Commit | Date | |
Qobuz: behave closer to the web player
[b649cb] by |
2016-12-26 | Tree |
Fix qobuz search for upplay (objkind not specif...
[849111] by |
2016-12-01 | Tree |
Improve streaming services searches
[a825f1] by |
2016-11-20 | Tree |
Fix issue created by commit 57c492
[7dd3a8] by |
2016-11-14 | Tree |
Fix track album title not getting into director...
[57c492] by |
2016-11-14 | Tree |
bumped qobuz list sizes limit to 100
[e4234d] by |
2016-10-10 | Tree |
qobuz fix ambiguous path leading to the wrong m...
[40ce27] by |
2016-10-10 | Tree |
guard against None album data in qobuz genre br...
[d582bc] by |
2016-10-09 | Tree |
[e0106f] by |
2016-09-24 | Tree |
improved qobuz navigation in the genres section
[c606b6] by |
2016-09-23 | Tree |
Manage qobuz item availability, make the tree a...
[88a977] by |
2016-09-23 | Tree |
Got bubble and kazoo searches sort of working
[f733f0] by |
2016-09-10 | Tree |
move mediaserver code to separate directory
[c4fbc6] by |
2016-09-09 | Tree |