--- a/metric-providers/org.ossmeter.metricprovider.trans.rascal.CC/src/WMC.rsc
+++ b/metric-providers/org.ossmeter.metricprovider.trans.rascal.CC/src/WMC.rsc
@@ -15,59 +15,47 @@
import org::ossmeter::metricprovider::Manager;
import org::ossmeter::metricprovider::ProjectDelta;
@doc{Compute your WMC}
@friendlyName{Weighted Method Count}
-map[str class, num wmcCount] getWMC(ProjectDelta delta, map[str, loc] workingCopyFolders, map[str, loc] scratchFolders) {
- map[str class, num wmcCount] result = ();
- map[str, list[str]] changedItemsPerRepo = getChangedItemsPerRepository(delta);
- for (str repo <- changedItemsPerRepo) {
- list[str] changedItems = changedItemsPerRepo[repo];
- loc workingCopyFolder = workingCopyFolders[repo];
- loc scratchFolder = scratchFolders[repo];
- for (str changedItem <- changedItems) {
- if (exists(workingCopyFolder+changedItem)) {
- loc scratchFile = scratchFolder+changedItem;
- M3 itemM3 = readBinaryValueFile(#M3, scratchFile[extension = scratchFile.extension+".m3"]);
- if (!(unknownFileType(_) := itemM3)) {
- result += (replaceAll(replaceFirst(cl.path, "/", ""), "/", ".") : sum([getCC(m, itemM3.ast) | m <- itemM3.model@containment[cl], isMethod(m)]) | <cl, _> <- itemM3.model@containment, isClass(cl));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
+map[loc class, num wmcCount] getWMC(
+ ProjectDelta delta = ProjectDelta::\empty(),
+ map[str, loc] workingCopyFolders = (),
+ rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {},
+ rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = {})
+ map[loc class, num wmcCount] result = ();
+ changed = getChangedFilesInWorkingCopyFolders(delta, workingCopyFolders);
+ for (file <- changed, m3 <- m3s[java(), file], ast <- asts[java(), file])
+ {
+ result += (cl : sum([getCC(m, ast) | m <- m3@containment[cl], isMethod(m)]) | <cl, _> <- m3@containment, isClass(cl));
+ }
+ return result;
-map[str class, num wmcCount] getWMC(unknownFileType(int lines)) = ("": -1);
-map[str class, int cc] getCC(unknownFileType(int lines)) = ("" : -1);
@doc{Compute your McCabe}
@friendlyName{McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity Metric}
-map[str method, int cc] getCC(ProjectDelta delta, map[str, loc] workingCopyFolders, map[str, loc] scratchFolders) {
- map[str method, int cc] result = ();
- map[str, list[str]] changedItemsPerRepo = getChangedItemsPerRepository(delta);
- for (str repo <- changedItemsPerRepo) {
- list[str] changedItems = changedItemsPerRepo[repo];
- loc workingCopyFolder = workingCopyFolders[repo];
- loc scratchFolder = scratchFolders[repo];
- for (str changedItem <- changedItems) {
- if (exists(workingCopyFolder+changedItem)) {
- loc scratchFile = scratchFolder+changedItem;
- M3 itemM3 = readBinaryValueFile(#M3, scratchFile[extension = scratchFile.extension+".m3"]);
- if (!(unknownFileType(_) := itemM3)) {
- result += (replaceAll(replaceFirst(m.path, "/", ""), "/", ".") : getCC(m, itemM3.ast) | <cl, _> <- itemM3.model@containment, isClass(cl), m <- itemM3.model@containment[cl], isMethod(m));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
+map[loc method, int cc] getCC(
+ ProjectDelta delta = ProjectDelta::\empty(),
+ map[str, loc] workingCopyFolders = (),
+ rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {},
+ rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = {})
+ map[loc method, int cc] result = ();
+ changed = getChangedFilesInWorkingCopyFolders(delta, workingCopyFolders);
+ for (file <- changed, m3 <- m3s[java(), file], ast <- asts[java(), file])
+ {
+ result += (m : getCC(m, ast) | <cl, m> <- m3@containment, isClass(cl), isMethod(m));
+ }
+ return result;
Declaration getASTOfMethod(loc methodLoc, Declaration fileAST) {
@@ -104,8 +92,14 @@
@doc{Calculates the gini coefficient of cc over methods}
-real giniCCOverMethods(ProjectDelta delta, map[str, loc] workingCopyFolders, map[str, loc] scratchFolders) {
- map[str, int] ccMap = getCC(delta, workingCopyFolders, scratchFolders);
+real giniCCOverMethods(
+ ProjectDelta delta = ProjectDelta::\empty(),
+ map[str, loc] workingCopyFolders = (),
+ rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {},
+ rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = {})
+ map[loc, int] ccMap = getCC(delta=delta, workingCopyFolders=workingCopyFolders, m3s=m3s, asts=asts);
distCCOverMethods = distribution(ccMap);