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--- a
+++ b/src/mediaserver/cdplugins/uprcl/uprclutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+def rcldocs2entries(httphp, pathprefix, objid, docs):
+    """
+    Transform a list of Doc objects into the format expected by the parent
+    Args:
+        httphp: the hostport part of the generated track urls
+        pathprefix: is provided by our parent process (it's used to
+                    what plugin an url belongs too when needed for
+          translating the internal into the real url (for plugins
+          based on external-services)
+        objid (str):  objid for the browsed object (the parent container)
+        docs is the array of Doc objects to be translated
+    Returns:
+        A list of dicts, each representing an UPnP item, with the
+        keys as expected in the plgwithslave.cxx resultToEntries() function. 
+        The permanent URIs, are of the following form, based on the
+        configured host:port and pathprefix arguments and track Id:
+            http://host:port/pathprefix/track?version=1&trackId=<trackid>
+    """
+    global default_mime, default_samplerate
+    entries = []
+    for doc in docs:
+        li = {}
+        li['pid'] = objid
+        li['id'] = objid + '$' + "%s" % track.id
+        li['tt'] = doc.title
+# URL: we need transformation rules from the file:// recoll url to an http
+# one appropriate for our media server
+        li['uri'] = 'http://%s' % httphp + \
+                    posixpath.join(pathprefix,
+                                   'track?version=1&trackId=%s' % track.id)
+        li['tp'] = 'it'
+        if doc.album:
+            li['upnp:album'] = doc.album
+        # !! Albumart will have to come from somewhere else !
+###     #if doc.albumarturi:
+###        #li['upnp:albumArtURI'] = track.album.image
+        # Date format ?
+        if doc.date:
+            li['releasedate'] = doc.date
+        li['upnp:originalTrackNumber'] =  str(doc.tracknumber)
+        li['upnp:artist'] = doc.artist
+        li['upnp:genre'] = doc.genre
+        li['dc:title'] = doc.title
+        li['upnp:class'] = track.upnpclass
+        li['res:mime'] = doc.mtype
+###     li['discnumber'] = str(track.disc_num)
+### Need to extract the audio params from mutagen output !
+        #li['duration'] = track.duration
+        #li['res:samplefreq'] = default_samplerate
+        entries.append(li)
+    return entries
+def rcldirentry(id, pid, title, arturi=None, artist=None, upnpclass=None):
+    """ Create container entry in format expected by parent """
+    ret = {'id':id, 'pid':pid, 'tt':title, 'tp':'ct', 'searchable':'1'}
+    if arturi:
+        ret['upnp:albumArtURI'] = arturi
+    if artist:
+        ret['upnp:artist'] = artist
+    if upnpclass:
+        ret['upnp:class'] = upnpclass
+    else:
+        ret['upnp:class'] = 'object.container'
+    return ret
+def uplog(s):
+    print(("%s: %s" % ('uprcl', s)).encode('utf-8'), file=sys.stderr)