Open Europen Union Open Source Projects Metrics Dashboards

In order to create a dashboard for a group of projects just follow next steps.

Install Grimoire Automator Platform

Use the projects data sources config file attached to this page: eu_projects.conf

acs@lenovix:~/devel/Automator$ mkdir prose
acs@lenovix:~/devel/Automator$ cp eu_repos.conf prose

Use the create projects tool to create the projects metrics dashboard:

acs@lenovix:~/devel/Automator$ ./ -p prose/eu_repos.conf -d prose -s

Execute the launch tool to gather all data sources information and generate the dashboard:

acs@lenovix:~/devel/Automator$ ./ -g --python -d `pwd`/prose/SingleProject/

Finally in order to visualize the dashboard:

acs@lenovix:~/devel/Automator/prose/SingleProject/tools/VizGrimoireJS$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

and go to:


In order to analyze other projects, just create a the "eu_repos.conf prose" for them and follow the same steps. Grimoire Platform support several data sources that you can include in the reports] ([SupportedDataSources]).

eu_repos.conf (5296 bytes)


Wiki: SupportedDataSources