Commit Date  
Initial commit for Number of methods metric.
[16562e] by
2013-11-11 Tree
Share project "org.ossmeter.metricprovider.rasc...
[b6372f] by
2013-11-11 Tree
Changed project name. Lines of code rascal metr...
[b5120a] by
2013-11-11 Tree
Changed project name. Lines of code rascal metr...
[73cb34] by
2013-11-11 Tree
Changed rascal metric provider (not using manag...
[e2a310] by
2013-11-11 Tree
Web app ready for Vilnius demo.
[2c6ef1] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Tidied run config (ignores rascal). App now has...
[971896] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
daily/hourly commits viz
[38e9e2] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
commits over time viz
[813ae1] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Total loc viz
[21a4a8] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Viz for new bugs
[b78975] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Viz for bugzilla patches
[10d143] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Viz for bugzilla comments
[1e55a5] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Visualisation for articles per day (duplicate p...
[f5838f] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Viz for requests/replies/day
[4b4019] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Visualisation for articles per day
[d47a45] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Visualisation for daily active users metric
[222e0e] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-05 Tree
Client API - Vilnius demo version.
[ce5ad5] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-04 Tree
Visualisations for four metrics. This relies on...
[310bb1] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-04 Tree
Minor tweak to platform
[e82884] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-04 Tree
Updated York app, pre demo.
[28cb66] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-04 Tree
Bug fix to ensure lastExecutedDate is syncd wit...
[7452ce] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-01 Tree
Remove some bins. Bug fix to ensure lastExecute...
[caee01] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-01 Tree
Remove syserr.
[e84d44] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-11-01 Tree
Remove hideous syserr.
[951dcf] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-10-31 Tree
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Showing results of 348