git clone mondo-itmfactorybenchmark

File Date Author Commit
build 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
expected 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
inputs 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
libs 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
models 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
transformations 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
.project 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit
README 2014-01-26 amine-ben amine-ben [9e5b7d] Initial commit

Read Me

0) This project aims to serve as a benchmark for scalable ATL transformations 
1) These transformations are all coming from the MoDisco project
2) Some inputs are realistic, and recovered using some MoDisco discoverers 
1) Install Eclipse with EMF + ATL :

	--> You can use the Eclipse market place to install both projects.    		

This project organization
	--> "models":		The metamodels, used within this projects, expressed in .ecore
	--> "inputs":		Sample inputs to run the different transformations, these inputs have different sizes.
						Their names are delivered in a way to help users figure out to which metamodel they conform to.
						For example, is conform to the java metamodel 	
	--> "transformations:	The transformations that this project contains
	--> "builds" : the different ant scripts aiming to launch the different transformations
Launching a transformation 

The "build-XXX.xml" ANT scripts,  allow executing the different transformations available here in the project,
Note that the values of the properties must be set for each one of the scripts before launching.