Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/doc/upplay-releases.txt
+++ b/doc/upplay-releases.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,19 @@
 - Support for switching to an arbitrary Source on an OpenHome Renderer.
 - New tool for setting up and terminating multiple Linn Songcast
   Sender-Receiver connections.
+Actually, this should have been 1.3.0, there are some small functional
+changes in addition to bug fixes.
+- Add scrolling to the songcast connections dialog. It was difficult to use
+  with many devices present.
+- Option to only show OpenHome renderers in the Renderer choice dialog
+  (avoids bubble upnp servers doublons).
+- Fix drag&drop being wrongly initiated in some cases.
+- Last.FM scrobbler.
+- Font size improvements.