Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -15,12 +15,34 @@
    [Set the path for the directory where ohNet, ohNetGenerated, ohdevtools,
     ohTopology and ohSongcast were extracted and built]),
         withOH=$withval, withOH=no)
-if test X$withOH = Xno ; then
+    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-ohnet=topOhNetDir],
+   [Specify dir prefix where ohNet is installed]),
+        withOhNet=$withval, withOhNet=no)
+    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-ohnetgenerated=topOhNetGeneratedDir],
+   [Specify dir prefix where ohNetGenerated is installed]),
+        withOhNetGenerated=$withval, withOhNetGenerated=no)
+    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-ohsongcast=topOhSongcastDir],
+   [Specify dir prefix where ohSongcast is installed]),
+        withOhSongcast=$withval, withOhSongcast=no)
+if test X$withOH = Xno -a X$ohnet = Xno; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR([Please provide the location for the OpenHome sources and libraries])
 # Enable wav-reading test code in sc2mpd. Devel only