/* Copyright (C) 2014 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <regex.h> // for regex_t
#include <string> // for string
#include <vector> // for vector
struct mpd_song;
class UpSong {
UpSong() : duration_secs(0), mpdid(0) {}
void clear() {
duration_secs = mpdid = 0;
std::string uri;
std::string name; // only set for radios apparently
std::string artist;
std::string album;
std::string title;
std::string tracknum;
std::string genre;
unsigned int duration_secs;
int mpdid;
std::string dump() {
return std::string("Uri [") + uri + "] Artist [" + artist + "] Album ["
+ album + "] Title [" + title + "] Tno [" + tracknum + "]";
class MpdStatus {
MpdStatus() : trackcounter(0), detailscounter(0) {}
int volume;
bool rept;
bool random;
bool single;
bool consume;
int qlen;
int qvers;
State state;
unsigned int crossfade;
float mixrampdb;
float mixrampdelay;
int songpos;
int songid;
unsigned int songelapsedms; //current ms
unsigned int songlenms; // song millis
unsigned int kbrate;
unsigned int sample_rate;
unsigned int bitdepth;
unsigned int channels;
std::string errormessage;
UpSong currentsong;
UpSong nextsong;
// Synthetized fields
int trackcounter;
int detailscounter;
// Complete Mpd State
struct MpdState {
MpdStatus status;
std::vector<UpSong> queue;
class MPDCli {
MPDCli(const std::string& host, int port = 6600,
const std::string& pass="", const std::string& m_onstart="",
const std::string& m_onstop="",
const std::string& m_onvolumechange="");
bool ok() {return m_ok && m_conn;}
bool setVolume(int ivol, bool isMute = false);
int getVolume();
bool togglePause();
bool pause(bool onoff);
bool play(int pos = -1);
bool playId(int id = -1);
bool stop();
bool next();
bool previous();
bool repeat(bool on);
bool random(bool on);
bool single(bool on);
bool consume(bool on);
bool seek(int seconds);
bool clearQueue();
int insert(const std::string& uri, int pos, const UpSong& meta);
// Insert after given id. Returns new id or -1
int insertAfterId(const std::string& uri, int id, const UpSong& meta);
bool deleteId(int id);
// start included, end excluded
bool deletePosRange(unsigned int start, unsigned int end);
bool statId(int id);
int curpos();
bool getQueueData(std::vector<UpSong>& vdata);
bool statSong(UpSong& usong, int pos = -1, bool isId = false);
UpSong& mapSong(UpSong& usong, struct mpd_song *song);
const MpdStatus& getStatus()
return m_stat;
// Copy complete mpd state. If seekms is > 0, this is the value to
// save (sometimes useful if mpd was stopped)
bool saveState(MpdState& st, int seekms);
bool restoreState(const MpdState& st);
void *m_conn;
bool m_ok;
MpdStatus m_stat;
// Saved volume while muted.
int m_premutevolume;
// Volume that we use when MPD is stopped (does not return a
// volume in the status)
int m_cachedvolume;
std::string m_host;
int m_port;
std::string m_password;
std::string m_onstart;
std::string m_onstop;
std::string m_onvolumechange;
regex_t m_tpuexpr;
// addtagid command only exists for mpd 0.19 and later.
bool m_have_addtagid;
// Position and id of last insertion: if the new request is to
// insert after this id, and the queue did not change, we compute
// the new position from the last one instead of re-reading the
// queue for looking up the id position. This saves a huge amount
// of time.
int m_lastinsertid;
int m_lastinsertpos;
int m_lastinsertqvers;
bool openconn();
bool updStatus();
bool getQueueSongs(std::vector<mpd_song*>& songs);
void freeSongs(std::vector<mpd_song*>& songs);
bool showError(const std::string& who);
bool looksLikeTransportURI(const std::string& path);
bool checkForCommand(const std::string& cmdname);
bool send_tag(const char *cid, int tag, const std::string& data);
bool send_tag_data(int id, const UpSong& meta);
#endif /* _MPDCLI_H_X_INCLUDED_ */