git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
docs 2009-11-10 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 881743e868f874b61bac07e59b32af30ba6612a6> Enough to test the sphinx make file I created.
ez_setup 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
pyforge 2009-11-13 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm [e32b4f] Funtional tests require BeautifulSoup, but work... 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
README.txt 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project 2009-11-12 Wolf Wolf <Commit fbf3fb32712790f6d2110b1b7de737bd21d02474> Celery requires CARROT_BACKEND to be set
development.ini 2009-11-05 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 0f153ce5e0783a6099b4f33502d0f1bae3869fc2> working toward pyforge/ming model
setup.cfg 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project 2009-11-12 Wolf Wolf <Commit 27e8228e5dc9fd23d4f4a289efb0fe5b4a6eec37> report during setup; no version for Lamson
setup.pyc 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
test.ini 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project

Read Me

This file is for you to describe the pyforge application. Typically
you would include information such as the information below:

Installation and Setup

Install ``pyforge`` using the script::

    $ cd pyforge
    $ python install

Create the project database for any model classes defined::

    $ paster setup-app development.ini

Start the paste http server::

    $ paster serve development.ini

While developing you may want the server to reload after changes in package files (or its dependencies) are saved. This can be achieved easily by adding the --reload option::

    $ paster serve --reload development.ini

Then you are ready to go.