git clone c2net-dcf-legacy-hub-legacy-hub-2-code

File Date Author Commit
configurations 2017-09-07 umeriftikhar umeriftikhar [388e67] Filter Field added to the Excel Functionality
deploy 2017-11-21 umeriftikhar umeriftikhar [0d1c03] changes for excel and rest updateInterval
readyLSH 2017-12-20 umeriftikhar umeriftikhar [e232c2] rest adapter updated
restServer 2017-09-06 umeriftikhar umeriftikhar [2793d4] Modified Rest, Exce and PubSub
testing mockup 2017-05-10 Wael Mohammed Wael Mohammed [ea2850] initial commit 2017-05-10 Wael Mohammed Wael Mohammed [ea2850] initial commit

Read Me

Select an option

Option 1

This option provides the ready installed and configured PlantCockpit LSH. It is important to mention that, this option could fail at some point according to the sensitivity of the PlantCockpit to the deploying machine. if it fails, contact wael.mohammed(at) or try the second option.
after pulling the "readyLSH" folder. go to the running steps in this discription

Option 2

This option requires the user to install and configure the PlantCockpit manually. As mentioned earlier, this option could be necerssary if the first option will not work.


  1. download the Apache ServiceMix 7.0.0.M2 (
  2. run the servicemix using /bin/serivcemix.bat (windows) or /bin/servicmix (Linux or Mac)
  3. in the terminal, type "list". if all bundels are active go to the next step. otherwise wait.
  4. install the required features by typing:
    • feature:install camel-cometd camel-http camel-jetty9 camel-jaxb
    • feature:install activemq-web-console
  5. after installing is finished, turn off the servicemix by pressing "Ctrl + d"
  6. now service mix is ready for hosting the PlantCockpit LSH.

Prepering ServiceMix for running the PlantCockpit LSH

  1. creating the needed folders:
    • create a folder with name "config" in the root of the service mix folder.
    • create a folder with name "excelLib" in the root of the service mix folder.
    • create a folder with name "html" in "/lib/" of the service mix folder.
  2. from the opensourceprojects git, in the configurations folder, copy :
    • pubsub.json to "servicemix/config/"
    • fbec.config.cfg to "servicemix/etc/"
    • All html files to "servicemix/lib/html"
  3. from the opensourceproject git, in the deploy folder, copy all the jar files to "servicemix/deploy"
  4. Finally, the excelLib which is created earlier remains empty. Now, you are ready to run the PlantCockpit LSH

Running PlantCockpit LSH

  1. change the pubsub configuration by modifiying the "pubsubServerUrl" value in the /config/pubsub.json file. for the other values, you dont need to change them.
  2. run the servicemix using /bin/serivcemix.bat (windows) or /bin/servicmix (Linux or Mac)
  3. now wait for 2-3 min then type "list". all bundles except one called "PLANTCockpit OS :: Function Engine :: Configurator :: OLD" should be "Active"
  4. now PlantCockpit LSH is running and ready to be used
  5. To turn the LSH off, press "Ctrl + d". in case the LSH is turnd off by closing the termial, you need to reset the instance pid in the "servicemix/instances" to 0 before running it again.

Testing PlantCockpit

a mock up nodj-based appliaction has been developed for testing the usage of the PlantCockpit LSH. this application runs on port 4040. so keep in mind, that you need to modify the "pubsubServerUrl" to http://localhost:4040 (if both running on the same machine) in order to connect to the mock application. this application mocks the pubsub and the rm in very simple way. please follw the following steps to run the testing appliaction:
1. from the opensourceproject git, go to the folder "testing mockup"
2. open a terminal or comand prompt and type
node index.js
3. now go to the web browser and type : http://localhost:4040/rm/excel or http://localhost:4040/rm/rest depending of the data resource type.
4. now you need to define you data resources. please contact wael.mohammed(at) for further explinations