import os
import shlex
import urllib
import sys
from uprclutils import *
from recoll import recoll
from recoll import rclconfig
confdir = "/home/dockes/.recoll-mp3"
rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig(confdir)
topdirs = [os.path.expanduser(d) for d in
# Create the directory tree (folders view) from the doc array by
# splitting the url in each doc.
# The dirvec vector has one entry for each directory. Each entry is a
# dictionary, mapping the names inside the directory to a pair (i,j),
# where:
# - i is an index into dirvec if the name is a directory, else -1
# - j is the index of the doc inside the doc array (or -1 if there is no doc)
# Entry 0 in dirvec is special: it holds the 'topdirs' from the recoll
# configuration. The entries are paths instead of simple names, and
# the doc index (j) is 0. The dir index points normally to a dirvec
# entry.
def rcl2folders(docs):
global dirvec
dirvec = []
topidx = 0
for d in topdirs:
topidx += 1
dirvec[0][d] = (topidx, -1)
# Walk the doc list and update the directory tree according to the
# url (create intermediary directories if needed, create leaf
# entry
for docidx in range(len(docs)):
doc = docs[docidx]
url = doc.getbinurl()
url = url[7:]
decoded = url.decode('utf-8')
decoded = urllib.quote(url).decode('utf-8')
# Determine the root entry (topdirs element). Special because
# path not simple name
fathidx = -1
for rtpath,idx in dirvec[0].iteritems():
if url.startswith(rtpath):
fathidx = idx[0]
if fathidx == -1:
uplog("No parent in topdirs: %s" % decoded)
# Compute rest of path
url1 = url[len(rtpath):]
if len(url1) == 0:
# Split path, then walk the vector, possibly creating
# directory entries as needed
path = url1.split('/')[1:]
#uplog("%s"%path, file=sys.stderr)
for idx in range(len(path)):
elt = path[idx]
if elt in dirvec[fathidx]:
# This path element was already seen
# If this is the last entry in the path, maybe update
# the doc idx (previous entries were created for
# intermediate elements without a Doc).
dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (dirvec[fathidx][elt][0], docidx)
# Update fathidx for next iteration
fathidx = dirvec[fathidx][elt][0]
# Element has no entry in father directory (hence no
# dirvec entry either).
if idx != len(path) -1:
# This is an intermediate element. Create a
# Doc-less directory
topidx += 1
dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (topidx, -1)
fathidx = topidx
# Last element. If directory, needs a dirvec entry
if doc.mtype == 'inode/directory':
topidx += 1
dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (topidx, docidx)
fathidx = topidx
dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (-1, docidx)
if False:
for ent in dirvec:
uplog("%s" % ent)
return dirvec
# Fetch all the docs by querying Recoll with [mime:*], which is
# guaranteed to match every doc without overflowing the query size
# (because the number of mime types is limited). Something like
# title:* would overflow.
def fetchalldocs(confdir):
allthedocs = []
rcldb = recoll.connect(confdir=confdir)
rclq = rcldb.query()
rclq.execute("mime:*", stemming=0)
uplog("Estimated alldocs query results: %d" % (rclq.rowcount))
maxcnt = 0
totcnt = 0
while True:
docs = rclq.fetchmany()
for doc in docs:
totcnt += 1
if (maxcnt > 0 and totcnt >= maxcnt) or len(docs) != rclq.arraysize:
uplog("Retrieved %d docs" % (totcnt,))
return allthedocs
def inittree(confdir):
global g_alldocs, g_dirvec
g_alldocs = fetchalldocs(confdir)
g_dirvec = rcl2folders(g_alldocs)
g_myprefix = '0$uprcl$folders'
# objid is like folders$index
# flag is meta or children.
def browse(pid, flag):
global g_alldocs, g_dirvec
if not pid.startswith(g_myprefix):
uplog("folders.browse: bad pid %s" % pid)
return []
if len(g_alldocs) == 0:
uplog("folders:browse: no docs")
return []
diridx = pid[len(g_myprefix):]
if not diridx:
diridx = 0
diridx = int(diridx[1:])
if diridx >= len(g_dirvec):
uplog("folders:browse: bad pid %s" % pid)
return []
entries = []
Need to treat diridx 0 special (take simple paths)
for nm,ids in g_dirvec[diridx].iteritems():
id = g_myprefix + '$' + str(ids[0])
entries.append(rcldirentry(id, pid, nm))
return entries