git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
docs 2010-06-01 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit aef79523e1c6eeb50b9d194a2148a6893c736fdc> [#471] - Refactoring to make underscores illega...
ez_setup 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
flyway 2010-07-14 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 42ea677dcbe8b420dba0106c23ed1aad431f0f29> [#639] - flyway performance improvements for te...
pyforge 2010-08-03 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [f265ee] [#630] - make email links absolute
run 2009-11-18 Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard <Commit 2083ffa0388207af7826418b631dfb8bc35c393c> FORGE-60: add tests for nosetest coverage to tasks 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
README.txt 2009-11-05 Mark Ramm Mark Ramm <Commit 6e29319896bf86d52e3d73bd203524e65804a273> Adding new quickstart project
demo.ini 2010-06-22 Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard <Commit 6451ff3e9c4c781fe9f41b363967dcc3c3a9985f> configure demo.ini for CDN
development.ini 2010-08-03 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [f265ee] [#630] - make email links absolute
oembed.ini 2010-02-05 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit ce4b6b0dd4d3b75ec8f13301641c792a8e18ebee> FORGE-214 - Add oembed support to our markdown ... 2010-08-03 Wolf Wolf <Commit af4dd65cd79a34344149c559c4cb8094eaa268f2> ensure_index requires production.ini
sandbox-test.ini 2010-05-14 Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard <Commit 7c7c1f29171c438240dd74a9e92b6170b7b74ad4> [#368] Fixes to sandbox-test.ini to work in con...
sandbox.ini 2010-07-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 1502b75fea79fa513f475675157348763a57e506> [#724] - add integration of SFX databases
setup.cfg 2009-12-01 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 9191ebc985a832ddc565c7dd4c22352021afb0f0> FORGE-38, FORGE-48 - use celery queues for SOLR... 2010-07-27 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit d33463606f08649687bdf01dd13965f845cc3c68> Move SFX to separate egg
test.ini 2010-08-03 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [f265ee] [#630] - make email links absolute

Read Me

This file is for you to describe the pyforge application. Typically
you would include information such as the information below:

Installation and Setup

Install ``pyforge`` using the script::

    $ cd pyforge
    $ python install

Create the project database for any model classes defined::

    $ paster setup-app development.ini

Start the paste http server::

    $ paster serve development.ini

While developing you may want the server to reload after changes in package files (or its dependencies) are saved. This can be achieved easily by adding the --reload option::

    $ paster serve --reload development.ini

Then you are ready to go.