Commit Date  
Added missing manager extensions
[638697] by dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-06-03 Tree
Added extension for NntpManager
[49b5bc] by dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-06-03 Tree
Updated extension point name.
[1fb437] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-06-03 Tree
Minor refactoring: set singleton to true.
[c372cd] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-06-03 Tree
Removed libraries. Updated dependencies to thir...
[a67e41] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-06-03 Tree
added a bugtracking system manager, and a manag...
[11f2c6] by
2013-05-28 Tree
Added Git VCS Manager. This is an update of the...
[dc8d2d] by jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK jw@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-05-08 Tree
Consolidated changes from CWI meeting and re-or...
[e69623] by dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-04-19 Tree
GitHub and SourceForge project types
[0b4e09] by dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK dkolovos@CS.YORK.AC.UK
2013-04-19 Tree

Showing 9 results of 9