# Copyright (C) 2016 J.F.Dockes
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import json
import datetime
import time
from upmplgmodels import Artist, Album, Track, Playlist, SearchResult, \
Category, Genre
from gmusicapi import Mobileclient
from upmplgutils import uplog
class Session(object):
def __init__(self):
self.api = None
self.user = None
self.lib_albums = {}
self.lib_artists = {}
self.lib_tracks = {}
self.lib_updatetime = 0
self.sitdata = []
self.sitbyid = {}
self.sitdataupdtime = 0
def dmpdata(self, who, data):
uplog("%s: %s" % (who, json.dumps(data, indent=4)))
# Look for an Android device id in the registered devices.
def find_device_id(self, data):
for entry in data:
if "type" in entry and entry["type"] == u"ANDROID":
# Get rid of 0x
id = entry["id"][2:]
uplog("Using deviceid %s" % id)
return id
return None
def login(self, username, password, deviceid=None):
self.api = Mobileclient(debug_logging=False)
if deviceid is None:
logged_in = self.api.login(username, password,
if logged_in:
# Try to re-login with a valid deviceid
data = self.api.get_registered_devices()
#self.dmpdata("registered devices", data)
deviceid = self.find_device_id(data)
if deviceid:
logged_in = self.login(username, password, deviceid)
logged_in = self.api.login(username, password, deviceid)
isauth = self.api.is_authenticated()
#uplog("login: Logged in: %s. Auth ok: %s" % (logged_in, isauth))
return logged_in
def _get_user_library(self):
now = time.time()
if now - self.lib_updatetime < 300:
data = self.api.get_all_songs()
#self.dmpdata("all_songs", data)
self.lib_updatetime = now
tracks = [_parse_track(t) for t in data]
self.lib_tracks = dict([(t.id, t) for t in tracks])
for track in tracks:
# We would like to use the album id here, but gmusic
# associates the tracks with any compilations after
# uploading (does not use the metadata apparently), so
# that we can't (we would end up with multiple
# albums). OTOH, the album name is correct (so seems to
# come from the metadata). What we should do is test the
# album ids for one album with a matching title, but we're
# not sure to succeed. So at this point, the album id we
# end up storing could be for a different albums, and we
# should have a special library-local get_album_tracks
self.lib_albums[track.album.name] = track.album
self.lib_artists[track.artist.id] = track.artist
def get_user_albums(self):
return self.lib_albums.values()
def get_user_artists(self):
return self.lib_artists.values()
def get_user_playlists(self):
pldata = self.api.get_all_playlists()
#self.dmpdata("playlists", pldata)
return [_parse_playlist(pl) for pl in pldata]
def get_user_playlist_tracks(self, playlist_id):
data = self.api.get_all_user_playlist_contents()
entries = []
for item in data:
if item['id'] == playlist_id:
entries = item['tracks']
if not entries:
return []
#self.dmpdata("user_playlist_content", entries)
tracks = []
for entry in entries:
if entry['deleted']:
if entry['source'] == u'1':
elif 'track' in entry:
tracks.append(_parse_track(entry['track']) )
return tracks
def create_station_for_genre(self, genre_id):
id = self.api.create_station("station"+genre_id, genre_id=genre_id)
return id
def get_user_stations(self):
data = self.api.get_all_stations()
# parse_playlist works fine for stations
stations = [_parse_playlist(d) for d in data]
return stations
def delete_user_station(self, id):
# not working right now
def listen_now(self):
print("api.get_listen_now_items()", file=sys.stderr)
ret = {'albums' : [], 'stations' : []}
data = self.api.get_listen_now_items()
except Exception as err:
print("api.get_listen_now_items failed: %s" % err, file=sys.stderr)
data = None
# listen_now entries are not like normal albums or stations,
# and need special parsing. I could not make obvious sense of
# the station-like listen_now entries, so left them aside for
# now. Maybe should use create_station on the artist id?
if data:
ret['albums'] = [_parse_ln_album(a['album']) \
for a in data if 'album' in a]
#ret['stations'] = [_parse_ln_station(d['radio_station']) \
# for d in data if 'radio_station' in d]
print("listen_now: no items returned !", file=sys.stderr)
print("get_listen_now_items: returning %d albums and %d stations" %\
(len(ret['albums']), len(ret['stations'])), file=sys.stderr)
return ret
def get_situation_content(self, id = None):
ret = {'situations' : [], 'stations' : []}
now = time.time()
if id is None and now - self.sitdataupdtime > 300:
self.sitbyid = {}
self.sitdata = self.api.get_listen_now_situations()
self.sitdataupdtime = now
# Root is special, it's a list of situations
if id is None:
ret['situations'] = [self._parse_situation(s) \
for s in self.sitdata]
return ret
# not root
if id not in self.sitbyid:
print("get_situation_content: %s unknown" % id, file=sys.stderr)
return ret
situation = self.sitbyid[id]
#self.dmpdata("situation", situation)
if 'situations' in situation:
ret['situations'] = [self._parse_situation(s) \
for s in situation['situations']]
if 'stations' in situation:
ret['stations'] = [_parse_situation_station(s) \
for s in situation['stations']]
return ret
def _parse_situation(self, data):
self.sitbyid[data['id']] = data
return Playlist(id=data['id'], name=data['title'])
def create_curated_and_get_tracks(self, id):
sid = self.api.create_station("station"+id, curated_station_id=id)
print("create_curated: sid %s"%sid, file=sys.stderr)
tracks = [_parse_track(t) for t in self.api.get_station_tracks(sid)]
#print("curated tracks: %s"%tracks, file=sys.stderr)
return tracks
def get_station_tracks(self, id):
return [_parse_track(t) for t in self.api.get_station_tracks(id)]
def get_media_url(self, song_id, quality=u'med'):
url = self.api.get_stream_url(song_id, quality=quality)
print("get_media_url got: %s" % url, file=sys.stderr)
return url
def get_album_tracks(self, album_id):
data = self.api.get_album_info(album_id, include_tracks=True)
album = _parse_album(data)
return [_parse_track(t, album) for t in data['tracks']]
def get_promoted_tracks(self):
data = self.api.get_promoted_songs()
#self.dmpdata("promoted_tracks", data)
return [_parse_track(t) for t in data]
def get_genres(self, parent=None):
data = self.api.get_genres(parent_genre_id=parent)
return [_parse_genre(g) for g in data]
def get_artist_info(self, artist_id, doRelated=False):
ret = {"albums" : [], "toptracks" : [], "related" : []}
# Happens,some library tracks have no artistId entry
if artist_id is None or artist_id == 'None':
uplog("get_artist_albums: artist_id is None")
return ret
uplog("get_artist_albums: artist_id %s" % artist_id)
maxrel = 20 if doRelated else 0
maxtop = 0 if doRelated else 10
incalbs = False if doRelated else True
data = self.api.get_artist_info(artist_id, include_albums=incalbs,
#self.dmpdata("artist_info", data)
if 'albums' in data:
ret["albums"] = [_parse_album(alb) for alb in data['albums']]
if 'topTracks' in data:
ret["toptracks"] = [_parse_track(t) for t in data['topTracks']]
if 'related_artists' in data:
ret["related"] = [_parse_artist(a) for a in data['related_artists']]
return ret
def get_artist_related(self, artist_id):
data = self.get_artist_info(artist_id, doRelated=True)
return data["related"]
def search(self, query):
data = self.api.search(query, max_results=50)
#self.dmpdata("Search", data)
tr = [_parse_track(i['track']) for i in data['song_hits']]
ar = [_parse_artist(i['artist']) for i in data['artist_hits']]
al = [_parse_album(i['album']) for i in data['album_hits']]
#self.dmpdata("Search playlists", data['playlist_hits'])
pl = [_parse_splaylist(i) for i in data['playlist_hits']]
pl = []
return SearchResult(artists=ar, albums=al, playlists=pl, tracks=tr)
def entryOrUnknown(data, name, default="Unknown"):
return data[name] if name in data else default
def _parse_artist(data):
return Artist(id=data['artistId'], name=data['name'])
def _parse_genre(data):
return Genre(id=data['id'], name=data['name'])
def _parse_playlist(data):
return Playlist(id=data['id'], name=data['name'])
def _parse_splaylist(data):
return Playlist(id=data['playlist']['shareToken'],
def _parse_situation_station(data):
return Playlist(id=data['seed']['curatedStationId'], name=data['name'])
# 'id' source when initiated from playlist data:
# The previous version used the 'id' entry from the track data if set,
# else 'nid'. This only worked for source=='1' entries, pointing to
# user library data.
# The initial version for parsing non-user-lib playlist entries (which
# have an embedded track record) used 'trackId' from the playlist
# wrapper if set, else 'storeId' from the embedded track entry:
# {
# 'trackid' : 'somevalue',
# 'track': {
# 'storeId': 'usuallysamevalue',
# ...
# },
# The merged version, for non-user entries, discards the data from the
# playlist wrapper, and uses trackId or storeId from the embedded
# track object. (trackId is usually not set inside the track record
# and track['storeId'] appears to be the same as the wrapper trackId)
# Note that there is also an 'id' entry in the playlist wrapper, which
# was never tried.
def _parse_track(data, album=None):
artist_name = entryOrUnknown(data, 'artist')
albartist_name = entryOrUnknown(data, 'albumArtist', None)
#uplog("_parse_track: artist %s albartist %s"%(artist_name,albartist_name))
artistid = data["artistId"][0] if "artistId" in data else None
artist = Artist(id=artistid, name = artist_name)
albartist = Artist(id=artistid, name=albartist_name) if \
albartist_name is not None else artist
albid = entryOrUnknown(data, 'albumId', None)
if album is None:
#alb_artist = data['albumArtist'] if 'albumArtist' in data else ""
alb_art= data['albumArtRef'][0]["url"] if 'albumArtRef' in data else ""
alb_tt = entryOrUnknown(data, 'album')
album = Album(id=albid, name=alb_tt, image=alb_art, artist=artist)
if 'id' in data:
trackid = data['id']
elif 'trackId' in data:
trackid = data['trackId']
elif 'storeId' in data:
trackid = data['storeId']
elif 'nid' in data:
trackid = data['nid']
trackid = ''
kwargs = {
'id': trackid,
'name': data['title'],
'duration': int(data['durationMillis'])/1000,
'track_num': data['trackNumber'],
'disc_num': data['discNumber'],
'artist': artist,
'album': album,
#'artists': artists,
if 'genre' in data:
kwargs['genre'] = data['genre']
return Track(**kwargs)
def _parse_ln_album(data):
artist = Artist(id=data['artist_metajam_id'], name=data['artist_name'])
kwargs = {
'id': data['id']['metajamCompactKey'],
'name' : data['id']['title'],
'artist' : artist,
if 'images' in data:
kwargs['image'] = data['images'][0]['url']
return Album(**kwargs)
def _parse_album(data, artist=None):
if artist is None:
artist_name = "Unknown"
if 'artist' in data:
artist_name = data['artist']
elif 'albumArtist' in data:
artist_name = data['albumArtist']
artist = Artist(name=artist_name)
kwargs = {
'id': data['albumId'],
'name': data['name'],
'artist': artist,
if 'albumArtRef' in data:
kwargs['image'] = data['albumArtRef']
if 'year' in data:
kwargs['release_date'] = data['year']
return Album(**kwargs)