Carlos Coutinho

The vf-OS Orion module does { add complete description of the module }

This page includes the Code developed to implement this module.

Additionally, this page includes a Tickets entry to handle specific issues regarding this module as a whole (which may include management, integration, new features, etc.).

Module Development:

Development Status: Orion
Responsible: Uninova
Other Participants: (none)

{ if none, keep "(none)" and delete the text "Component Name" below; otherwise, delete the text "(none)" and add one or more tickets to connect components }
Requires: (none)

{ if none, keep "(none)" and delete the text "Component Name" below; otherwise, delete the text "(none)" and add one or more tickets to connect components }
Dependents: (none)

{ upon completing the wiki description, please delete all TEMPLATE instructions written in purple }