt, image=alb_art, artist=artist) kwargs = { - 'id': data['id'] if 'id' in data else data['nid'], + 'id': data['id'] if 'id' in data else data['storeId'], 'name': data['title'], 'duration': int(data['durationMillis'])/1000, 'track_num': data['trackNumber'],
David Stilwell
2018-07-06You can close this issue, with the latest fix to (#15) the storeId issue is resolved.
2018-07-06Fixed with the suggested solution
2018-07-06- status: open --> closed
- milestone: -->