147 lines (119 with data), 4.2 kB
module PHPMetrics
extend lang::php::m3::Core;
import lang::php::m3::Uses;
import lang::php::stats::Stats;
import PHP;
@doc{Histogram counting type names that could be resolved to a certain number of declarations}
map[int, int] getNameResolutionHistogram(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = ())
models = { m | <php(), _, m> <- m3s };
m3 = composeM3s(|project:///|, models);
m3@uses = { <l, n> | <l, n> <- m3@uses, n.scheme in ["php+class", "php+interface", "php+trait"] };
m3 = addPredefinedDeclarations(m3);
useDecl = resolveUsesToPossibleDeclarations(propagateAliasesInUses(m3));
return countNumPossibleDeclarations(useDecl);
private set[str] varClassMetrics = {
"class consts with variable class name",
"object creation with variable class name",
"calls of static methods with variable targets",
"fetches of static properties with variable targets"};
private set[str] varVarMetrics = {
"assignments into variable-variables",
"assignments w/ops into variable-variables",
"list assignments into variable-variables",
"ref assignments into variable-variables",
"fetches of properties with variable names"};
//"uses of variable-variables (including the above)",
private set[str] varFuncMetrics = {
"calls of variable function names",
"calls of variable method names",
"calls of static methods with variable names",
"fetches of static properties with variable names"};
private set[str] varArgsMetrics = {"var-args support functions"};
private set[str] varIncludeMetrics = {"includes with non-literal paths"};
private set[str] overloadMetrics = {
"definitions of overloads: set",
"definitions of overloads: get",
"definitions of overloads: isset",
"definitions of overloads: unset",
"definitions of overloads: call",
"definitions of overloads: callStatic"};
private set[str] varLabelMetrics = {
"break with non-literal argument",
"continue with non-literal argument"};
private map[str, int] getCounts(System sys) = featureCounts(sys);
private int sumMetrics(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts, set[str] metricNames)
System sys = ( ast.file : ast.script | <php(), _, ast> <- asts );
counts = getCounts(sys);
return sum([counts[n] | n <- metricNames]);
@doc{number of variable variable references}
public int getNumberOfVarVarUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, varVarMetrics);
@doc{number of variable class references}
public int getNumberOfVarClassUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, varClassMetrics);
@doc{number of variable accesses to functions or methods}
public int getNumberOfVarFuncUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, varFuncMetrics);
@doc{number of var args methods}
public int getNumberOfVarArgsUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, varArgsMetrics);
@doc{number of variable includes}
public int getNumberOfVarIncludeUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, varIncludeMetrics);
@doc{number of overload uses}
public int getNumberOfOverloadUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, overloadMetrics);
@doc{number of variable label references}
public int getNumberOfVarLabelUses(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return sumMetrics(asts, varLabelMetrics);
@doc{number of calls to eval}
public int getNumberOfEvalCalls(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = ())
return (0 | it + 1 | /call(name(name(/eval/i)), _) <- asts);