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routes    25 lines (19 with data), 1.3 kB

# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~

# Home page
GET     /                           	controllers.Application.index()
GET		/projects						controllers.Application.projects(page: Integer ?= 1)
GET		/projects/						controllers.Application.projects(page: Integer ?= 1)
GET		/projects/all					controllers.Application.projects(page: Integer ?= -1)
GET		/projects/:page					controllers.Application.projects(page : Integer)
GET		/project/:name 					controllers.Application.getProject(name : String)
GET		/search

GET		/api/projects					controllers.ClientAPIController.projects(page: Integer ?= 1)
GET		/api/projects/					controllers.ClientAPIController.projects(page: Integer ?= 1)
GET		/api/projects/:page				controllers.ClientAPIController.projects(page: Integer)
GET		/api/project/:name				controllers.ClientAPIController.getProject(name: String)
GET		/api/project/:name/metric/:id	controllers.ClientAPIController.getMetric(name: String, id: String)

# TODO: paging (of something, projects? a project's metrics?)

# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET     /assets/*file      "/public", file)