# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import urllib
import os
audiomtypes = frozenset([
# Correspondance between Recoll field names (on the right), defined by
# rclaudio and the Recoll configuration 'fields' file, and what
# plgwithslave.cxx expects, which is less than consistent.
upnp2rclfields = {
'upnp:album': 'album',
'upnp:artist' : 'artist',
'comment' : 'comment',
'composer' : 'composer',
'conductor' : 'conductor',
'dc:date' : 'date',
'upnp:genre' : 'genre',
'duration' : 'duration', #should be res:
'res:bitrate' : 'bitrate',
'res:channels' : 'channels',
'res:mime' : 'mtype',
'res:samplefreq' : 'sample_rate',
'res:size' : 'fbytes',
'tt' : 'title',
'upnp:originalTrackNumber' : 'tracknumber',
def rcldoctoentry(id, pid, httphp, pathprefix, doc):
Transform a Doc objects into the format expected by the parent
id (str): objid for the entry
pid (str): objid for the browsed object (the parent container)
httphp: the hostport part of the generated track urls
pathprefix: is provided by our parent process (it's used to
what plugin an url belongs too when needed for
translating the internal into the real url (for plugins
based on external-services)
doc is the Doc object to be translated
A dict representing an UPnP item, with the
keys as expected in the plgwithslave.cxx resultToEntries() function.
The permanent URIs, are of the following form, based on the
configured host:port and pathprefix arguments and track Id:
uplog("rcldoctoentry: pid %s id %s mtype %s" %
(pid, id, doc.mtype))
li = {}
if doc.mtype not in audiomtypes:
return li
li['pid'] = pid
li['id'] = id
if doc.mtype == 'inode/directory':
li['tp'] = 'ct'
li['upnp:class'] = 'object.container'
li['tp']= 'it'
li['upnp:class'] = 'object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'
for oname,dname in upnp2rclfields.iteritems():
val = getattr(doc, dname)
if val:
li[oname] = val
# TBD Date format ?
# !! Albumart will have to come from somewhere else !
### #if doc.albumarturi:
### #li['upnp:albumArtURI'] = track.album.image
### li['discnumber'] = str(track.disc_num)
val = li['upnp:originalTrackNumber']
l = val.split('/')
li['upnp:originalTrackNumber'] = l[0]
# Compute the url. We use the URL from recoll, stripped of file://
# and with the pathprefix prepended (the pathprefix is used by our
# parent process to match urls to plugins)
path = doc.getbinurl()
path = path[7:]
if 'tt' not in li:
li['tt'] = os.path.basename(path.decode('UTF-8', errors = 'replace'))
path = pathprefix + path
li['uri'] = "http://%s%s" % (httphp, urllib.quote(path))
uplog("rcldoctoentry: uri: %s" % li['uri'])
return li
def docfolder(doc):
path = doc.getbinurl()
path = path[7:]
return os.path.dirname(path)
def cmpentries(e1, e2):
tp1 = e1['tp']
tp2 = e2['tp']
isct1 = tp1 == 'ct'
isct2 = tp2 == 'ct'
# Containers come before items, and are sorted in alphabetic order
if isct1 and not isct2:
return 1
elif not isct1 and isct2:
return -1
elif isct1 and isct2:
tt1 = e1['tt']
tt2 = e2['tt']
if tt1.lower() < tt2.lower():
return -1
elif tt1.lower() > tt2.lower():
return 1
return 0
# Tracks. Sort by album then directory then track number
k = 'upnp:album'
a1 = e1[k] if k in e1 else ""
a2 = e2[k] if k in e2 else ""
if a1 < a2:
return -1
elif a1 > a2:
return 1
d1 = os.path.dirname(e1['uri'])
d2 = os.path.dirname(e2['uri'])
if d1 < d2:
return -1
elif d1 > d2:
return 1
k = 'upnp:originalTrackNumber'
a1 = e1[k] if k in e1 else "0"
a2 = e2[k] if k in e2 else "0"
return int(a1) - int(a2)
def rclpathtoreal(path, pathprefix, httphp, pathmap):
path = path.replace(pathprefix, '', 1)
found = False
for fsp,htp in pathmap.iteritems():
if path.startswith(fsp):
path = path.replace(fsp, htp, 1)
found = True
if not found:
return None
return "http://" + httphp + path
def rcldirentry(id, pid, title, arturi=None, artist=None, upnpclass=None,
""" Create container entry in format expected by parent """
ret = {'id':id, 'pid':pid, 'tt':title, 'tp':'ct', 'searchable':searchable}
if arturi:
ret['upnp:albumArtURI'] = arturi
if artist:
ret['upnp:artist'] = artist
if upnpclass:
ret['upnp:class'] = upnpclass
ret['upnp:class'] = 'object.container'
return ret
def uplog(s):
print(("%s: %s" % ('uprcl', s)).encode('utf-8'), file=sys.stderr)
# Parse string into (possibly multiword) tokens
# 'a b "one phrase" c' -> [a, b, 'one phrase', c]
def stringToStrings(str):
# States. Note that ESCAPE can only occur inside INQUOTE
tokens = []
curtok = ""
state = SPACE;
for c in str:
if c == '"':
if state == SPACE:
state = INQUOTE
elif state == TOKEN:
curtok += '"'
elif state == INQUOTE:
if curtok:
curtok = ""
state = SPACE
elif state == ESCAPE:
curtok += '"'
state = INQUOTE
elif c == '\\':
if state == SPACE or state == TOKEN:
curtok += '\\'
state = TOKEN
elif state == INQUOTE:
state = ESCAPE
elif state == ESCAPE:
curtok += '\\'
state = INQUOTE
elif c == ' ' or c == '\t' or c == '\n' or c == '\r':
if state == SPACE or state == TOKEN:
if curtok:
curtok = ""
state = SPACE
elif state == INQUOTE or state == ESCAPE:
curtok += c
if state == ESCAPE:
state = INQUOTE
elif state == SPACE:
state = TOKEN
elif state == TOKEN or state == INQUOTE:
curtok += c
if state == SPACE:
elif state == TOKEN:
if curtok:
elif state == INQUOTE or state == ESCAPE:
raise Exception("Bad string: <" + str + ">")
return tokens