Commit | Date | |
Added elements to store data collected during t...
[0feaf8] by |
2014-02-13 | Tree |
Fixed the Role management
[ac73fd] by |
2014-02-12 | Tree |
Fixed the management of the parent project refe...
[32e3a2] by |
2014-02-11 | Tree |
[ad0b74] by |
2014-02-09 | Tree |
Role metaclass support.
[37a7e3] by |
2013-09-20 | Tree |
Changed to the modular platform repository meta...
[042431] by |
2013-09-20 | Tree |
MetricProvider no longer a NamedElement.
[742c33] by |
2013-09-18 | Tree |
Added 'shortName' to ossmeter project model.
[478569] by |
2013-09-12 | Tree |
added a bugtracking system manager, and a manag...
[11f2c6] by |
2013-05-28 | Tree |
Consolidated changes from CWI meeting and re-or...
[e69623] by |
2013-04-19 | Tree |