Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/rcldb/searchdata.cpp
+++ b/src/rcldb/searchdata.cpp
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@
 typedef  vector<SearchDataClause *>::iterator qlist_it_t;
 typedef  vector<SearchDataClause *>::const_iterator qlist_cit_t;
-static const int original_term_wqf_booster = 10;
 void SearchData::commoninit()
     m_haveDates = false;
@@ -72,241 +70,6 @@
     for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
 	delete *it;
-// Expand categories and mime type wild card exps Categories are
-// expanded against the configuration, mimetypes against the index
-// (for wildcards).
-bool SearchData::expandFileTypes(Db &db, vector<string>& tps)
-    const RclConfig *cfg = db.getConf();
-    if (!cfg) {
-	LOGFATAL(("Db::expandFileTypes: null configuration!!\n"));
-	return false;
-    }
-    vector<string> exptps;
-    for (vector<string>::iterator it = tps.begin(); it != tps.end(); it++) {
-	if (cfg->isMimeCategory(*it)) {
-	    vector<string>tps;
-	    cfg->getMimeCatTypes(*it, tps);
-	    exptps.insert(exptps.end(), tps.begin(), tps.end());
-	} else {
-	    TermMatchResult res;
-	    string mt = stringtolower((const string&)*it);
-	    // We set casesens|diacsens to get an equivalent of ixTermMatch()
-	    db.termMatch(Db::ET_WILD|Db::ET_CASESENS|Db::ET_DIACSENS, string(),
-			 mt, res, -1, "mtype");
-	    if (res.entries.empty()) {
-		exptps.push_back(it->c_str());
-	    } else {
-		for (vector<TermMatchEntry>::const_iterator rit = 
-			 res.entries.begin(); rit != res.entries.end(); rit++) {
-		    exptps.push_back(strip_prefix(rit->term));
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    sort(exptps.begin(), exptps.end());
-    exptps.erase(unique(exptps.begin(), exptps.end()), exptps.end());
-    tps = exptps;
-    return true;
-static const char *maxXapClauseMsg = 
-    "Maximum Xapian query size exceeded. Increase maxXapianClauses "
-    "in the configuration. ";
-static const char *maxXapClauseCaseDiacMsg = 
-    "Or try to use case (C) or diacritics (D) sensitivity qualifiers, or less "
-    "wildcards ?"
-    ;
-bool SearchData::clausesToQuery(Rcl::Db &db, SClType tp, 
-				vector<SearchDataClause*>& query, 
-				string& reason, void *d)
-    Xapian::Query xq;
-    for (qlist_it_t it = query.begin(); it != query.end(); it++) {
-	Xapian::Query nq;
-	if (!(*it)->toNativeQuery(db, &nq)) {
-	    LOGERR(("SearchData::clausesToQuery: toNativeQuery failed: %s\n",
-		    (*it)->getReason().c_str()));
-	    reason += (*it)->getReason() + " ";
-	    return false;
-	}	    
-        if (nq.empty()) {
-            LOGDEB(("SearchData::clausesToQuery: skipping empty clause\n"));
-            continue;
-        }
-	// If this structure is an AND list, must use AND_NOT for excl clauses.
-	// Else this is an OR list, and there can't be excl clauses (checked by
-	// addClause())
-	Xapian::Query::op op;
-	if (tp == SCLT_AND) {
-            if ((*it)->getexclude()) {
-                op =  Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT;
-            } else {
-                op =  Xapian::Query::OP_AND;
-            }
-	} else {
-	    op = Xapian::Query::OP_OR;
-	}
-        if (xq.empty()) {
-            if (op == Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT)
-                xq = Xapian::Query(op, Xapian::Query::MatchAll, nq);
-            else 
-                xq = nq;
-        } else {
-            xq = Xapian::Query(op, xq, nq);
-        }
-	if (int(xq.get_length()) >= getMaxCl()) {
-	    LOGERR(("%s\n", maxXapClauseMsg));
-	    m_reason += maxXapClauseMsg;
-	    if (!o_index_stripchars)
-		m_reason += maxXapClauseCaseDiacMsg;
-	    return false;
-	}
-    }
-    LOGDEB0(("SearchData::clausesToQuery: got %d clauses\n", xq.get_length()));
-    if (xq.empty())
-	xq = Xapian::Query::MatchAll;
-   *((Xapian::Query *)d) = xq;
-    return true;
-bool SearchData::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *d)
-    LOGDEB(("SearchData::toNativeQuery: stemlang [%s]\n", m_stemlang.c_str()));
-    m_reason.erase();
-    db.getConf()->getConfParam("maxTermExpand", &m_maxexp);
-    db.getConf()->getConfParam("maxXapianClauses", &m_maxcl);
-    // Walk the clause list translating each in turn and building the 
-    // Xapian query tree
-    Xapian::Query xq;
-    if (!clausesToQuery(db, m_tp, m_query, m_reason, &xq)) {
-	LOGERR(("SearchData::toNativeQuery: clausesToQuery failed. reason: %s\n", 
-		m_reason.c_str()));
-	return false;
-    }
-    if (m_haveDates) {
-        // If one of the extremities is unset, compute db extremas
-        if (m_dates.y1 == 0 || m_dates.y2 == 0) {
-            int minyear = 1970, maxyear = 2100;
-            if (!db.maxYearSpan(&minyear, &maxyear)) {
-                LOGERR(("Can't retrieve index min/max dates\n"));
-                //whatever, go on.
-            }
-            if (m_dates.y1 == 0) {
-                m_dates.y1 = minyear;
-                m_dates.m1 = 1;
-                m_dates.d1 = 1;
-            }
-            if (m_dates.y2 == 0) {
-                m_dates.y2 = maxyear;
-                m_dates.m2 = 12;
-                m_dates.d2 = 31;
-            }
-        }
-        LOGDEB(("Db::toNativeQuery: date interval: %d-%d-%d/%d-%d-%d\n",
-                m_dates.y1, m_dates.m1, m_dates.d1,
-                m_dates.y2, m_dates.m2, m_dates.d2));
-        Xapian::Query dq = date_range_filter(m_dates.y1, m_dates.m1, m_dates.d1,
-                m_dates.y2, m_dates.m2, m_dates.d2);
-        if (dq.empty()) {
-            LOGINFO(("Db::toNativeQuery: date filter is empty\n"));
-        }
-        // If no probabilistic query is provided then promote the daterange
-        // filter to be THE query instead of filtering an empty query.
-        if (xq.empty()) {
-            LOGINFO(("Db::toNativeQuery: proba query is empty\n"));
-            xq = dq;
-        } else {
-            xq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_FILTER, xq, dq);
-        }
-    }
-    if (m_minSize != size_t(-1) || m_maxSize != size_t(-1)) {
-        Xapian::Query sq;
-	char min[50], max[50];
-	sprintf(min, "%lld", (long long)m_minSize);
-	sprintf(max, "%lld", (long long)m_maxSize);
-	if (m_minSize == size_t(-1)) {
-	    string value(max);
-	    leftzeropad(value, 12);
-	    sq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_VALUE_LE, VALUE_SIZE, value);
-	} else if (m_maxSize == size_t(-1)) {
-	    string value(min);
-	    leftzeropad(value, 12);
-	    sq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_VALUE_GE, VALUE_SIZE, value);
-	} else {
-	    string minvalue(min);
-	    leftzeropad(minvalue, 12);
-	    string maxvalue(max);
-	    leftzeropad(maxvalue, 12);
-	    sq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_SIZE, 
-			       minvalue, maxvalue);
-	}
-        // If no probabilistic query is provided then promote the
-        // filter to be THE query instead of filtering an empty query.
-        if (xq.empty()) {
-            LOGINFO(("Db::toNativeQuery: proba query is empty\n"));
-            xq = sq;
-        } else {
-            xq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_FILTER, xq, sq);
-        }
-    }
-    // Add the autophrase if any
-    if (m_autophrase.isNotNull()) {
-	Xapian::Query apq;
-	if (m_autophrase->toNativeQuery(db, &apq)) {
-	    xq = xq.empty() ? apq : 
-		Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_AND_MAYBE, xq, apq);
-	}
-    }
-    // Add the file type filtering clause if any
-    if (!m_filetypes.empty()) {
-	expandFileTypes(db, m_filetypes);
-	Xapian::Query tq;
-	for (vector<string>::iterator it = m_filetypes.begin(); 
-	     it != m_filetypes.end(); it++) {
-	    string term = wrap_prefix(mimetype_prefix) + *it;
-	    LOGDEB0(("Adding file type term: [%s]\n", term.c_str()));
-	    tq = tq.empty() ? Xapian::Query(term) : 
-		Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, tq, Xapian::Query(term));
-	}
-	xq = xq.empty() ? tq : Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_FILTER, xq, tq);
-    }
-    // Add the neg file type filtering clause if any
-    if (!m_nfiletypes.empty()) {
-	expandFileTypes(db, m_nfiletypes);
-	Xapian::Query tq;
-	for (vector<string>::iterator it = m_nfiletypes.begin(); 
-	     it != m_nfiletypes.end(); it++) {
-	    string term = wrap_prefix(mimetype_prefix) + *it;
-	    LOGDEB0(("Adding negative file type term: [%s]\n", term.c_str()));
-	    tq = tq.empty() ? Xapian::Query(term) : 
-		Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, tq, Xapian::Query(term));
-	}
-	xq = xq.empty() ? tq : Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT, xq, tq);
-    }
-    *((Xapian::Query *)d) = xq;
-    return true;
 // This is called by the GUI simple search if the option is set: add
@@ -428,695 +191,4 @@
-// Splitter callback for breaking a user string into simple terms and
-// phrases. This is for parts of the user entry which would appear as
-// a single word because there is no white space inside, but are
-// actually multiple terms to rcldb (ie term1,term2)
-class TextSplitQ : public TextSplitP {
- public:
-    TextSplitQ(Flags flags, const StopList &_stops, TermProc *prc)
-	: TextSplitP(prc, flags), 
-	  curnostemexp(false), stops(_stops), alltermcount(0), lastpos(0)
-    {}
-    bool takeword(const std::string &term, int pos, int bs, int be) 
-    {
-	// Check if the first letter is a majuscule in which
-	// case we do not want to do stem expansion. Need to do this
-	// before unac of course...
-	curnostemexp = unaciscapital(term);
-	return TextSplitP::takeword(term, pos, bs, be);
-    }
-    bool           curnostemexp;
-    vector<string> terms;
-    vector<bool>   nostemexps;
-    const StopList &stops;
-    // Count of terms including stopwords: this is for adjusting
-    // phrase/near slack
-    int alltermcount; 
-    int lastpos;
-class TermProcQ : public TermProc {
-    TermProcQ() : TermProc(0), m_ts(0) {}
-    void setTSQ(TextSplitQ *ts) {m_ts = ts;}
-    bool takeword(const std::string &term, int pos, int bs, int be) 
-    {
-	m_ts->alltermcount++;
-	if (m_ts->lastpos < pos)
-	    m_ts->lastpos = pos;
-	bool noexpand = be ? m_ts->curnostemexp : true;
-	LOGDEB1(("TermProcQ::takeword: pushing [%s] pos %d noexp %d\n", 
-		 term.c_str(), pos, noexpand));
-	if (m_terms[pos].size() < term.size()) {
-	    m_terms[pos] = term;
-	    m_nste[pos] = noexpand;
-	}
-	return true;
-    }
-    bool flush()
-    {
-	for (map<int, string>::const_iterator it = m_terms.begin();
-	     it != m_terms.end(); it++) {
-	    m_ts->terms.push_back(it->second);
-	    m_ts->nostemexps.push_back(m_nste[it->first]);
-	}
-	return true;
-    }
-    TextSplitQ *m_ts;
-    map<int, string> m_terms;
-    map<int, bool> m_nste;
-#if 1
-static void listVector(const string& what, const vector<string>&l)
-    string a;
-    for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++) {
-        a = a + *it + " ";
-    }
-    LOGDEB0(("%s: %s\n", what.c_str(), a.c_str()));
-/** Expand term into term list, using appropriate mode: stem, wildcards, 
- *  diacritics... 
- *
- * @param mods stem expansion, case and diacritics sensitivity control.
- * @param term input single word
- * @param oexp output expansion list
- * @param sterm output original input term if there were no wildcards
- * @param prefix field prefix in index. We could recompute it, but the caller
- *  has it already. Used in the simple case where there is nothing to expand, 
- *  and we just return the prefixed term (else Db::termMatch deals with it).
- */
-bool SearchDataClauseSimple::expandTerm(Rcl::Db &db, 
-					string& ermsg, int mods, 
-					const string& term, 
-					vector<string>& oexp, string &sterm,
-					const string& prefix)
-    LOGDEB0(("expandTerm: mods 0x%x fld [%s] trm [%s] lang [%s]\n",
-	     mods, m_field.c_str(), term.c_str(), getStemLang().c_str()));
-    sterm.clear();
-    oexp.clear();
-    if (term.empty())
-	return true;
-    bool maxexpissoft = false;
-    int maxexpand = getSoftMaxExp();
-    if (maxexpand != -1) {
-	maxexpissoft = true;
-    } else {
-	maxexpand = getMaxExp();
-    }
-    bool haswild = term.find_first_of(cstr_minwilds) != string::npos;
-    // If there are no wildcards, add term to the list of user-entered terms
-    if (!haswild) {
-	m_hldata.uterms.insert(term);
-        sterm = term;
-    }
-    // No stem expansion if there are wildcards or if prevented by caller
-    bool nostemexp = (mods & SDCM_NOSTEMMING) != 0;
-    if (haswild || getStemLang().empty()) {
-	LOGDEB2(("expandTerm: found wildcards or stemlang empty: no exp\n"));
-	nostemexp = true;
-    }
-    // noexpansion can be modified further down by possible case/diac expansion
-    bool noexpansion = nostemexp && !haswild; 
-    int termmatchsens = 0;
-    bool diac_sensitive = (mods & SDCM_DIACSENS) != 0;
-    bool case_sensitive = (mods & SDCM_CASESENS) != 0;
-    if (o_index_stripchars) {
-	diac_sensitive = case_sensitive = false;
-    } else {
-	// If we are working with a raw index, apply the rules for case and 
-	// diacritics sensitivity.
-	// If any character has a diacritic, we become
-	// diacritic-sensitive. Note that the way that the test is
-	// performed (conversion+comparison) will automatically ignore
-	// accented characters which are actually a separate letter
-	if (getAutoDiac() && unachasaccents(term)) {
-	    LOGDEB0(("expandTerm: term has accents -> diac-sensitive\n"));
-	    diac_sensitive = true;
-	}
-	// If any character apart the first is uppercase, we become
-	// case-sensitive.  The first character is reserved for
-	// turning off stemming. You need to use a query language
-	// modifier to search for Floor in a case-sensitive way.
-	Utf8Iter it(term);
-	it++;
-	if (getAutoCase() && unachasuppercase(term.substr(it.getBpos()))) {
-	    LOGDEB0(("expandTerm: term has uppercase -> case-sensitive\n"));
-	    case_sensitive = true;
-	}
-	// If we are sensitive to case or diacritics turn stemming off
-	if (diac_sensitive || case_sensitive) {
-	    LOGDEB0(("expandTerm: diac or case sens set -> stemexpand off\n"));
-	    nostemexp = true;
-	}
-	if (!case_sensitive || !diac_sensitive)
-	    noexpansion = false;
-    }
-    if (case_sensitive)
-	termmatchsens |= Db::ET_CASESENS;
-    if (diac_sensitive)
-	termmatchsens |= Db::ET_DIACSENS;
-    if (noexpansion) {
-	oexp.push_back(prefix + term);
-	m_hldata.terms[term] = term;
-	LOGDEB(("ExpandTerm: noexpansion: final: %s\n", stringsToString(oexp).c_str()));
-	return true;
-    } 
-    Db::MatchType mtyp = haswild ? Db::ET_WILD : 
-	nostemexp ? Db::ET_NONE : Db::ET_STEM;
-    TermMatchResult res;
-    if (!db.termMatch(mtyp | termmatchsens, getStemLang(), term, res, maxexpand,
-		      m_field)) {
-	// Let it go through
-    }
-    // Term match entries to vector of terms
-    if (int(res.entries.size()) >= maxexpand && !maxexpissoft) {
-	ermsg = "Maximum term expansion size exceeded."
-	    " Maybe use case/diacritics sensitivity or increase maxTermExpand.";
-	return false;
-    }
-    for (vector<TermMatchEntry>::const_iterator it = res.entries.begin(); 
-	 it != res.entries.end(); it++) {
-	oexp.push_back(it->term);
-    }
-    // If the term does not exist at all in the db, the return from
-    // termMatch() is going to be empty, which is not what we want (we
-    // would then compute an empty Xapian query)
-    if (oexp.empty())
-	oexp.push_back(prefix + term);
-    // Remember the uterm-to-expansion links
-    for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = oexp.begin(); 
-	 it != oexp.end(); it++) {
-	m_hldata.terms[strip_prefix(*it)] = term;
-    }
-    LOGDEB(("ExpandTerm: final: %s\n", stringsToString(oexp).c_str()));
-    return true;
-// Do distribution of string vectors: a,b c,d -> a,c a,d b,c b,d
-void multiply_groups(vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vvit,
-		     vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vvend, 
-		     vector<string>& comb,
-		     vector<vector<string> >&allcombs)
-    // Remember my string vector and compute next, for recursive calls.
-    vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator myvit = vvit++;
-    // Walk the string vector I'm called upon and, for each string,
-    // add it to current result, an call myself recursively on the
-    // next string vector. The last call (last element of the vector of
-    // vectors), adds the elementary result to the output
-    // Walk my string vector
-    for (vector<string>::const_iterator strit = (*myvit).begin();
-	 strit != (*myvit).end(); strit++) {
-	// Add my current value to the string vector we're building
-	comb.push_back(*strit);
-	if (vvit == vvend) {
-	    // Last call: store current result
-	    allcombs.push_back(comb);
-	} else {
-	    // Call recursively on next string vector
-	    multiply_groups(vvit, vvend, comb, allcombs);
-	}
-	// Pop the value I just added (make room for the next element in my
-	// vector)
-	comb.pop_back();
-    }
-void SearchDataClauseSimple::processSimpleSpan(Rcl::Db &db, string& ermsg,
-					       const string& span, 
-					       int mods, void * pq)
-    vector<Xapian::Query>& pqueries(*(vector<Xapian::Query>*)pq);
-    LOGDEB0(("StringToXapianQ::processSimpleSpan: [%s] mods 0x%x\n",
-	    span.c_str(), (unsigned int)mods));
-    vector<string> exp;  
-    string sterm; // dumb version of user term
-    string prefix;
-    const FieldTraits *ftp;
-    if (!m_field.empty() && db.fieldToTraits(m_field, &ftp, true)) {
-	prefix = wrap_prefix(ftp->pfx);
-    }
-    if (!expandTerm(db, ermsg, mods, span, exp, sterm, prefix))
-	return;
-    // Set up the highlight data. No prefix should go in there
-    for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = exp.begin(); 
-	 it != exp.end(); it++) {
-	m_hldata.groups.push_back(vector<string>(1, it->substr(prefix.size())));
-	m_hldata.slacks.push_back(0);
-	m_hldata.grpsugidx.push_back(m_hldata.ugroups.size() - 1);
-    }
-    // Push either term or OR of stem-expanded set
-    Xapian::Query xq(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, exp.begin(), exp.end());
-    m_curcl += exp.size();
-    // If sterm (simplified original user term) is not null, give it a
-    // relevance boost. We do this even if no expansion occurred (else
-    // the non-expanded terms in a term list would end-up with even
-    // less wqf). This does not happen if there are wildcards anywhere
-    // in the search.
-    // We normally boost the original term in the stem expansion list. Don't
-    // do it if there are wildcards anywhere, this would skew the results.
-    bool doBoostUserTerm = 
-	(m_parentSearch && !m_parentSearch->haveWildCards()) || 
-	(m_parentSearch == 0 && !m_haveWildCards);
-    if (doBoostUserTerm && !sterm.empty()) {
-        xq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, xq, 
-			   Xapian::Query(prefix+sterm, 
-					 original_term_wqf_booster));
-    }
-    pqueries.push_back(xq);
-// User entry element had several terms: transform into a PHRASE or
-// NEAR xapian query, the elements of which can themselves be OR
-// queries if the terms get expanded by stemming or wildcards (we
-// don't do stemming for PHRASE though)
-void SearchDataClauseSimple::processPhraseOrNear(Rcl::Db &db, string& ermsg, 
-						 TextSplitQ *splitData, 
-						 int mods, void *pq,
-						 bool useNear, int slack)
-    vector<Xapian::Query> &pqueries(*(vector<Xapian::Query>*)pq);
-    Xapian::Query::op op = useNear ? Xapian::Query::OP_NEAR : 
-	Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE;
-    vector<Xapian::Query> orqueries;
-    bool hadmultiple = false;
-    vector<vector<string> >groups;
-    string prefix;
-    const FieldTraits *ftp;
-    if (!m_field.empty() && db.fieldToTraits(m_field, &ftp, true)) {
-	prefix = wrap_prefix(ftp->pfx);
-    }
-    if (mods & Rcl::SearchDataClause::SDCM_ANCHORSTART) {
-	orqueries.push_back(Xapian::Query(prefix + start_of_field_term));
-	slack++;
-    }
-    // Go through the list and perform stem/wildcard expansion for each element
-    vector<bool>::iterator nxit = splitData->nostemexps.begin();
-    for (vector<string>::iterator it = splitData->terms.begin();
-	 it != splitData->terms.end(); it++, nxit++) {
-	LOGDEB0(("ProcessPhrase: processing [%s]\n", it->c_str()));
-	// Adjust when we do stem expansion. Not if disabled by
-	// caller, not inside phrases, and some versions of xapian
-	// will accept only one OR clause inside NEAR.
-	bool nostemexp = *nxit || (op == Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE) 
-	    || hadmultiple
-#endif // single OR inside NEAR
-	    ;
-	int lmods = mods;
-	if (nostemexp)
-	    lmods |= SearchDataClause::SDCM_NOSTEMMING;
-	string sterm;
-	vector<string> exp;
-	if (!expandTerm(db, ermsg, lmods, *it, exp, sterm, prefix))
-	    return;
-	LOGDEB0(("ProcessPhraseOrNear: exp size %d\n", exp.size()));
-	listVector("", exp);
-	// groups is used for highlighting, we don't want prefixes in there.
-	vector<string> noprefs;
-	for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = exp.begin(); 
-	     it != exp.end(); it++) {
-	    noprefs.push_back(it->substr(prefix.size()));
-	}
-	groups.push_back(noprefs);
-	orqueries.push_back(Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, 
-					  exp.begin(), exp.end()));
-	m_curcl += exp.size();
-	if (m_curcl >= getMaxCl())
-	    return;
-	if (exp.size() > 1) 
-	    hadmultiple = true;
-    }
-    if (mods & Rcl::SearchDataClause::SDCM_ANCHOREND) {
-	orqueries.push_back(Xapian::Query(prefix + end_of_field_term));
-	slack++;
-    }
-    // Generate an appropriate PHRASE/NEAR query with adjusted slack
-    // For phrases, give a relevance boost like we do for original terms
-    LOGDEB2(("PHRASE/NEAR:  alltermcount %d lastpos %d\n", 
-             splitData->alltermcount, splitData->lastpos));
-    Xapian::Query xq(op, orqueries.begin(), orqueries.end(),
-		     splitData->lastpos + 1 + slack);
-    if (op == Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE)
-	xq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xq, 
-			   original_term_wqf_booster);
-    pqueries.push_back(xq);
-    // Add all combinations of NEAR/PHRASE groups to the highlighting data. 
-    vector<vector<string> > allcombs;
-    vector<string> comb;
-    multiply_groups(groups.begin(), groups.end(), comb, allcombs);
-    // Insert the search groups and slacks in the highlight data, with
-    // a reference to the user entry that generated them:
-    m_hldata.groups.insert(m_hldata.groups.end(), 
-			   allcombs.begin(), allcombs.end());
-    m_hldata.slacks.insert(m_hldata.slacks.end(), allcombs.size(), slack);
-    m_hldata.grpsugidx.insert(m_hldata.grpsugidx.end(), allcombs.size(), 
-			      m_hldata.ugroups.size() - 1);
-// Trim string beginning with ^ or ending with $ and convert to flags
-static int stringToMods(string& s)
-    int mods = 0;
-    // Check for an anchored search
-    trimstring(s);
-    if (s.length() > 0 && s[0] == '^') {
-	mods |= Rcl::SearchDataClause::SDCM_ANCHORSTART;
-	s.erase(0, 1);
-    }
-    if (s.length() > 0 && s[s.length()-1] == '$') {
-	mods |= Rcl::SearchDataClause::SDCM_ANCHOREND;
-	s.erase(s.length()-1);
-    }
-    return mods;
- * Turn user entry string (NOT query language) into a list of xapian queries.
- * We just separate words and phrases, and do wildcard and stem expansion,
- *
- * This is used to process data entered into an OR/AND/NEAR/PHRASE field of
- * the GUI (in the case of NEAR/PHRASE, clausedist adds dquotes to the user
- * entry).
- *
- * This appears awful, and it would seem that the split into
- * terms/phrases should be performed in the upper layer so that we
- * only receive pure term or near/phrase pure elements here, but in
- * fact there are things that would appear like terms to naive code,
- * and which will actually may be turned into phrases (ie: tom:jerry),
- * in a manner which intimately depends on the index implementation,
- * so that it makes sense to process this here.
- *
- * The final list contains one query for each term or phrase
- *   - Elements corresponding to a stem-expanded part are an OP_OR
- *     composition of the stem-expanded terms (or a single term query).
- *   - Elements corresponding to phrase/near are an OP_PHRASE/NEAR
- *     composition of the phrase terms (no stem expansion in this case)
- * @return the subquery count (either or'd stem-expanded terms or phrase word
- *   count)
- */
-bool SearchDataClauseSimple::processUserString(Rcl::Db &db, const string &iq,
-					       string &ermsg, void *pq, 
-					       int slack, bool useNear)
-    vector<Xapian::Query> &pqueries(*(vector<Xapian::Query>*)pq);
-    int mods = m_modifiers;
-    LOGDEB(("StringToXapianQ:pUS:: qstr [%s] fld [%s] mods 0x%x "
-	    "slack %d near %d\n", 
-	    iq.c_str(), m_field.c_str(), mods, slack, useNear));
-    ermsg.erase();
-    m_curcl = 0;
-    const StopList stops = db.getStopList();
-    // Simple whitespace-split input into user-level words and
-    // double-quoted phrases: word1 word2 "this is a phrase". 
-    //
-    // The text splitter may further still decide that the resulting
-    // "words" are really phrases, this depends on separators:
-    // [paul@dom.net] would still be a word (span), but [about:me]
-    // will probably be handled as a phrase.
-    vector<string> phrases;
-    TextSplit::stringToStrings(iq, phrases);
-    // Process each element: textsplit into terms, handle stem/wildcard 
-    // expansion and transform into an appropriate Xapian::Query
-    try {
-	for (vector<string>::iterator it = phrases.begin(); 
-	     it != phrases.end(); it++) {
-	    LOGDEB0(("strToXapianQ: phrase/word: [%s]\n", it->c_str()));
-	    // Anchoring modifiers
-	    int amods = stringToMods(*it);
-	    int terminc = amods != 0 ? 1 : 0;
-	    mods |= amods;
-	    // If there are multiple spans in this element, including
-	    // at least one composite, we have to increase the slack
-	    // else a phrase query including a span would fail. 
-	    // Ex: "term0@term1 term2" is onlyspans-split as:
-	    //   0 term0@term1             0   12
-	    //   2 term2                  13   18
-	    // The position of term2 is 2, not 1, so a phrase search
-	    // would fail.
-	    // We used to do  word split, searching for 
-	    // "term0 term1 term2" instead, which may have worse 
-	    // performance, but will succeed.
-	    // We now adjust the phrase/near slack by comparing the term count
-	    // and the last position
-	    // The term processing pipeline:
-	    TermProcQ tpq;
-	    TermProc *nxt = &tpq;
-            TermProcStop tpstop(nxt, stops); nxt = &tpstop;
-            //TermProcCommongrams tpcommon(nxt, stops); nxt = &tpcommon;
-            //tpcommon.onlygrams(true);
-	    TermProcPrep tpprep(nxt);
-	    if (o_index_stripchars)
-		nxt = &tpprep;
-	    TextSplitQ splitter(TextSplit::Flags(TextSplit::TXTS_ONLYSPANS | 
-						 TextSplit::TXTS_KEEPWILD), 
-				stops, nxt);
-	    tpq.setTSQ(&splitter);
-	    splitter.text_to_words(*it);
-	    slack += splitter.lastpos - splitter.terms.size() + 1;
-	    LOGDEB0(("strToXapianQ: termcount: %d\n", splitter.terms.size()));
-	    switch (splitter.terms.size() + terminc) {
-	    case 0: 
-		continue;// ??
-	    case 1: {
-		int lmods = mods;
-		if (splitter.nostemexps.front())
-		    lmods |= SearchDataClause::SDCM_NOSTEMMING;
-		m_hldata.ugroups.push_back(splitter.terms);
-		processSimpleSpan(db, ermsg, splitter.terms.front(),
-				  lmods, &pqueries);
-	    }
-		break;
-	    default:
-		m_hldata.ugroups.push_back(splitter.terms);
-		processPhraseOrNear(db, ermsg, &splitter, mods, &pqueries,
-				    useNear, slack);
-	    }
-	    if (m_curcl >= getMaxCl()) {
-		ermsg = maxXapClauseMsg;
-		if (!o_index_stripchars)
-		    ermsg += maxXapClauseCaseDiacMsg;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
-	ermsg = e.get_msg();
-    } catch (const string &s) {
-	ermsg = s;
-    } catch (const char *s) {
-	ermsg = s;
-    } catch (...) {
-	ermsg = "Caught unknown exception";
-    }
-    if (!ermsg.empty()) {
-	LOGERR(("stringToXapianQueries: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
-	return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-// Translate a simple OR or AND search clause. 
-bool SearchDataClauseSimple::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p)
-    LOGDEB2(("SearchDataClauseSimple::toNativeQuery: stemlang [%s]\n",
-	     getStemLang().c_str()));
-    Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
-    *qp = Xapian::Query();
-    Xapian::Query::op op;
-    switch (m_tp) {
-    case SCLT_AND: op = Xapian::Query::OP_AND; break;
-    case SCLT_OR: op = Xapian::Query::OP_OR; break;
-    default:
-	LOGERR(("SearchDataClauseSimple: bad m_tp %d\n", m_tp));
-	return false;
-    }
-    vector<Xapian::Query> pqueries;
-    if (!processUserString(db, m_text, m_reason, &pqueries))
-	return false;
-    if (pqueries.empty()) {
-	LOGERR(("SearchDataClauseSimple: resolved to null query\n"));
-	return true;
-    }
-    *qp = Xapian::Query(op, pqueries.begin(), pqueries.end());
-    if  (m_weight != 1.0) {
-	*qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, *qp, m_weight);
-    }
-    return true;
-// Translate a FILENAME search clause. This always comes
-// from a "filename" search from the gui or recollq. A query language
-// "filename:"-prefixed field will not go through here, but through
-// the generic field-processing code.
-// We do not split the entry any more (used to do some crazy thing
-// about expanding multiple fragments in the past). We just take the
-// value blanks and all and expand this against the indexed unsplit
-// file names
-bool SearchDataClauseFilename::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p)
-    Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
-    *qp = Xapian::Query();
-    int maxexp = getSoftMaxExp();
-    if (maxexp == -1)
-	maxexp = getMaxExp();
-    vector<string> names;
-    db.filenameWildExp(m_text, names, maxexp);
-    *qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, names.begin(), names.end());
-    if (m_weight != 1.0) {
-	*qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, *qp, m_weight);
-    }
-    return true;
-// Translate a dir: path filtering clause. See comments in .h
-bool SearchDataClausePath::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p)
-    LOGDEB(("SearchDataClausePath::toNativeQuery: [%s]\n", m_text.c_str()));
-    Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
-    *qp = Xapian::Query();
-    if (m_text.empty()) {
-	LOGERR(("SearchDataClausePath: empty path??\n"));
-	m_reason = "Empty path ?";
-	return false;
-    }
-    vector<Xapian::Query> orqueries;
-    if (m_text[0] == '/')
-	orqueries.push_back(Xapian::Query(wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix)));
-    else
-        m_text = path_tildexpand(m_text);
-    vector<string> vpath;
-    stringToTokens(m_text, vpath, "/");
-    for (vector<string>::const_iterator pit = vpath.begin(); 
-	 pit != vpath.end(); pit++){
-	string sterm;
-	vector<string> exp;
-	if (!expandTerm(db, m_reason, 
-			*pit, exp, sterm, wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix))) {
-	    return false;
-	}
-	LOGDEB0(("SDataPath::toNative: exp size %d\n", exp.size()));
-	listVector("", exp);
-	if (exp.size() == 1)
-	    orqueries.push_back(Xapian::Query(exp[0]));
-	else 
-	    orqueries.push_back(Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, 
-					      exp.begin(), exp.end()));
-	m_curcl += exp.size();
-	if (m_curcl >= getMaxCl())
-	    return false;
-    }
-    *qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE, 
-			orqueries.begin(), orqueries.end());
-    if (m_weight != 1.0) {
-	*qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, *qp, m_weight);
-    }
-    return true;
-// Translate NEAR or PHRASE clause. 
-bool SearchDataClauseDist::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p)
-    LOGDEB(("SearchDataClauseDist::toNativeQuery\n"));
-    Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
-    *qp = Xapian::Query();
-    vector<Xapian::Query> pqueries;
-    Xapian::Query nq;
-    // We produce a single phrase out of the user entry then use
-    // stringToXapianQueries() to lowercase and simplify the phrase
-    // terms etc. This will result into a single (complex)
-    // Xapian::Query.
-    if (m_text.find('\"') != string::npos) {
-	m_text = neutchars(m_text, "\"");
-    }
-    string s = cstr_dquote + m_text + cstr_dquote;
-    bool useNear = (m_tp == SCLT_NEAR);
-    if (!processUserString(db, s, m_reason, &pqueries, m_slack, useNear))
-	return false;
-    if (pqueries.empty()) {
-	LOGERR(("SearchDataClauseDist: resolved to null query\n"));
-	return true;
-    }
-    *qp = *pqueries.begin();
-    if (m_weight != 1.0) {
-	*qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, *qp, m_weight);
-    }
-    return true;
 } // Namespace Rcl