#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import json
import posixpath
import re
import conftree
import cmdtalkplugin
import urllib
import threading
import uprclfolders
import uprcltags
import uprcluntagged
import uprclsearch
import uprclhttp
from uprclutils import *
from recoll import recoll
from recoll import rclconfig
# This must be consistent with what contentdirectory.cxx does
g_myprefix = '0$uprcl$'
# The recoll documents
g_rcldocs = []
# Func name to method mapper
dispatcher = cmdtalkplugin.Dispatch()
# Pipe message handler
msgproc = cmdtalkplugin.Processor(dispatcher)
def uprcl_init():
global httphp, pathprefix, uprclhostport, pathmap, rclconfdir, g_rcldocs
if "UPMPD_HTTPHOSTPORT" not in os.environ:
raise Exception("No UPMPD_HTTPHOSTPORT in environment")
httphp = os.environ["UPMPD_HTTPHOSTPORT"]
if "UPMPD_PATHPREFIX" not in os.environ:
raise Exception("No UPMPD_PATHPREFIX in environment")
pathprefix = os.environ["UPMPD_PATHPREFIX"]
if "UPMPD_CONFIG" not in os.environ:
raise Exception("No UPMPD_CONFIG in environment")
upconfig = conftree.ConfSimple(os.environ["UPMPD_CONFIG"])
uprclhostport = upconfig.get("uprclhostport")
if uprclhostport is None:
raise Exception("uprclhost not in config")
pthstr = upconfig.get("uprclpaths")
if pthstr is None:
raise Exception("uprclpaths not in config")
lpth = pthstr.split(',')
pathmap = {}
for ptt in lpth:
l = ptt.split(':')
pathmap[l[0]] = l[1]
global rclconfdir
rclconfdir = upconfig.get("uprclconfdir")
if rclconfdir is None:
raise Exception("uprclconfdir not in config")
g_rcldocs = uprclfolders.inittree(rclconfdir)
host,port = uprclhostport.split(':')
httpthread = threading.Thread(target=uprclhttp.runHttp,
kwargs = {'host':host , 'port':int(port),
httpthread.daemon = True
def trackuri(a):
msgproc.log("trackuri: [%s]" % a)
if 'path' not in a:
raise Exception("trackuri: no 'path' in args")
path = urllib.quote(a['path'])
media_url = rclpathtoreal(path, pathprefix, uprclhostport, pathmap)
msgproc.log("trackuri: returning: %s" % media_url)
return {'media_url' : media_url}
# objid prefix to module map
rootmap = {}
def _rootentries():
# Build up root directory. This is our top internal structure. We
# let the different modules return their stuff, and we take note
# of the objid prefixes for later dispatching
entries = []
nents = uprcltags.rootentries(g_myprefix)
for e in nents:
rootmap[e['id']] = 'tags'
entries += nents
nents = uprcluntagged.rootentries(g_myprefix)
for e in nents:
rootmap[e['id']] = 'untagged'
entries += nents
nents = uprclfolders.rootentries(g_myprefix)
for e in nents:
rootmap[e['id']] = 'folders'
entries += nents
uplog("Browse root: rootmap now %s" % rootmap)
return entries
def _browsedispatch(objid, bflg, httphp, pathprefix):
for id,mod in rootmap.iteritems():
uplog("Testing %s against %s" % (objid, id))
if objid.startswith(id):
if mod == 'folders':
return uprclfolders.browse(objid, bflg, httphp, pathprefix)
elif mod == 'tags':
return uprcltags.browse(objid, bflg, httphp, pathprefix)
elif mod == 'untagged':
return uprcluntagged.browse(objid, bflg, httphp, pathprefix)
raise Exception("Browse: dispatch: bad mod " + mod)
raise Exception("Browse: dispatch: bad objid not in rootmap" + objid)
def browse(a):
msgproc.log("browse: %s" % a)
if 'objid' not in a:
raise Exception("No objid in args")
objid = a['objid']
bflg = a['flag'] if 'flag' in a else 'children'
if not objid.startswith(g_myprefix):
raise Exception("bad objid <%s>" % objid)
idpath = objid.replace(g_myprefix, '', 1)
msgproc.log("browse: idpath: <%s>" % idpath)
entries = []
if bflg == 'meta':
raise Exception("uprcl-app: browse: can't browse meta for now")
if not idpath:
entries = _rootentries()
entries = _browsedispatch(objid, bflg, httphp, pathprefix)
#msgproc.log("%s" % entries)
encoded = json.dumps(entries)
return {"entries" : encoded}
def search(a):
msgproc.log("search: [%s]" % a)
objid = a['objid']
if re.match('0\$uprcl\$', objid) is None:
raise Exception("bad objid [%s]" % objid)
upnps = a['origsearch']
entries = uprclsearch.search(rclconfdir, objid, upnps, g_myprefix,
httphp, pathprefix)
encoded = json.dumps(entries)
return {"entries" : encoded}
msgproc.log("Uprcl running")