Indexing WEB pages you wisit

With the help of a Firefox extension, Recoll can index the Internet pages that you visit. The extension was initially designed for the Beagle indexer, but it has recently be renamed and better adapted to Recoll.

The extension works by copying visited WEB pages to an indexing queue directory, which Recoll then processes, indexing the data, storing it into a local cache, then removing the file from the queue.

This feature can be enabled in the GUI Index configuration panel, or by editing the configuration file (set processwebqueue to 1).

A current pointer to the extension can be found, along with up-to-date instructions, on the Recoll wiki.

A copy of the indexed WEB pages is retained by Recoll in a local cache (from which previews can be fetched). The cache size can be adjusted from the Index configuration / Web history panel. Once the maximum size is reached, old pages are purged - both from the cache and the index - to make room for new ones, so you need to explicitly archive in some other place the pages that you want to keep indefinitely.