git clone c2net-cpl-paas4sla-sdk-code

File Date Author Commit
manifest-validator 2016-10-07 Ruben de Juan Ruben de Juan [ef9977] Updated tools, including the manifest-validator
runtime-tool 2016-07-06 Josep Bernabé Josep Bernabé [335212] Added tools to manage runtimes
README.adoc 2016-10-07 Ruben de Juan Ruben de Juan [ef9977] Updated tools, including the manifest-validator 2016-10-07 Ruben de Juan Ruben de Juan [ef9977] Updated tools, including the manifest-validator 2016-10-07 Ruben de Juan Ruben de Juan [ef9977] Updated tools, including the manifest-validator 2016-07-06 Josep Bernabé Josep Bernabé [335212] Added tools to manage runtimes

Read Me

:ecloud: pass:q[*_ECloud_*]

= Toolbox

== Intro

This folder provides several tools required for developing and facilitating
the development of ECloud components.

== Requirements

In order to use those tools the following software has to be installed in your
working machine (Ubuntu 16.04 highly recommended):

* Docker (version 1.10.3)
* Nodejs (version 4.3.2)
* CoffeeScript

In the *Quick Start Guide* you have information about how to install those

== Installing tool dependencies

Once the requirements have been installed you can proceed with the installation
of the tools. For doing so, you have to execute:



You can check in the dependencies-installation.log file information about this

== Manifest validator

The `manifest-validator` tool checks the correctness (from a *syntactic* point
of view) of your manifest files.  


This validator checks if a set of `JSON` manifest file fulfills the {ecloud} manifest
specification. More specifically, it checks that is *syntactically* correct.

As argument you have to pass the path to the folder where are located the manifest files.
Those manifests have to be named `Manifest.json`. The script processess folders recursively
from the root folder path you pass.


 ./ <list of paths to root folder with manifest files>

== Runtime tools

A generic `runtime-tool` is provided, which offers several commands for
manipulating ECloud runtimes locally.

=== install

This tool downloads a runtime Docker image from {ecloud}'s runtime repository and
loads it using a local Docker daemon, if it is available.


  ./ install -n <runtime-name>


  ./ install -n eslap://

=== bundle

Exports a locally available Docker image and generates a ready-to-register
runtime bundle with the image and the associated manifest.

NOTE: Local image tags will be ignored and only used to locate the image, since
the generated bundle will contain a properly tagged Docker image matching the
runtime name specified in the runtime manifest, as expected by {ecloud}.

_Usage_: bundle -i <image-id|image-name> -m <path-to-runtime-manifest>

_Example_: bundle -i my-nodejs-custom -m ./my-manifest.json

where the runtime name specified in the manifest is, for example:

[source, json]
  "spec": "",
  "name": "eslap://some.domain/runtime/nodejs-libxyz/1_0_0",
  "derived" : {
    "from" : "eslap://"
  "sourcedir": "/eslap/component",
  "entrypoint": "/eslap/runtime-agent/scripts/",
  "metadata": {
    "description": "My custom runtime",
    "os_name": "Ubuntu",
    "os_version": "14.04",
    "os_release": "Trusty Tahr",
    "software": {
      "libxyz": {
        "version": "1.2.3"

will generate the runtime bundle
with a Docker image tagged as `some.domain/runtime/nodejs-libxyz:1_0_0`.