/* Copyright (C) 2014 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#include <QDebug>
#include "libupnpp/control/ohplaylist.hxx"
#include "libupnpp/control/cdircontent.hxx"
#include "libupnpp/soaphelp.hxx"
class OHPLMetadata {
virtual std::string getDidl() const = 0;
class OHPlaylistQO : public QObject, public UPnPClient::VarEventReporter {
OHPlaylistQO(UPnPClient::OHPLH ohp, QObject *parent = 0)
: QObject(parent), m_curid(-1), m_forceUpdate(false),
qRegisterMetaType<std::vector<int> >("std::vector<int>");
connect(this, SIGNAL(__idArrayChanged(std::vector<int>)),
this, SLOT(onIdArrayChanged(std::vector<int>)),
virtual ~OHPlaylistQO() {
// TransportState, Repeat, Shuffle, Id, TracksMax
virtual void changed(const char *nm, int value)
//qDebug() << "OHPL: Changed: " << nm << " (int): " << value;
if (!strcmp(nm, "Id")) {
// We could test for an unchanged Id, but let our clients
// do this because it's quite possible that we emit the
// first signal before we are connected
m_curid = value;
emit trackIdChanged(value);
} else if (!strcmp(nm, "TransportState")) {
emit tpStateChanged(value);
} else if (!strcmp(nm, "Shuffle")) {
emit shuffleChanged(value!=0);
} else if (!strcmp(nm, "Repeat")) {
emit repeatChanged(value!=0);
// ProtocolInfo
virtual void changed(const char */*nm*/, const char */*value*/)
//qDebug() << "OHPL: Changed: " << nm << " (char*): " << value;
// IdArray
virtual void changed(const char *nm, std::vector<int> ids)
if (!m_discardArrayEvents) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL: Changed: " << nm << " (vector<int>)";
emit __idArrayChanged(ids);
public slots:
virtual void sync() {
//qDebug() << "OHPL::sync";
std::vector<int> ids;
int tp;
if (idArray(&ids, &tp)) {
virtual void asyncArrayUpdates(bool onoff) {
m_discardArrayEvents = !onoff;
virtual bool play() {return m_srv->play() == 0;}
virtual bool stop() {return m_srv->stop() == 0;}
virtual bool pause() {return m_srv->pause() == 0;}
virtual bool next() {return m_srv->next() == 0;}
virtual bool previous() {return m_srv->previous() == 0;}
virtual bool setRepeat(bool b) {return m_srv->setRepeat(b) == 0;}
virtual bool setShuffle(bool b) {return m_srv->setShuffle(b) == 0;}
virtual bool seekSecondAbsolute(int s) {
return m_srv->seekSecondAbsolute(s) == 0;}
virtual bool seekSecondRelative(int s) {
return m_srv->seekSecondRelative(s) == 0;}
virtual bool seekId(int i) {return m_srv->seekId(i) == 0;}
virtual bool seekIndex(int i) {return m_srv->seekIndex(i) == 0;}
virtual bool clear() {return m_srv->deleteAll() == 0;}
virtual bool idArray(std::vector<int> *ids, int *tokp) {
return m_srv->idArray(ids, tokp) == 0;
virtual bool insert(int afterid, const std::string& uri,
const std::string& didl, int *nid) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL:: insert after " << afterid;
int ret = m_srv->insert(afterid, uri, didl, nid);
if (ret == 0) {
std::vector<int>::iterator it;
if (afterid == 0)
it = m_idsv.begin();
it = find(m_idsv.begin(), m_idsv.end(), afterid);
// Keep local ids vector updated
if (it != m_idsv.end()) {
m_idsv.insert(it, *nid);
// Make sure we get the real stuff
m_forceUpdate = true;
return true;
//qDebug() << "OHPL: insert failed: " << ret;
return false;
virtual bool deleteId(int id) {
int ret = m_srv->deleteId(id);
if (ret == 0) {
// Update local state at once in case we get an insert
// before we get the changed array from the device
// (drag&drop).
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_idsv.size(); i++) {
if (m_idsv[i] == id) {
// Make sure we get the real stuff
m_forceUpdate = true;
return ret == 0;
void trackIdChanged(int);
void trackArrayChanged();
void tpStateChanged(int);
void shuffleChanged(bool);
void repeatChanged(bool);
// This is an internal signal. Use trackArrayChanged()
void __idArrayChanged(std::vector<int>);
private slots:
void onIdArrayChanged(std::vector<int> nids) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL::onIdArrayChanged: " << vtos(nids).c_str();
if (!m_forceUpdate && nids == m_idsv) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL::onIdArrayChanged: unchanged";
m_forceUpdate = false;
// Clean up metapool entries not in ids. We build a set with
// the new ids list first. For small lists it does not matter,
// for big ones, this will prevent what would otherwise be a
// linear search the repeated search to make this
// quadratic. We're sort of O(n * log(n)) instead.
if (!m_metapool.empty() && !nids.empty()){
std::unordered_set<int> tmpset(nids.begin(), nids.end());
for (auto it = m_metapool.begin(); it != m_metapool.end(); ) {
if (tmpset.find(it->first) == tmpset.end()) {
it = m_metapool.erase(it);
} else {
// Find ids for which we have no metadata
std::vector<int> unids; // unknown
for (auto it = nids.begin(); it != nids.end(); it++) {
if (m_metapool.find(*it) == m_metapool.end())
if (!unids.empty()) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL::onIdArrayChanged: need metadata for: "
// << vtos(unids).c_str();
// Fetch needed metadata, 10 entries at a time
const unsigned int batchsize(10);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unids.size();) {
unsigned int j = 0;
std::vector<int> small;
for (; j < batchsize && (i+j) < unids.size(); j++) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL::onIdArrayChanged: Requesting metadata for "
//<< vtos(small).c_str();
std::vector<UPnPClient::OHPlaylist::TrackListEntry> entries;
int ret;
if ((ret = m_srv->readList(small, &entries))) {
qDebug() << "OHPL: readList failed: " << ret;
goto out;
for (auto it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); it++) {
//qDebug() << "OHPL: data for " << it->id << " " <<
// it->dirent.m_title.c_str();
// Kazoo for example does not set a resource (uri)
// inside the dirent. Set it from the uri field in
// this case.
if (it->dirent.m_resources.empty()) {
UPnPClient::UPnPResource res;
res.m_uri = it->url;
m_metapool[it->id] = it->dirent;
i += j;
m_idsv = nids;
//qDebug() << "OHPL::onIdArrayChanged: emit trackArrayChanged(). " <<
// "idsv size" << m_idsv.size() << " pool size " << m_metapool.size();
emit trackArrayChanged();
emit trackIdChanged(m_curid);
std::vector<int> m_idsv;
std::unordered_map<int, UPnPClient::UPnPDirObject> m_metapool;
int m_curid;
bool m_forceUpdate;
bool m_discardArrayEvents;
std::string vtos(std::vector<int> nids) {
std::string sids;
for (auto it = nids.begin(); it != nids.end(); it++)
sids += UPnPP::SoapHelp::i2s(*it) + " ";
return sids;
UPnPClient::OHPLH m_srv;