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--- a
+++ b/ohbuild.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Helper script for building the openhome libs prior to building
+# scmpdcli.  This is far from foolproof or knowledgeable, but it seems
+# to get me usable (static) libs. We first clone the git repositories,
+# checkout a known ok version (it's more or less random, based on the
+# 1st date I tried this, but some further versions don't build), then
+# build th edifferent dirs.
+# You should create a top empty dir first, then "sh ohbuild.sh mytopdir"
+    echo $*; exit 1
+    fatal "Usage: ohbuild.sh <topdir>"
+test $# = 1 || usage
+cd $topdir || exit 1
+otherfiles=`echo *.*`
+test "$otherfiles"  != '*.*' && fatal not in top dir
+    cd $topdir
+    for rep in \
+        https://github.com/openhome/ohNet.git \
+        https://github.com/openhome/ohdevtools.git \
+        https://github.com/openhome/ohNetGenerated.git \
+        https://github.com/openhome/ohTopology.git \
+        https://github.com/openhome/ohSongcast.git \
+        ; do
+        dir=`echo $rep | sed -e 's+https://github.com/openhome/++' \
+            -e 's/\.git$//'`
+        echo $dir
+        test ! -d $dir && git clone $rep
+    done
+    cd $topdir
+    dir=ohNet
+    echo building $dir
+    cd  $dir
+    git checkout b2207ce19d638b55f660896d5b42c49900e8e2cd
+    make ohNetCore proxies devices TestFramework bundle || exit 1
+    cd ..
+    dir=ohNetGenerated
+    echo building $dir
+    cd  $dir
+    git checkout b436c4f098cd3417c2b1e97f9a94b5875e71f200
+    # e.g. Linux-x64, Linux-armhf
+    arch=`basename $topdir/ohNet/Build/Bundles/ohNet-*-*.tar.gz | \
+        sed -e s/ohNet-//  -e s/-[A-Z][a-z][a-z]*\.tar\.gz$//`
+    # e.g. Debug, Release
+    debug=`basename $topdir/ohNet/Build/Bundles/ohNet-*-*.tar.gz | \
+        sed -e s/.*-//  -e s/\.tar\.gz$//`
+    sd=dependencies/${arch}
+    mkdir -p "$sd"
+    (cd $sd;
+        tar xvzf $topdir/ohNet/Build/Bundles/ohNet-${arch}-${debug}.tar.gz
+    ) || exit 1
+    # This should fail looking for some dll (csharp again), but that's ok
+    make
+    # Copy the includes from here to the ohNet dir where ohTopology
+    # will want them
+    tar cf - Build/Include | (cd $topdir/ohNet/;tar xvf -) || exit 1
+    cd ..
+    cd $topdir
+    dir=ohdevtools
+    echo building $dir
+    cd  $dir
+    git checkout 33d8e940a7737df1b2a500efc28ef1429df8f304
+    # Nothing to build
+    cd ..
+    cd $topdir
+    dir=ohTopology
+    echo building $dir
+    cd  $dir
+    git checkout 11767b53dda79564548b522a72db895f24e27437
+    ./go fetch --all --clean 
+    ./waf configure --ohnet=../ohNet --dest-platform=Linux-x86
+    # This fails, but it creates what we need.
+    ./waf build
+    cd ..
+    cd $topdir
+    dir=ohSongcast
+    echo building $dir
+    cd  $dir
+    git checkout 315fe6a191f512b2faf2502eb07613c4a3335bd3
+    # This fails because the link options are wrong (-lpthread should be
+    # at the end of the link line), but it builds the objs we need.
+    make release=1 Receiver
+# from README, actually Does not work, for reference
+    cd ohNet
+    make ohNetCore proxies devices TestFramework
+    cd ../ohNetGenerated
+    make
+    cd ../ohNetmon
+    make
+    cd ../ohTopology
+    ./waf configure --ohnet=../ohNet --debug --dest-platform=[Windows-x86|Mac-x86|Linux-x86]
+    ./waf build
+    cd ../ohSongcast
+    make release=1