Commit | Date | |
Merge branch 'dev' of https://opensourceproject...
[8c6723] by Bas Basten |
2014-06-16 | Tree |
Modified more metrics to use new interface
[a1da85] by Bas Basten |
2014-06-16 | Tree |
fixed activeCommitters
[4f6a73] by Jurgen J. Vinju |
2014-06-16 | Tree |
Merge branch 'dev' of https://opensourceproject...
[fb10d8] by Jurgen J. Vinju |
2014-06-16 | Tree |
Modified active commiters metric to use keyword...
[4af799] by Bas Basten |
2014-06-16 | Tree |
Renamed all metric provider plugins' packages t...
[f7aa80] by James Williams |
2014-05-22 | Tree |
Refactored metric provider project names to new...
[3a3541] by James Williams |
2014-05-22 | Tree |
Rebased with latest SVN changes.
[8f9c4f] by James Williams |
2014-05-22 | Tree |
Deleted all visualisation classes in preparatio...
[58d814] by James Williams |
2014-05-22 | Tree |
Removed old totalloc project.
[ee8452] by James Williams |
2014-05-22 | Tree |
Updated viz description for number of unique us...
[3efb9a] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK |
2014-05-13 | Tree |
Hourly/daily requests replies now a proportion.
[4dd640] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK |
2014-04-22 | Tree |
replaced the recursive function threader.thread...
[5863e5] by |
2014-04-21 | Tree |
Visualisers for NNTP metrics.
[603cbb] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK |
2014-04-18 | Tree |
minor correction
[8a5b16] by |
2014-04-16 | Tree |
minor correction
[079520] by |
2014-04-16 | Tree |
minor correction
[1116a3] by |
2014-04-14 | Tree |
minor correction
[81bd27] by |
2014-04-14 | Tree |
Delete org.ossmeter.metricprovider.rascal.WMC b...
[b0b408] by |
2014-04-09 | Tree |
Changes the time string into seconds.
[c6ec6b] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK |
2014-04-09 | Tree |
Added count for active committers. Set the thre...
[400bd0] by |
2014-04-07 | Tree |
Added count for inactive committers
[c36889] by |
2014-04-07 | Tree |
Added a basic inactive users metric. The idea i...
[77b440] by |
2014-04-05 | Tree |
Added active committers metric for the last 7 d...
[d50d9f] by |
2014-04-05 | Tree |
Fixed NOA metric to work with the new design.
[209ac9] by |
2014-04-05 | Tree |