git clone vfos-datamgt-data-analytics-historic-code

File Date Author Commit
datasets 2019-01-17 Armando Armando [b0e4fd] Merge branch 'test' into 'master'
historicAnalysis 2019-01-17 Armando Armando [b0e4fd] Merge branch 'test' into 'master'
vfos-ml 2019-01-17 Armando Armando [b0e4fd] Merge branch 'test' into 'master'
.gitignore 2019-01-17 Armando Armando [b0e4fd] Merge branch 'test' into 'master'
Dockerfile 2019-01-17 Armando Armando [b0e4fd] Merge branch 'test' into 'master' 2018-12-13 Armando Armando [953343] Merge branch 'develop' into 'master'
docker-compose.yml 2018-12-03 Armando Armando [838091] Merge branch 'master' of https://icemain2.hopto...
readme.txt 2018-12-05 Armando Armando [05597c] Merge branch 'develop' into 'master'
requirements.txt 2018-12-03 Armando Armando [838091] Merge branch 'master' of https://icemain2.hopto...

Read Me

      App: vf-OS
Component: Data analytics

Sub-component: Hisoric data analyis

The project is conformed by two code sets, the first one is Python (by PyDev) and the second one is a Spring boot.
Each set of code is a Eclipse project which must has installed the PyDev (Python IDE for Eclipse) and Spring Tools 3 plugins.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open Eclipse and import the historicAnalysis directory as a Spring Boot project (File, Import project from System or Archive, Select the historicAnalysis directory)
  3. (Still in Eclipse) and import the vfos-ml as a PyDev project (File, Import project from System or Archive, Select the vfos-ml directory ¦ Right click on the project, PyDev, Set as PyDev project & set as PATHCLASS)
  4. Run the historicAnalysis project as a Spring project App
  5. Open the browser on http://localhost:8083/hda/index.html

---------- Docker container file -----------------------------
The historicanalytics.tar.bz2 fiel store a Docker image called informationcatalyst/vfoshistoricanalytics:latest,
To run the container follow the steps below:

  1. Unpacking the tar.bz2 fiel
    bunzip2 historicanalytics.tar.bz2 -c | docker load

  2. Running the docker image into a container
    docker run -it --rm -p 8090:8083 -p 8000:8000 --name vfoshda informationcatalyst/vfoshistoricanalytics

  3. In a browser [Chrome/Firefox] point to the following address