git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
docs 2009-11-17 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit ca98ffaaffec98a20e00b288d666fa6380fd7660> Fix dumb typo in docs.
ez_setup 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
pyforge 2009-11-23 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit eb9d237ac1660c6aa7385de8ac36a0289e443dd8> FORGE-42 - add search to menu on pyforge
run 2009-11-18 Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard <Commit 2083ffa0388207af7826418b631dfb8bc35c393c> FORGE-60: add tests for nosetest coverage to tasks 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
README.txt 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project 2009-11-19 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 307a6e194b15b8876d2992c3d0a5858a070fb955> FORGE-38 - get celery config updated for 0.8.1
development.ini 2009-11-23 Wolf Wolf [076df1] Use SOG's official SOLR port: 50065
setup.cfg 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project 2009-11-23 Wolf Wolf <Commit 8518854cb4d2952ab118883288b59f775451ae29> Requirement: pysolr
setup.pyc 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
test.ini 2009-11-19 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 4374ac51e8931fb3c0daaafae681362fe198c389> FORGE-84 - create framework for testing plugin ...

Read Me

This file is for you to describe the pyforge application. Typically
you would include information such as the information below:

Installation and Setup

Install ``pyforge`` using the script::

    $ cd pyforge
    $ python install

Create the project database for any model classes defined::

    $ paster setup-app development.ini

Start the paste http server::

    $ paster serve development.ini

While developing you may want the server to reload after changes in package files (or its dependencies) are saved. This can be achieved easily by adding the --reload option::

    $ paster serve --reload development.ini

Then you are ready to go.