/* Copyright (C) 2006 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Handle translation from rcl's SearchData structures to Xapian Queries
#include "autoconfig.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include "xapian.h"
#include "cstr.h"
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "rcldb_p.h"
#include "searchdata.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "unacpp.h"
#include "utf8iter.h"
#include "stoplist.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "termproc.h"
#include "synfamily.h"
#include "stemdb.h"
#include "expansiondbs.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "daterange.h"
namespace Rcl {
typedef vector<SearchDataClause *>::iterator qlist_it_t;
typedef vector<SearchDataClause *>::const_iterator qlist_cit_t;
void SearchData::commoninit()
m_haveDates = false;
m_maxSize = size_t(-1);
m_minSize = size_t(-1);
m_haveWildCards = false;
m_autodiacsens = false;
m_autocasesens = true;
m_maxexp = 10000;
m_maxcl = 100000;
m_softmaxexpand = -1;
for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
delete *it;
// This is called by the GUI simple search if the option is set: add
// (OR) phrase to a query (if it is simple enough) so that results
// where the search terms are close and in order will come up on top.
// We remove very common terms from the query to avoid performance issues.
bool SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase(Rcl::Db& db, double freqThreshold)
if (!m_query.size()) {
LOGDEB2(("SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase: empty query\n"));
return false;
string field;
vector<string> words;
// Walk the clause list. If we find any non simple clause or different
// field names, bail out.
for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++) {
SClType tp = (*it)->m_tp;
if (tp != SCLT_AND && tp != SCLT_OR) {
LOGDEB2(("SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase: rejected clause\n"));
return false;
SearchDataClauseSimple *clp =
if (clp == 0) {
LOGDEB2(("SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase: dyncast failed\n"));
return false;
if (it == m_query.begin()) {
field = clp->getfield();
} else {
if (clp->getfield().compare(field)) {
LOGDEB2(("SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase: diff. fields\n"));
return false;
// If there are wildcards or quotes in there, bail out
if (clp->gettext().find_first_of("\"*[?") != string::npos) {
LOGDEB2(("SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase: wildcards\n"));
return false;
// Do a simple word-split here, don't bother with the full-blown
// textsplit. The autophrase thing is just "best effort", it's
// normal that it won't work in strange cases.
vector<string> wl;
stringToStrings(clp->gettext(), wl);
words.insert(words.end(), wl.begin(), wl.end());
// Trim the word list by eliminating very frequent terms
// (increasing the slack as we do it):
int slack = 0;
int doccnt = db.docCnt();
if (!doccnt)
doccnt = 1;
string swords;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = words.begin();
it != words.end(); it++) {
double freq = double(db.termDocCnt(*it)) / doccnt;
if (freq < freqThreshold) {
if (!swords.empty())
swords.append(1, ' ');
swords += *it;
} else {
LOGDEB0(("Autophrase: [%s] too frequent (%.2f %%)\n",
it->c_str(), 100 * freq));
// We can't make a phrase with a single word :)
int nwords = TextSplit::countWords(swords);
if (nwords <= 1) {
LOGDEB2(("SearchData::maybeAddAutoPhrase: ended with 1 word\n"));
return false;
// Increase the slack: we want to be a little more laxist than for
// an actual user-entered phrase
slack += 1 + nwords / 3;
m_autophrase = RefCntr<SearchDataClauseDist>(
new SearchDataClauseDist(SCLT_PHRASE, swords, slack, field));
return true;
// Add clause to current list. OR lists cant have EXCL clauses.
bool SearchData::addClause(SearchDataClause* cl)
if (m_tp == SCLT_OR && cl->getexclude()) {
LOGERR(("SearchData::addClause: cant add EXCL to OR list\n"));
m_reason = "No Negative (AND_NOT) clauses allowed in OR queries";
return false;
m_haveWildCards = m_haveWildCards || cl->m_haveWildCards;
return true;
// Am I a file name only search ? This is to turn off term highlighting
bool SearchData::fileNameOnly()
for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
if (!(*it)->isFileName())
return false;
return true;
// Extract all term data
void SearchData::getTerms(HighlightData &hld) const
for (qlist_cit_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
} // Namespace Rcl