File | Date | Author | Commit |
apps | 2013-06-21 |
[225fcb] Removed unnecessary plug-ins from launch config... |
metric-providers | 2013-06-06 |
[1fb6f4] added a simple metric for computing the number ... |
platform | 2013-06-21 |
[6bf947] Added name and type attribute to MetricProvider... |
platform-extensions | 2013-09-03 |
[9de3eb] Initial refactorings of all the metamodels towa... |
tests | 2013-06-04 |
[a8ec62] Fixed project imports and dependencies. |
third-party | 2013-09-04 |
[82380a] Added client API project, and third-party JSON ... |
web | 2013-09-04 |
[82380a] Added client API project, and third-party JSON ... |