File | Date | Author | Commit |
apps | 2014-02-18 |
[003ba7] |
metric-providers | 2014-02-18 |
[186e3f] chenged dependencies so as to use the new parse... |
platform | 2014-02-17 |
[5d3b06] Added the possibility to restart the SF importe... |
platform-extensions | 2014-02-20 |
[f96cab] Raised Source forge importer timeout to 10 sec. |
temp | 2014-02-16 |
[0a96bd] Included per-user-per-project logging. Bug in P... |
tests | 2013-09-20 |
[f1b98e] Replaced import-package with require-bundle |
third-party | 2013-10-31 |
[537dfe] Initial import. |
web | 2013-11-27 |
[d7b11b] Updated prototype frontend for the review demo. |