git clone modula2-stringhandler-sources

File Date Author Commit
Calendar.def 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
Calendar.mod 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
Keywords.def 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [4e58d8] add Keyword
Keywords.mod 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [4e58d8] add Keyword
README 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [d9bd86] add note
RomanNumerals.def 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
RomanNumerals.mod 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
SuchWort.def 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
SuchWort.mod 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
TokenLib.def 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff
TokenLib.mod 2018-06-06 Michael Riedl Michael Riedl [c55e6e] more stuff

Read Me

This libary provides some modules handling with strings. Please not that parts
of the code may not be under the GNU public or lesser public licence, please
check the individual files and the notes made therein.

If you find any code that is copyrighted by you or another party and you
don't want it to be published here please let me know and I will remove
that code. Or - even better - drop me a note that the code can be used
under the GNU public licence.