65 lines (55 with data), 1.9 kB
MapDB provides concurrent TreeMap and HashMap backed by disk storage or off-heap memory. It is a fast, scalable and easy to use embedded Java database engine. It is tiny (160KB jar), yet packed with features such as transactions, space efficient serialization, instance cache and transparent compression/encryption. It also has outstanding performance rivaled only by native embedded db engines. |
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News30/1/2013 MapDB overview video |
Hello worldimport org.mapdb.*; //Configure and open database using builder pattern. DB db = DBMaker .newFileDB(new File("testdb")) .closeOnJvmShutdown() .make(); //create new collection (or open existing) ConcurrentNavigableMap map = db.getTreeMap("collectionName"); map.put(1,"one"); map.put(2,"two"); //persist changes into disk, there is also rollback() method db.commit(); db.close(); |